Published May 6, 2010
19 Posts
I am scheduled to take the NCLEX RN on the last week of May. I'm done with Saunders 4th ed, online lectures from Kaplan - Question Trainers 1 (55%) 2 (64%) 3 (61%) & 4 (54%) Diagnostic Test (66%)--- pity scores ryt? and currently doing Qbanks with average scores of 54-65%. im losing my confidence now especially with the new test plan. Should stick to kaplan and saunders only or try other resources?
Anyone here who is also currently doing Kaplan (qt and qbank) for the exam? Badly needs an advise.. Thankssss!! :)
51 Posts
i used Kaplan strategy book and Saunders Q & A.... but was getting 83% before taking my NCLEX and yes I made it on my first try. Just continue practicing questions. Good luck!
517 Posts
I used LaCharity and Kaplan and passed with 75 questions. I don't remember my scores but I have posted them in other threads--lowest was 52 or so I think? High was 70 but most were mid 50's and low 60's as I recall. I do suggest using LaCharity but make sure you read the rationales, even on questions you get right!
alohanars18- woah! that's a high score! thanks. i will stick to my sched and make out the best from Qbank and QT! probably i can also get 80%++ on the remaining practice exams. I'm just very anxious with my recent scores
pers- Thanks. Probably i'll get one. When did you take your exam? I read many passed it with avg scores of 50-60% in kaplan. But with the new test plan, i think these scores are not enough. Is it true that Kaplan questions are way harder than the actual ? Thank you.
107 Posts
Try practicing questions a lot from Saunders Comprehensive Review Q&A and NCLEX 4000. I only used Kaplan RN strategy practice exam(180 questions). I passed with 75 questions on my first try. You can do it! good luck.
I took my exam in March, so just before the new test plan was implemented. However, I graduated from nursing school eleven years ago so the test was already much more difficult for me than the average new grad just finishing school and the exam itself has had the passing standard raised several times (every 3 years I think) since I graduated.
I don't know that I would say Kaplan was more difficult. I felt the questions were very similar to Kaplan but the answers were not, if that makes sense. My questions were not all "you either know it or don't" and I did feel like I was able to use Kaplan strategies to reason through things. However, I remember a couple of questions in particular that I did not know but was able to figure out based on the other options, that sort of thing didn't happen with Kaplan questions at all.
A number of questions sounded straight out of LaCharity (including the answers) and it's the sort of questions that Kaplan covered but not nearly as thouroughly.
53 Posts
yes you can! i passed nclex 75 questions using only saunders and la charity! you can do it!
38,333 Posts
As long as you have put the time and effort into it and feel like you understand the concepts, go for it. Good luck.
thank you very much for all your responses and encouragement!! :D appreciated it very much. i bought LaCharity this afternoon, i'll start it tom! i still have almost 3 weeks to go to finish my remaining LaCharity, QBANK and QT! wish me luck!! thank you again!! :)
mrsinsister -thanks!! :)
hunnybaby24, BSN, APRN, NP
247 Posts
I did mostly kaplan for my NCLEX review, I didn't read the book, just did a few Qtrainers and 600 Q bank questions, I thought it prepared me. Remember Kaplan isn't a content review course, it teaches you how to answer/think through the NCLex questions. Like I said before, it has similar questions to NCLEX, I think harder. I passed with 75 Q, with similar scores to yours. . You can do it!!