Wife getting ready to Graduate. Worried about her pay!!! CALIF.

Nurses General Nursing


:cry:Hello all- first off let me inform you. I am currently in my last year of the navy and my wife will be done with her RN in about the same time. What I was hoping was that she would begin her job and I would go to school (Kinda opposite of what we're doing now)- but what she's been hearing lately was that nurses don't make too much at all, less than what I make now as a matter a fact which was a huge disappointment to both of us seeing as how we have two little girls (Child care) and bills that she would have to take over. Could someone please shed as much light as possible to put our hearts at ease. We currently live in San Marcos CA. We understand that taxes take a huge chunk of change out but for an RN I figured we'd still be ok for me to go to school financially.

Sorry if this seems as an ignorant thread I really don't know anything out the pay. I've tried to search but I'm unfamiliar w/ these forums. Please help as best as you can. Thank you in advance.

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

Check out http://salary.com/

CA RN's doing better in some areas, esp in southern part of state.

Why isn't WIFE here asking questions ;)

Check out http://salary.com/

CA RN's doing better in some areas, esp in southern part of state.

Why isn't WIFE here asking questions ;)

Thank you very much. LoL wifey isn't here because shes busy studying her "concept map" for her patient? And shes not too into forums:zzzzz.

What was your wife planning on earning as a new grad? Just curious:nurse:

What was your wife planning on earning as a new grad? Just curious:nurse:

Shes doesn't really know- everyone says "50+K a year". I make around 30-40K take home. I'd just like her to be able to support the family w/o trouble.

Thank you very much. LoL wifey isn't here because shes busy studying her "concept map" for her patient? And shes not too into forums:zzzzz.

She can "lurk" here for free..and we won't even know it!!

Seriously, the info gained from the different forums here is knowledge that can't be found anywhere else! Tell her to give it a try, we would love to have her.


Shes doesn't really know- everyone says "50+K a year". I make around 30-40K take home. I'd just like her to be able to support the family w/o trouble.

Sounds reasonable!

Specializes in Day program consultant DD/MR.

It really depends on what area she will be working in. I have seen $30's to mid $40's.

She can "lurk" here for free..and we won't even know it!!

Seriously, the info gained from the different forums here is knowledge that can't be found anywhere else! Tell her to give it a try, we would love to have her.


She has an account (After I forced her too:banghead:) but she doesn't use at all.

Ok so we've looked through salary.com~ and its pretty much confirming what he friends have told her. Around 57k. But that BEFORE taxes. After that its just 1600.00 biweekly. So thats AROUND what I make...:angryfire. So how often do raises come up?

Thank you all very much for your replies. I'm use to being on a car forum and they're so much more "violent" w/ their words and replies. lol I'm not use to all the info I asked for straight out instead of having to beat around the bush for a page or 3.

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

depends....in my neck of the woods, evals are yearly...and don't be suprised, 1600 biweekly sounds about right. After all, it takes time to make the money. Also, with higher starting salaries, comes more pitfalls. After all, why pay more unless there are problems?

On a side note, hope y'all are doing ok with the heavy smoke all over the state....

I think you should go to the California nurse forum. Probably already a lot of threads to read thru and connect with nurses in her area!

Raises, sign-on bonus etc. all depend on the hospital system she goes to work for. Job fairs are a great net-working tool ,also.

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