Why did I ever go into Nursing?


Hi Guys,

Why did I ever go into Nursing? I can't believe the way other nurses treat a newbie. I'm so frustrated that I'm thinking about quitting and going back into Business Administration. The money is not all that great and I'm treated like I'm a bothersome to people when I asked questions. Yes to them my questions maybe small but to me to get my work done I need answers.

Everyday between 11:00 and 1:00 PM the DON goes through our lab, appointment and telephone log books and give us homework to do. Sometimes the homework can be two pages long and she expect two nurses working on a 48 patients floor to get it done by 3:00 pm. I use to stay and try to complete mines until the other more experience nurse told me to go home - she said if I stay and do it they will continue to pour the work on use. I'm just so mad that I don't feel like I was properly trained and they load me up with all this work that it takes me at least 10 hours to complete. One day I stayed until 9:00 pm (mine you I work 7:00 a to 3:00 pm) trying to complete my work.

We don't have an unit clerk or unit manager/supervisor so we do it all; setup appointment, cancels appointments, call the day before to verify the appointments, keep log on meals (how much the resident ate that day), go get supplies out of the basement if we run low, one of use sit in the cafeteria at meal time, etc, etc, etc.................. Our day never ends. If this what nursing is all about, please someone let me know becuase I'm ready to go back to Administration, becuase it just not worth it.

I hated the floor and got out.

Specializes in Home Health, PDN, LTC, subacute.

Ok I have been there. I started as a new nurse in LTC too. Yes, the work can be overwhelming. You will have good days/bad ones. Here's my 2 cents: IF you like working with the residents and feel good about the job you are doing with them (forget the admin stuff for now) then you are in the right place but maybe the wrong shift? My suggestion is to change your shift to evening (it's less admin/md stuff) or nights. Day shift can be tough on a newbie. I've almost never seen even seasoned nurses leave on time. Weekend only positions may be an option for you. You get paid more, work more hours but less days. You will NEVER make a Dr appoint or take off stacks of orders again. Some of the best shifts I've had were on the weekend. Evening shifts are calmer, there's only 1 meal per shift instead of 2. Some residents will go to bed early and you can plan your shift around who does what when. Less people around (administration) make for a calmer shift. When I started I was a permanent float meaning I worked some days, some evenings but on a fixed schedule. This was great and I didn't burn out until I did the same shift all the time!

If you still feel you want out, get your experience and try something else. There are lots of nursing jobs around. I know nurses who left to work in clinics or dr office. I currently work 1:1 home health and I :heartbeat it.

Don't be discouraged.

I am sorry you are having a rough time and more sorry that more experienced nurses are treating a newbie poorly. Unfortunately some nurses forget what it is like to be new and some have power issues...I think mostly because we often feel so powerless in our employment situation so we take it out on each other. Keep in mind that what is being asked of you cannot be completed in your 8 hour shift, not by you or ANYONE else. Even if you had a unit clerk or manager, the amount of work most administrations pour on nurses is UNREALISTIC! For the most part this

is the norm in our profession. It is important for you to know IT IS NOT YOU IT IS THEM! Do the best you can and leave after your 8 hours are up, unless of course if you want to stay for the extra income. Good luck to you and WELCOME! Remember you do alot for the patients you serve and isn't that what we went into nursing to do?

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

You have several choices- quit and work at a hospital, quit and work at KMART, stay and make yourself nutty or stay and make a difference. I used to spend hours on secretarial work as the nurse manager. I asked and asked for a secretary and kept getting "NO it's not in the budget". So, for 2 weeks I kept track of all the time I spent on the phone, at the copy machine, filing, and any other non-nursing duties. I presented it to corporate along with my pay stub for the 2 weeks with the over time circled. They took one look at it and said "WOW...for the money we are paying you in overtime, we could hire a secretary" and they did. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about the stinkers who forgot what it was like to be new and don't want to help you out. Get together with the SDC. Maybe she could help you out with time management or answer some of your questions. It gets better some days...

Nursing offers a world of a difference from job to job (specialty/setting). It sounds like your position is a bad fit for you, and I'd plan my escape ASAP! I hope things go better for you!

I don't think it's nursing that is the problem here....you have a crappy job! No way could I tolerate that. I'd be applying at several other facilities/hospitals and putting in my two weeks stat.

i agree with most that was posted here. my first job out of school was at a LTC on a "Weekend program" and to be honest i still had lots of orders to take off but not nearly as many as during the week on days. sundays are usually quieter. bow im addicted to the week end program. you can make full time pay working only two days a week. LOVE IT! then i can still have my mon-fri for myself and classes. also, my very first facilty was just in a word-TERRIBLE. sounds like u should just find a better one. i literally had to take my lisence and RUN.

Specializes in Did the job hop, now in MS. Not Bad!!!!!.
Hi Guys,

I'm just so mad that I don't feel like I was properly trained and they load me up with all this work that it takes me at least 10 hours to complete. One day I stayed until 9:00 pm (mine you I work 7:00 a to 3:00 pm) trying to complete my work.

We don't have an unit clerk or unit manager/supervisor so we do it all; setup appointment, cancels appointments, call the day before to verify the appointments, keep log on meals (how much the resident ate that day), go get supplies out of the basement if we run low, one of use sit in the cafeteria at meal time, etc, etc, etc.................. Our day never ends. If this what nursing is all about, please someone let me know becuase I'm ready to go back to Administration, becuase it just not worth it.


let me understand this. you worked 6 hours overtime and the DON or Payroll hasn't stepped in yet to complain about THAT? That's just insane. I'm starting my new LTC position 7-3 this week. Still orienting, but I cannot imagine any hospital nor LTC even allowing that. Make sure you get paid for those hours!!

Good luck with your decision and let us know how it turns out.



Specializes in Corrections, neurology, dialysis.

You have some great options available to you. You could find a better unit, a better facility, or ride it out. I just want to share my experience.

I work as a dialysis nurse and almost every day I'm the newbie on the unit. Without fail someone will say "is so-and-so off today" which I interpret as "we want so-and-so and not YOU". What I noticed is that I have to prove myself every single time I go to a new facility. A few people are nice, but just about everyone gives me attitude the first few times I'm there. After they've seen me a few times they back off.

I realize this is different from having to deal with them all day every day. But I think people in general are a little abrupt at first, but then eventually they warm up and behave better. The first few times I got this attitude it upset me a little. It was really offensive to have people sigh and roll their eyes when I ask where things are or request something. But it got better once they got to know me.

Maybe it's over simplified, but I have noticed this over the years in the many jobs I've had. I've worked places where I was ganged up on and bullied at first, but I just kept showing up and eventually they got over it.

Best of luck. It sucks in the beginning but it's worth it in the end. Once you establish yourself and become more confident, you will be more assertive and won't get picked on as much.

Specializes in ICU/Cosmetic Sx/Lasers/Education/School/.
Hi Guys,

Why did I ever go into Nursing? I can't believe the way other nurses treat a newbie. I'm so frustrated that I'm thinking about quitting and going back into Business Administration. The money is not all that great and I'm treated like I'm a bothersome to people when I asked questions. Yes to them my questions maybe small but to me to get my work done I need answers.

Everyday between 11:00 and 1:00 PM the DON goes through our lab, appointment and telephone log books and give us homework to do. Sometimes the homework can be two pages long and she expect two nurses working on a 48 patients floor to get it done by 3:00 pm. I use to stay and try to complete mines until the other more experience nurse told me to go home - she said if I stay and do it they will continue to pour the work on use. I'm just so mad that I don't feel like I was properly trained and they load me up with all this work that it takes me at least 10 hours to complete. One day I stayed until 9:00 pm (mine you I work 7:00 a to 3:00 pm) trying to complete my work.

We don't have an unit clerk or unit manager/supervisor so we do it all; setup appointment, cancels appointments, call the day before to verify the appointments, keep log on meals (how much the resident ate that day), go get supplies out of the basement if we run low, one of use sit in the cafeteria at meal time, etc, etc, etc.................. Our day never ends. If this what nursing is all about, please someone let me know becuase I'm ready to go back to Administration, becuase it just not worth it.

Have you ever worked in the Hospital? It is very different from LTC. You may like that better. I worked in a hospital before going into LTC, well I don't work the LTC side I work on the Short stay and Rehabilitation Unit as the Unit Manager/Director. The hospital is less hectic than LTC. You should give it a try before giving up.

Specializes in Did the job hop, now in MS. Not Bad!!!!!.

I agree with the OP. LTC treats newbies like it's their territory. They might as well pee on the walls to mark it that way. I'm sick of it. All they do is complain and loudly at that! Then if I try to suggest anything, I"m blackballed. The contradictions are prevalent both in hospital and LTC. And no way is the hospital less stressful!! Good grief!

Time to figure out a way out of nursing and still pay off the costly damn debt. I need to get off the floor. I had no idea fellow hospital workers (nurses, CNA's, LPN's, etc...) could be so nasty.

All I ever wanted to do was take care of the patients!


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