Who's waiting for their letter from Jeff State ???

U.S.A. Alabama


OK....the wait is killing me:uhoh3: So I thought I would start a thread to see just how many people are waiting like me. If you have heard anything like when we might hear something let us know.

Yes, letters today so call tiffany and she'll tell you....that's what I did...

I'm out of town.....so JUST TO BE CLEAR about earlier post on cut off!!!

did I read that it was 183 for Shelby campus part-time program AND Shelby campus full-time program, and 183 too for Jefferson full-time program??????????????????????????????????????????????????

Yep - at least that is what we were told!

Hope you made it!!

Magnolia...someone said 182 for Jefferson....you have 2 days to accept your position so you need to call tomorrow and find out so that you can accept your position....

2 days!!!?????????from when you get your letter????????????

did any of yall get letters in the mail today???????


sorry for confusing you! Tiffany said to confirm your acceptance within two days so I'm sure it's from the time you receive your letter....She told me the cutoff for full time shelby was 183. Someone in an earlier post said 182 for Jefferson....

Specializes in Trauma, Pain Managaement.

I got my letter- I was denied.

That's actually ok. That gives me more time to bring up my GPA, and I have 2 more prereqs that I can knock out. Plus, I plan on going to UAB later on, so I can start working on THEIR prereqs, too. I'll be taking A&P 2 and Chemistry next semester, I think.

Good luck to all who got in! I'll be biting on your heels soon!

yay! i got in!! woo!! shelby full time!!

so did anyone else apply other places too? b/c i applied other places and havent heard yet and dont know what to do about calling within 2 days?? and im gonna be in arizona during the orientation? ahh!

Specializes in ICU, Mother/Baby.



Specializes in ICU, Mother/Baby.
yay! i got in!! woo!! shelby full time!!

so did anyone else apply other places too? b/c i applied other places and havent heard yet and dont know what to do about calling within 2 days?? and im gonna be in arizona during the orientation? ahh!

You need to call and you need to ask about missing the orientation. Thats when you get EVERYTHING!! There is ALOT to do between now and when classes start!

Best Wishes and :ancong!:


well does anyone know when the shelby pt orientation is or either of the jeff campus's orientations?

In my letter it told me the Orientation date. I dont know if it is the same for everyone or not though. For me, I got into the part-time program. The orientation is July 15th at Jeff Campus.

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