Published Dec 26, 2007
53 Posts
Alot of people claim they had a passion for Nursing before they even knew what Nurses did.I love the field but I also love the money and job security!!I'd like to hear your imput..
65 Posts
this is a question that i really need answered. i have my interview next week for the LPN 10 month program. how does one answer the question why do you want to be a nurse and not sound like your only in it for the money. i know why i want to be a nurse. but are selfish reasons good enough.
i really didnt mean to hijack your thread. its just that my interview is coming up quick and i need advice
weirdRN, RN
586 Posts
I started out in healthcare as an Ultrasound technician. I initially did that because fo the money and the job security. But then, I loved it. I felt like I could spend forever learning about the diseases and doing the ultrasounds and so on. I became a nurse because I thought it would mean more time with the patient teaching the patient about their disease process. Little did I know...
There will never be enough time to talk to all the people/patients the way that we would like. And even if there were enough time, Most people aren't willing to do more than lip service to fix what ever is wrong with them. It's like they like being sick or something...
But now, I have job security and a decent wage, even if I intensely dislike my job and find it demanding, demeaning and unappreciated.
So, come for the money. You will earn every penny of it.
54 Posts
I got my LPN because I enjoy nursing. Every time I tried to leave it I came back.
I will admit straight up I'm getting my RN for the money.
1 Article; 3,019 Posts
195 Posts
Back when I became a Nurse the salary wasn't all that good and there was no shortage, either. We were scrambling for jobs when I got out of school. However, I do appreciate the salary and the security being a nurse gives me.
80 Posts
:lol2: In the UK, not a chance
Is money in the UK bad for nursing?
63 Posts
I didn't. I feel like I'm not paid nearly enough for what I do on a daily basis. Physical and mental exhaustion..I don't know if you can place a price on that.
It's not brilliant.
I have just done a bit of a calculation using a currency converter. A qualified nurse who has been qualified for 2 years will earn £20,800 which I make about $41,000
I have been qualified for almost 17 years and am a nurse manager and nurse practitioner and I earn £32,000 which I work out as a bout $65,000.
Not quite sure how that compares to US pay scales but with the cost of house prices and living in the UK it isn't a great deal of money to live on. Those figures are before tax as well although we don't have to pay for healthcare insurance or in Wales where I live for any prescriptions that we need and I would imagine our litigation insurance is a great deal less as well. I pay £18 per month to the royal college of nursing and that provides me adequate litigation cover
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
As an LPN, it is really difficult to answer the money question, since we get paid considerably less than our RN counterparts. But, I decided to become an LPN because while I do enjoy reading and teaching about diseases, learning and doing patient care; I appreciate the fact that I do not have to scramble to look for work, so to speak. In my area, LPNs are still being utilized frequently in hospitals as well as LTC, clinics and other locations. I do agency work all the time and really like the fact that when I am about to cry broke, someone always gives me a call for an assignment that can pay a bill.
1,804 Posts
I have been the nurse for 12 newborns all at one time. If you worked it out, per child, I got a heck of a lot less than a sitter would w/ tons more responsibility. I won't even go there to tell you when I do L/D how much I feel it is worth. Anyone who goes into nursing because of the $, won't last too long. It is not an adequate wage for all we do. LPN's, especially are very underpaid. If you work at Wal-Mart, an RN's paycheck looks great, but the responsibility and amount of knowledge required is overwhelming to many people and it isn't getting any better.
71 Posts
I can honestly say I had no idea how much nurses made when I discovered my passion for nursing. It was just a nice bonus!