Who's getting EXCITED!!??


I finally got CPR certified today and have finished all of my vaccines for Nursing School! I have bought all of my books and supplies! I have Orientation on August 7th!!!! I know that it's real, and it has been ever since I received my letter back in May. Today, though, is the first day it has FELT real! I know that it will feel even more REAL when I go to orientation, and then clinicals, and so on and so on! I just wanted to post this because I am overflowing will excitement and anticipation!!!! Anyone else to that point or passed that point yet?

School starts for me on August 20th. Our orientation is the same day as the first day of school. Our instructors have already sent us reading lists to help us get ready for the semester. They also sent us dosage calculation practice quizzes.All the information seems overwhelming but I try to read and do some math every day. It is starting to settle in that NS will start before I know it. I am excited & nervous though.

Specializes in N/A.

I start the third semester of my ADN program September 4th. I am beyond excited. I love nursing school and can't wait to get into the more intense material this upcoming semester.

I had orientation on July 26 and that is when it hit me that it is real! When I was sitting in an auditorium because there isint a classroom large enough to hold all of us, I was looking around thinking...'wow'! Then they gave us our reading material for our first test...and I was like 'wow'! So I went and got the book and it was SO big...I was like 'wow'! I literally cant wait for Aug 20th to get this thing rolling! Good luck to you!

Specializes in ER.

Congrats! I start back up (2nd semester) in 2 weeks and I am sooooo ready to go back and make some more progress toward my goal! I was in your shoes 6 months ago and I remember the excitment and anticipation - it has all been worth it so far!

goodness, i don't even know if excited is the proper word! i got my acceptance email back in april a month later i had supplies/uniforms, immunizations/titers (which wasn't due until july13th), attending a cpr recert class, registered for background/drug test, had orientation about 2wks ago which we were already given a packet to review for drug calculations...the only thing left on my list is...over $3,000 worth of books to be picked up. hopefully, the bookstore will be open by august 1st. so....i'm pretty much "more" than ready to go. i can not wait!! good luck everyone

Having recently graduated & passed the NCLEX just this week, I would encourage you to try and maintain that level of excitement as you go forward! You are going to feel overwhelmed, frustrated and exhausted soon. Most important to develop and maintain good study habits now if you haven't already done so. Seek out help from your instructors early and often, they are there to help you and want you to succeed!! Also, establish study groups! These will be the people that support you, encourage you and give you a swift kick if you need some motivation. Friends and family are awesome support systems, but when it comes right down to it, the people that will understand what you're going through best are the ones that are going through it with you!! It is challenging, but so worth it in the end! Good luck! Believe in yourself! Stay strong! You can do it!!!:yeah::nurse:

I'm excited too! And, still a little scared as to how I am going to do. I realized last night just how close it is and it kinda freaked me out a tad. But still I can't wait! I am not ordering my books till wednesday, because there is one class I still want to try to get in that only had once section open and it was reserved for online students. It opens up on Wednesday and I am going to try to snatch it up, as there is only 1 seat left in there!

Having recently graduated & passed the NCLEX just this week, I would encourage you to try and maintain that level of excitement as you go forward! You are going to feel overwhelmed, frustrated and exhausted soon. Most important to develop and maintain good study habits now if you haven't already done so. Seek out help from your instructors early and often, they are there to help you and want you to succeed!! Also, establish study groups! These will be the people that support you, encourage you and give you a swift kick if you need some motivation. Friends and family are awesome support systems, but when it comes right down to it, the people that will understand what you're going through best are the ones that are going through it with you!! It is challenging, but so worth it in the end! Good luck! Believe in yourself! Stay strong! You can do it!!!:yeah::nurse:

Very Very good advice. My program started this last May and I can tell you, it's been tough. I'm in a Bacc2 program and even with a prior Bachelors and a masters behind me, Ive never studied so much in my life as I have been doing for the last 2 months.

Things I wish I had reviewed before starting my BSN program:

hormones (where they are from, what they do, what causes them to be secreted), neurotransmitters and the whole Parasympathetic vs sympathetic nervous system thing

the Renin - angiotensin- aldosterone system

the inflammatory cycle actors and responses

but mostly, relax and recharge because you wont have time after the train starts rolling.

I start on the 23rd of August. It seems like time is standing still and I can't wait for it to begin! I had to have all the CPR and shots done just to apply so all I get to do is sit and wait (and slowly go insane)!

I start on the 23rd of August. It seems like time is standing still and I can't wait for it to begin! I had to have all the CPR and shots done just to apply so all I get to do is sit and wait (and slowly go insane)!

I am so with you! I have a two day orientation on Aug. 15th and 16th But classes don't start until Aug 27th!

It seems like the days are just creeping by!! I've never wanted summer to be over so fast!!

Specializes in Med/Surg/ICU/Stepdown.

Ahh, I remember the initial excitement of my freshman year of nursing school. Enjoy it while it lasts! I'm kidding (mostly). Everyone has their own experience with nursing school. Some of us (and I include myself in this group) have found the novelty to wear off, and we're in the suicidal phase of starting our sophomore (and final if you're an ADN like me) year, and wonder if we can really trudge through the next 10 months.

Best of luck!

I, like a lot of you, am still getting the final touches on everything. I am past the point of being excited. For me that was the day I got my acceptance letter!!!! ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Best present ever!!!!!!! Now I am more goal driven, vaccines, CPR, drug screen etc. etc. I imagine the butterflies of excitement will return the night of August 20th because my first day of class is the 21st. I'm so proud for all of you who made it!!!!!! Congratulations :D

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