Who's applying for Augusta University's CNL program 2017

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am taking pre-reqs and getting ready to apply. I would love to hear from others who are applying.

Specializes in NICU.

It did it like that. I am not sure why it did it like that, but i just went in and made sure that the paragraphs where separated which they where as I had them. The word and character limit is horrible. i had to rewrite somethings for the achievements portion of everything.

yeah, it's weird. My essay shows up as having indents and spaces between the paragraphs in the text box, but when I download the program application in the submit section the essay has no formatting. :sour:

I don't know if that makes sense or not. Maybe it has something to do with my browser, or that I'm using a Mac.

Specializes in NICU.

I have a MAC as well. It's going to show up like that on there. Don't sweat it.

Specializes in NICU.

I just received an email telling me all my coursework was verified. Hopefully I hear about an interview soon!!!

That's Awesome!!!! Hopefully you'll hear back soon!

I just submitted my application on NursingCAS!!!

Excited to hear everyone is getting their applications in! I am about to finish up my personal statement and I will be ready to submit as well.

Specializes in NICU.

Congratulations!!! I know you feel relieved. I know I did. Lolz. Also, I just received an email saying they received my application and it is being reviewed now.

Congratulations!!! I know you feel relieved. I know I did. Lolz. Also, I just received an email saying they received my application and it is being reviewed now.

So exciting!!! I bet they'll be contacting you soon for an interview!

To be honest, at first, I kind of freaked out a little after I hit submit. lol But yeah, it's nice to have it done!

Excited to hear everyone is getting their applications in! I am about to finish up my personal statement and I will be ready to submit as well.

Oh man, the personal statement is what took the longest for me. It's so hard to write about yourself.

Did you have your meeting with the career counselor?

Specializes in NICU.

I really hope so!!! I hope to hear something by next week especially with them not getting to my application until today. So, fingers crosser for all of us. The verifying was very quick. So, expect like 3-4 days for that to be complete. i was nervous as well. I thought did I miss something o; did i forget something; did I answer everything the best I could.

So exciting!!! I bet they'll be contacting you soon for an interview!

To be honest, at first, I kind of freaked out a little after I hit submit. lol But yeah, it's nice to have it done!

Specializes in NICU.

I'm getting nervous you guys; I haven't heard anything yet. :facepalm:

@NICUNurseToBe Things must be getting busier. NursingCAS hasn't verified my grades yet. Hopefully today will be the day. The waiting game is so hard. I bet they'll be in touch soon!

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