Published Nov 24, 2005
jenrninmi, MSN, RN
1,976 Posts
I didn't think I'd be so upset -he patients don't want to be there either. My family lives on the other side of the state so my kids and husband are going over there. I'm alone today and actually don't go in until 11:00 pm. If I had family over here it would have worked out fine. I also work Christmas and New Year's Eve. I know working holidays are part of the package but can't help feeling down today. It's been literally at least 12 years since I had to work weekends, much less any holidays. :uhoh21:
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Sorry you have to work. However, look on the bright side that you have a job and you have had 12 years of no holidays/weekends. Have a nice day.
1,260 Posts
I am waiting to do a case in the OR. Little girl that has a broken elbow. As soon as we get done with her she should be able to go home today for Thanksgiving. Working the holidays is part of the game. There are lots of patients that spend many days at the hospital and many that have only the staff as their "family" for these occasions. Think of it as your little gift to them since they usually have no one at home to go to.Just think at the end of your shift you get to go to someone you care about. As the years go by and you get more seniority someplace, these holidays that you work will be far and few between. It will be nice to be able to choose which ones you want to work Have a nice holiday anyway. Mike
1,350 Posts
A nurse I talked to yesterday works Thanksgiving yearly, and she and her husband have a "Bring Over Your Leftovers" day on the Friday after. She invites friends and family to bring their Thanksgiving leftovers and they chow down. I think I'll be working Thanksgiving next year since I'll be a new nurse, so I'm thinking of ways to make it easier on my family.
245 Posts
I'm working. Part of the territory. It works out for us since I work nights and my family is older now. We did have to turn down traveling to participate in holidays with the rest of the family, but over the years we have had an alternate schedule for holidays. It works out pretty good. Holidays and weekends are the best days to work, in my opinion.
Yes, I know once I get
Yes, I know once I get there I'll be fine...
jnette, ASN, EMT-I
4,388 Posts
I've worked in public service in one form or another for so long that working holidays doesn't bother me a bit.
I've always arranged my festivities around my work schedule. Yes, I worked this morning, although we did all get to go home earlier than usual.. patients, too.
Remember what to day is, and you might feel a bit lighter.. a day of giving thanks. Surely there is much you have to be thankful for on this day. :)
Meditate on THAT, and how you might bring a smile to the faces of your patients today, who surely would prefer to be seated around the dinner table with THEIR loved ones this day as well !
medicrnohio, RN
508 Posts
I'll be going to work at 7PM tonight. I'm not looking forward to it but I don't have much choice in the matter. I'm more upset that I'll be too tired to go shopping tommorrow and that I still have to work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights too.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
I'm working today but I asked to.
We have "dinner" at my in-law's ranch and it is almost always after 4 p.m. and I get off at 3 p.m. so I still get to have Thanksgiving. AND I don't have to host it. :)
I offered to work T-giving, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day so I might have the chance to get Christmas off.
381 Posts
i am also a new grad but I am not working because i am on orientation. I however, wish I was working! we get double time for holidays and I wouldn't have to go to my inlaws!
I love my in-laws. My bio family on the otherhand . . .