Where are you within nursing school and commute...

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hey hey! So decided to forgo attending a public university for nursing school. Real pain the buttox!!! Super cheap super competitive. Now all bets are on getting into this private university nursing program.

Super flexible only meet 2 days a week and it's a 21 month program. Only downside is cost, which isn't to terrible $28 grand total and the drive. About a 80 mile round trip from home but you gotta do what you gotta do right.

If I do get in thinking of sticking with 40 hours first semester; 1 8 and 2 16s a week. Then dropping to 24 to 32 the last 3 semesters. Be a beauty if I could work something out with work having weekends off (Doubt it). Probably do 3 8s 2 during the week and one 1 weekend. Could do a 16 during the week and 1 8. Have to see where I am at with money wise when the time comes. So my total mileage won't be devastating think about 400 to 500 miles total for the week.

In limbo stage have all the prereqs done, TEAS done, and most of the BSN courses done (So when I get the RN can jump in finish up their RN to BSN program at a faster rate).

Program requires 4 to 5 clasees have to be taken at their school. So taking Stats, Healthcare Writing, Healthcare Spanish 1 & 2, and think one other class. I get a freebie class to but doesn't count towards GPA.

Where are you currently on your nursing journey and how long is your commute?

Specializes in Emergency / Disaster.

If I do get in thinking of sticking with 40 hours first semester; 1 8 and 2 16s a week. Then dropping to 24 to 32 the last 3 semesters. Be a beauty if I could work something out with work having weekends off (Doubt it). Probably do 3 8s 2 during the week and one 1 weekend. Could do a 16 during the week and 1 8. Have to see where I am at with money wise when the time comes. So my total mileage won't be devastating think about 400 to 500 miles total for the week.

In limbo stage have all the prereqs done, TEAS done, and most of the BSN courses done (So when I get the RN can jump in finish up their RN to BSN program at a faster rate).

I won't even pretend I know what this means up there....

My program is completely on site - I don't get options for anything - I just have to be there. Having said that - currently for my prereqs I drive 55 miles south from my house (mostly interstate) to get to class and when I start my program I will be driving 70 miles north one way on county roads with 35 to 55 mph speed limits (and through seriously congested traffic once I'm in the city). I will have to leave my house 2 hours before class to ensure that I get there on time. I hope that most of my clinicals will be between my home and school and not further north than school - but it is what it is.

I won't even pretend I know what this means up there....

My program is completely on site - I don't get options for anything - I just have to be there. Having said that - currently for my prereqs I drive 55 miles south from my house (mostly interstate) to get to class and when I start my program I will be driving 70 miles north one way on county roads with 35 to 55 mph speed limits (and through seriously congested traffic once I'm in the city). I will have to leave my house 2 hours before class to ensure that I get there on time. I hope that most of my clinicals will be between my home and school and not further north than school - but it is what it is.

Just work schedule. Hoping can work a deal out with them come time school starts.

That's a long commute ouch. Can't stand driving but hoping it will all pay off in the end.

Specializes in Emergency Department, Pediatrics, Home Health.

I am currently waiting for letters (coming this week sometime) from the schools I applied to. it'll be at least a 50 mile drive one way for any school that I get into. I am trying to stay positive about the long commute, but what worries me is how much time will I have left to study every night. I was thinking about getting some sort of audio book to listen to while driving for school, hopefully there are some out there I can buy.

I am currently waiting for letters (coming this week sometime) from the schools I applied to. it'll be at least a 50 mile drive one way for any school that I get into. I am trying to stay positive about the long commute, but what worries me is how much time will I have left to study every night. I was thinking about getting some sort of audio book to listen to while driving for school, hopefully there are some out there I can buy.

If you've got a good data plan on your phone, check out some youtube lectures :). I have a nice long commute (about an hour each way) and I love to listen to lectures on the way to class and on the way home. It really helps me to passively study while I drive because I lose a good 2~3 hours of study time each day.

If I do get in (Stuck in limbo with these 4 fluffy classes) have to check it out.

Supposedly program doing says its 2 days a week. How that is possible is beyond me. Think I heard 8 hour lecture one day and 8 hour clinical the other.

If class and clinical is in the morning around 8 sigh probably have to head out by 5ish. Traffic is brutal! Those YouTube videos might help!

I start my first official semester of nursing school this Fall! I took Pharm a semester early, so this Fall I will be starting Foundations! :) I'm really lucky because my school is only 5 minutes away from my house. But, our clinical sites can end up being close to us or about an hour and a half away. It's all random where we are chosen to be.

Good luck on your nursing journey :)

Specializes in Emergency Room, CEN, TCRN.

I'm starting my senior year of a BSN program next month. About 25 miles one way to campus, have had to drive up to 45 miles a single way for clinical site placements, though, and much farther for a populations health project last quarter (visited a tribal reservation 150 miles away to observe IHS collaboration with the VA).

Specializes in Emergency Department, Pediatrics, Home Health.

That is a good idea! Thanks for the tip! @ Wiggly ^^^^

*I messed up the reply, oops. Not sure how to change it a a quote? I am new here.

I am finishing this AP 2 class in 3 weeks and will be applying to 8 different schools. I'm looking to get into a BSN program. I took the teas and did pretty good for a first attempt with no studying.

Hoping to just get in anywhere at this point really. I commute 2 hours to school 1 way right now that plus raising a new born has been life draining. I plan on moving to either the city my new school is in or just

outside it because I'm done with commuting. Good luck op.

Specializes in Emergency Department, Pediatrics, Home Health.
I am finishing this AP 2 class in 3 weeks and will be applying to 8 different schools. I'm looking to get into a BSN program. I took the teas and did pretty good for a first attempt with no studying.

Hoping to just get in anywhere at this point really. I commute 2 hours to school 1 way right now that plus raising a new born has been life draining. I plan on moving to either the city my new school is in or just

outside it because I'm done with commuting. Good luck op.

Congrats on the new baby! I know it can be tough because I have been there. I started my pre-req's in my third trimester of being pregnant. How far into your pre-req's are you? You are doing great mama, keep going and being strong through school, it will all be worth it in the end :)

Specializes in Emergency / Disaster.
Just work schedule. Hoping can work a deal out with them come time school starts.

My program recommends not to work at all. I plan to have my mortgage saved for the time I'm in school so that I don't HAVE to work, but I have my fella who will cover expenses so I'm thankfully not in this alone - but I hope to actually be able to work.

I am currently waiting for letters (coming this week sometime) from the schools I applied to. it'll be at least a 50 mile drive one way for any school that I get into. I am trying to stay positive about the long commute, but what worries me is how much time will I have left to study every night. I was thinking about getting some sort of audio book to listen to while driving for school, hopefully there are some out there I can buy.

I actually use my phone and have Siri read to me. I have my home button set up so that I can triple tap it and it starts reading. I use the etext versions of books and use 2 fingers and just swipe down. Its sort of a pain because you can't touch anything else (and if someone texts it usually decides to read that and gets all wonky) - but due to my long commute - even if I zone out - the material seems more familiar. Its all I actually ever listen to anymore.

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