Published May 14, 2011
365 Posts
I'm just wondering what the groups thoughts are on when to say no to working. I'm full-time, 75 hours bi-weekly, but I am always asked to cover addition shifts, or sick calls. I'm starting to feel burnt out. My last bi-weekly schedule I worked 94 hours, and my manager paid me "regular hours" because I "agreed to those shifts ahead of time". Ahead of time seems to be when I come in for my night shift at 11pm to find out the 3-11pm shift for the next day isn't covered. I go home at 7am, sleep a few hours and go back in. This is starting to become more common (I'd say roughly a couple times a month since I've started 6 months ago). I'm starting to dread getting calls because my voicemail has at least 2 calls a week asking me to cover a shift on my scheduled days off or part of a shift because "no one else can".
As a new grad when can you say no? I know making a great impression to my team is great, but when you just work and sleep it takes all the fun out of my personal life.
1,341 Posts
when you say regular time you mean you are not getting time and a half gor your overtime? That is illegal and you need to contact the proper state agency and report your employer
I worked 94 hours, they subtracted my 7.5 hrs for stat pay leaving me with 85 hours. They said it wasn't overtime because I agreed to those shifts ahead of time. I'm Canadian would my state board be the Ontario College of Nurses? Thanks for the response:)
Ah I am not familiar with Canadian law. Are you in a union? Otherwise I will please complete and utter ignorance as to how things work in Canada..
I will add that in my experience large companies will use you, abuse you, chew you up, and spit you out. Then when you resign, completely burned out they will simply hire themselves a new victim...
Dont let them do it. You must take care of yourself because your employer sure wont....
2 Articles; 724 Posts
why can't you just not pick up the phone when the manager call?
470 Posts
It is one thing to work overtime, but to not be compensated for it is ridiculous!! I know that I used to have a hard time saying no, but I was happy on payday. Always paid time and half over 40 hours. That does not sound legal, but I don't know the laws in Canada.
I wish we were in a union:( The retirement home is owned by a franchise so it is more focused on sales than the employees. There is a union in Canada willing to come in if 51% of nursing staff vote on it, but I'm not sure my co-workers would vote for one. I'm thinking if I speak up would I be punished for it?
61 Posts
If you are too exhausted to work, it is unsafe for the patients as well. Learn to say no.
I'm from Canada, and I'd talk to your union rep. If you don't have a union, call the labour board about your overtime wages.
Good luck :)
62 Posts
You need to talk to your union rep, if you are in a union position. If not, you need to contact the Ontario Labour Relations Board. Also, go to the Ministry of Labour website and read up on your rights as an employee. If you worked it, you should get paid for it! It doesn't matter if you agreed ahead of time; all that matters is the number of hours worked in a week.
7 Posts
Just say NO!
230 Posts
Stop letting them treat you like a doormat, or it will never end. Trust me, I kow how hard it is, and it is easier said than done. It happens to me at work too! YOU need to stick up for YOU or no one will. They are totally taking advantage of you. I mean they are REALLY taking advantage of you, time to put your foot down.
Kyrshamarks, BSN, RN
1 Article; 631 Posts
this is from the candian department of labor website:
[color=#8a6352]for most employees, overtime begins after they have worked 44 hours in a work week. after that time, they must receive overtime pay.
from what i could find, nuerss are not expemt and they owe you overtime pay, it does not matter if you agreed to it ahead of time, it is still overtime and they owe you money.