Published Apr 14, 2009
228 Posts
I can remember my first lecture in NS. I smiled because it seems just like it was yesterday. Then I remember doubting myself and not thinking that I was smart enough until I got an A on my first exam in NS. Then I can recall how nervous I was to take the mid-curricular Hesi and I passed. Now today I passed the Exit Hesi on the first try and yes I was a nervous wreak. Im almost done and it feels great. Bring on the NCLEX! Thank God that I stayed on the course and didnt give up. If you are struggling dont give up. Success feels good. HANG IN THERE. So many days I just wanted to stop, so many days I didnt want to study, so many days I would clean the house instead of reading 8 chapters in my med-surg book. So many days I wanted to be somewhere else besides reading a nursing book. But I did and it paid off. Again, hang in there. Success feels absolutely wonderful.
932 Posts
so many days I would clean the house instead of reading 8 chapters in my med-surg book.
That is downright impressive lol. When I don't feel like doing nsg school the last thing I am interested in doing is cleaning my house. Usually I end up with a video game or tv night and a bottle of wine and some junk food. Unfortunately now my house has gotten pretty far below my usual standards and I only poke my head up once every month or two long enough to say "eww yuck" and stick my head back in my books. :icon_roll
Otherwise though, thanks for the pep talk! I've only got 2 weeks and another semester and I will be ready for the NCLEX and I am amazed that I made it this far, but not looking any further ahead than the next test, which seems to keep me on the right path.
7 Posts
I needed to hear this!! I made the stupid mistake of taking Anatomy and Physiology, and chemistry, all of which have labs, at the same time!! To make matters worse my mother, who is a retired R.N, was diagnosed with lung cancer, my husband lost his job (along with our medical insurance), and my best friend of 20 years is now moving to India!! I have to keep telling myself that I have worked to hard to just "give up", and my life will be better once I get over this bump in the road. I am not a quitter, but boy.....its hard to stay focused!!
mybrowneyedgirl, BSN, RN
410 Posts
Good luck on your NCLEX and thank you for the words of encouragement.
NurseLoveJoy88, ASN, RN
3,959 Posts
Thanks , very encouraging.
Thanks for the words of encouragement, believe me, I have an 18 month old, and let me tell you I feel so bad being at class all day, then come home, to just keep studying, but everyone tells me it is better to do it when they are young, GOOD GRIEF...
Congrats to you though!!!
8 Posts
I needed this! Its the day before my final exam of nursing school and its probably the hardest day of my life.
I would rather do anything but study right now. My brain has checked out and I have no motivation. How can I have no motivation when all I have is one test left before graduation?
30 Posts
what if you've studied as hard as you can, hours and hours missing your kids, relying on your husband to do everything....and you fail, 3 exams in a row...
now i need at least two 80's on the next two exams when i've struggled just to get by with low low 70's....
im devastated. and about to give up. i dont think i can do it.
Dont give up Stella2blue, I promise you if you dont give up. It will pay off in the end. The fact that you are struggling will make you appreciate the success even more.
im trying to be positive and hope for the best.
i feel devastated.
i hope i can do it.
seasoned hopeful
166 Posts
look how far you have come!!!!!!! you will be successful!!!!:redbeathe:redpinkhe
Just dont give up, you will get thru this. You'll be happy that you did.