What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

Nurses General Nursing Nursing Q/A

Nursing is a profession that often involves long lonely night shifts in eerie hospital wards. It's a perfect breeding ground for ghost stories. These stories often involve sightings of apparitions, strange noises, and unexplained events that are said to have taken place in hospitals, hospices, and other healthcare settings. Some of these stories are believed to be based on true events, while others are purely fictional. Regardless, they continue to captivate and intrigue both nurses and non-nurses alike - providing a spooky glimpse into the world of healthcare after dark.

I know you have seen and heard freaky things. Share your nursing ghost stories...

dawnb70 said:
When I first started working as an LPN I worked the night shift at a LTC facility. There was a young woman I cared for who was in the end stages of MS. She was basically in a vegetative state. About a week after she passed away I saw her. She was wearing a pink, silk nightgown. Her posture was erect, arms hanging straight at her side. Her hair looked so soft and shiny. Her complexion so clear and glowing. I saw her walk right past me. It was the most wonderful experience...to see her healthy and whole again. It wasn't at all scary, and to this day brings tears to my eyes to think how beautiful and peaceful she looked. I have debated about whether to tell her mother, who occasionally still visits other residents, about what I witnessed. I wouldn't want her to think I was some kind of nut.

I think you ought to tell her mother. I had a dream once about a girl who died in a car wreck. In my dream she came back to tell me she was ok, I shouldn't worry about her. I told her mother, and she said that the dream brought a lot of comfort. So she might think you're a nut :lol2: but it could be comforting, too.

I had a resident that choked on a mouth full of food, after 19 or 20 attempts at the heimlich manuever the obstruction was cleared but not before she lost consciousness. After taking several good breaths this fiesty little lady looked over at us and said "I'm back" well I about died myself.

murph said:
That was a good one, I worked in a hospital where it was part of a post code to open the window a crack. As a new manager I had never heard of it but there was no changing it!

My mother had travel to France and visited Lourdes (where the are Virgin Mary sightings). She brought back a rosary for a friend of hers who wanted to give it to her ailing mother-in-law. The friend's mother in law's name was Alice. Not long after my mother gave her friend the rosary, her friend called to tell her the most amazing story.

Alice was very ill and in the hospital. The whole time she was there she was holding her rosary from Lourdes, and one night said to my mother's friend that she saw The Virgin Mary standing in her doorway. My mother's friend didn't see anything. The next day or so, Alice declined and slipped imto a coma. The family was with her one night when they heard a womans voice over the hospital's PA system saying, "Alice. Alice." Later that day Alice died. My mother's friend asked the nurses who had been using the PA system to call Alice. The nurses looked a little freaked out, because they said, they had been investigating it since they had all heard that womans voice. But they said that no one had used the paging system. They had no explaination. Trippy, huh?

At the end of each hall we use a room for linen storage and geri chairs, etc. My first week on the night shift I went to get linens and as I turned to leave I thought I saw a young ladie with shoulder length straight black hair sitting in the geri chair with a blanket on her legs. I stopped and whirled around and nothing was there. My hair stood on end and I got out of there as quick as I could. I never mentioned it because I didn't want anyone to think I was a nut, and I've never heard anyone talk about ghost at the hospital.

I didn't go to the storage room for several days.


tencat said:
I think you ought to tell her mother. I had a dream once about a girl who died in a car wreck. In my dream she came back to tell me she was ok, I shouldn't worry about her. I told her mother, and she said that the dream brought a lot of comfort. So she might think you're a nut :lol2: but it could be comforting, too.

I would want to comfort someone in any way that I could. I would talk to her, find out about her beliefs. Ask her if she believes John Edward (the guy that talks to dead people), does she believe in psychics, that kind of stuff. Tell her about a story that you read on this web site, in other words assess her.

I believe in all kinds of things in other realms, it is absurd to assume that we know everything. We are limited by our 5 senses, everyone has a 6th sense they just need to develope it. Now you think that I am a nut! I had a fiance die in a helicopter crash 1 month before our wedding. My cousin saw him sitting on her bed one night. I was comforted. Lots of other things happened too but not for this thread. I'd say assess her and if she is open tell her. :p

dawnb70 said:
When I first started working as an LPN I worked the night shift at a LTC facility. There was a young woman I cared for who was in the end stages of MS. She was basically in a vegetative state. About a week after she passed away I saw her. She was wearing a pink, silk nightgown. Her posture was erect, arms hanging straight at her side. Her hair looked so soft and shiny. Her complexion so clear and glowing. I saw her walk right past me. It was the most wonderful experience...to see her healthy and whole again. It wasn't at all scary, and to this day brings tears to my eyes to think how beautiful and peaceful she looked. I have debated about whether to tell her mother, who occasionally still visits other residents, about what I witnessed. I wouldn't want her to think I was some kind of nut.

Many other strange things would go on at night. Call lights would go off in empty rooms. We would hear doors opening and closing. And one night while sitting in the breakroom, there was a knocking sound on the wall...and on the other side of the wall was an office that was locked!!

Working the night shift definitely made me a believer!!

I think I would tell the mother.

Could be she came to you, cause she knew you would tell her. And, would not be scared of her. Some relatives are not able to handle a visit from a loved one, passed.

Let us know if you do.

I have passed on messages, in the past. People were thankful. And, did not think I was a nut.

murph said:
Back in the 70's when paramedics were in their infancy the local Community collage would have ER nurses work with paramedic students on IV's, assessment, reading monitors etc. One night on 3-11 I had a group of paramedics to work with, I put two in ICU, one in CCU, one in Step-down and 2 in the ER. The night was going on just fine except for a code in the ICU. I continuously made rounds and carried a beeper. Around 9PM I was on my way to the ICU and came accross one of my students standing in the hall. I asked her the problem, she said that she could not go back into the ICU (now this was a really bright and talented individual). I asked why, she said that I would think that she was crazy and I did. She said that she could not look at all of the auras leaving the patients. She had seen one earlier and the patient coded and now she saw 3 more. OOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKK I said how about you go over to step down, before she went I asked which beds the three patient's were in. The next morning I was at work in the ER at 7. Just for a chuckle I went up to the ICU. All three patient's that she told me about had died during the night. She was a great paramedic but when she brought patients in I never asked about their aura!!! :p

Makes you wonder why she stayed in this line of work.

mdrkan said:
First I want to convey that all of the stories previously posted have been unbelievable and truly awesome to read.

My stories do not take place in a hospital but..............

When I was a little girl my bedroom was always very cold no matter what the thermostat for the house was set at. Our house was a new construction, in other words our family was the first to inhabit our home. I recall so clearly as I was growing up that I always felt as though I was not alone. So much so that I began talking to the whatever it was. At times I would feel something brush by my arm, but of course there was nothing/no one there. I never told a soul. I just dealt with it. Well now to fast forward to many many years later my best friend had some friends over her house to hang out. One of the guests claimed to be psychic and said she would do complimentary readings for everyone. Well, when I sat down and did the card thing she required she looked me in the eyes and said, "You must stop speaking to the spirits in your bedroom" I freaked out. I was embarassed and crying and Scared. Like I said, I had never told anyone, including my best friend. The psychic said that they were not necessarily bad spirits but that I should not encourage. SHe advised me to go home and rebuke the spirits from my room or something like that. I did do what she advised. Not long after that I moved out of my parents house and got my own place 2500 miles away. LOL

Next story............I was about 9 years old and was attending my Uncles wake. While sitting there staring at him, I totally saw him get up out of the casket. I screamed. Of course everyone said it was my imagination but I know differently, especially after reading all these awesome posts.

Thanks for the opportunity to share!!!


Florida RN

I just saw "the sixth sense" again recently. Sounds like you have a gift. :p

I have a couple. One night while working in the oncology unit we has a dying patient whose family was all around him comforting and telling him it was all right for him to move on that they would be fine. The daughter at one point asked him "what are you waiting for Dad?" and her father who had been pretty out of it , opened his eyes and said clearly "4 o'clock". Sure enough at exactly 4 AM he was pronounced dead. It gave me chills.

We had a patient who was a frequent call button pusher who died and while we were doing post mortem care the call light went off. after that happened the light went off frequently in the middle of the night for no reason. We always said is was "Mrs. Jones" wanting the bedpan.

At my current hospital they say there is a Nurse Betty who roams around PCU at night and has put on call lights for patients who are in trouble but can't get to the call light. One time a patient was found on the floor of the bathroom and the light on the bed was going off. Another time a patient was found in respiratory distress and the call light was out of reach and the patient said she had been trying to reach the light and couldn't but that she didn't turn the light on herself.

Zoomer said:

At my current hospital they say there is a Nurse Betty who roams around PCU at night and has put on call lights for patients who are in trouble but can't get to the call light. One time a patient was found on the floor of the bathroom and the light on the bed was going off. Another time a patient was found in respiratory distress and the call light was out of reach and the patient said she had been trying to reach the light and couldn't but that she didn't turn the light on herself.

That is cool ?

Specializes in Me Surge.
I used to work in an old catholic hospital. Where the labor and delivery unit is located now, it used to be the convent for the nuns that worked at this hospital. One of the nuns died of natural causes years ago. This nun loved and raised numerous varieties of roses. Ever since the OB department was moved to this area, anytime a mother or baby is having difficulties you can smell the scent of roses throughout the whole unit. The OB nurses know to be prepared when they start smelling the scent of roses. If a mother or baby dies, the room suddenly fills with rose petals. It is one of the creepiest, but also loving things that happens. I was standing in a room one night when the baby died. The room filled with white and pink rose petals. The nurses and family was creeped out.

I worked at another hospital where you would see a nurse in the old white dress and cap walk down the hallway and smile at you. Then she would walk into a patient's room and apply wrist restraints. All the nurses knew her. It was just Mildred who died 60 years ago. You just had to follow her so you can take the wrist restraints off.

I do have other stories that are a lot creepier than these.

I know this is an old post. But I wanted to reply to this. diffinately, call a catholic church next time this happens. Such things when documented are considered miracles by the Catholic Church. Of course it a little more complicated than that, but the church will have someone investigate. The persons who witnessed it would need to be able to tell what they saw.

One of the weirdest things that has happened in my nursing so far ( im still a student) happened on my very first night as an HCA on a med/surg ward, and an elderly gentleman was one of my patients.

This man was actually what is called in my country a Kau Matua.. which is like the elder/ head of the family of the indegenous race of people here. A Kau Matua has significant importance to the family and so there were about 20 family members on the ward to see him at any one time.

This ward was actually very good for this situation as it had a whanau (family) room for when such events occured.

The family was a very loud bunch and after several hours of asking them to keep the noise down I was surprised and a little glad that they went quiet.

I checked the Whanau room and noone was there so I went into the room where this client was.

The family were all huddled around the bed.. most were silent and one or two were exchanging whispers.

I asked if there was a problem...

one of the family members asked ' can you see that?'

I couldnt see a thing...

a few minutes later the elderly gentleman passed away due to a complication that had arisen post surgery.

I overhead the family in the whanau room talking about seeing the ancestors of this man coming to collect him....

I thought it was very strange that a whole family of people could recount seeing the same thing...

bizarre, but true

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