What's Your Best Nursing Ghost Story?

Nurses General Nursing Nursing Q/A

Nursing is a profession that often involves long lonely night shifts in eerie hospital wards. It's a perfect breeding ground for ghost stories. These stories often involve sightings of apparitions, strange noises, and unexplained events that are said to have taken place in hospitals, hospices, and other healthcare settings. Some of these stories are believed to be based on true events, while others are purely fictional. Regardless, they continue to captivate and intrigue both nurses and non-nurses alike - providing a spooky glimpse into the world of healthcare after dark.

I know you have seen and heard freaky things. Share your nursing ghost stories...

OK, here is mine....pretty tame really.

Firstly: I had switched off a cardiac monitor because a patient was discharged. About an hour later, I heard it beeping, so I figured that someone else for some reason had switched it on... so I went back to switch it off and it started going crazy as I got there, flashing up a heart rate and rhythm... saying that the patient was in V Tach! The leads were all nicely tied out. I was freaked.

Not ghostly, but freaking scary- I went to the linen cupboard to get some sheets to make up a bed- and a pateint had wandered in there unoticed! Long white nightdress and grey hair- I thought she was a ghost and screamed, lol!

ya me too! kinda of scary but same time funny..it was his brother! ahhhh the dead

that's scary!!!!


Much as I want to read this thread, I'm scared & know I wouldn't be right all night. :uhoh3: :lol2:

One of my big fears of the unknown & seeing what you don't want to. *Shrug

Marked for morning maybe. Lol

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..
When I get to the room, the other nurse is completely white. This man was sitting about 2 inches above the bed and was laughing. His whole look completely changed. His eyes just had a look of pure evil on them and he had this evil smile on his face. He laughed at us and said, " You stupid b****es aren't going to let me die will you?" and he laughed again. We were kinda frozen. I did reach up and hit the Code Blue button and when I did the man went into V-fib. He crashed back onto the bed. We started coding him, but after 20 minutes it was called. 5 minutes after the code was called several of the code team is in the room cleaning up when this man sits straight up in the bed and says, " You let him die. Too bad." and then begins laughing. The man collapsed back to the bed. We heard a horrible, agonizing scream ( actually every patient in the unit that night commented on the scream), and then you could hear "don't let me die" being whispered throughout the unit. Everyone of the nurses that night was pale and scared. No body went anywhere by themselves. By morning the whispers of "don't let me die" were gone. The night shift nurses had a prayer service in the break room before we left for home and then we all had nightmares for weeks.

I do NOT want to believe this is true. I am going to nightmares for weeks. My Goodness. I think I would have died myself (from fright).

I believe there are evil spirits
I believe there are evil spirits

I believe in evil spirits as well.

Specializes in Obs & gynae theatres.

The dead can't hurt you, only the living can.

1. I am not a nurse but my experience is hospital related. In the summer of 2001 I was going to the hospital to get all pre-op info for my hystorectomy. While at Anethesialogosts on the first floor (Near the ER and ER operating room) of the hospital I was waiting for the nurse to finish up the paperwork she was addressing. While sitting at the desk, I saw a woman in the hall walk into the womens bathroom. I needed to go and thought wow this will be fast, I can go now instead of waiting , so I excused myself. I never took my eyes off the bathroom door. I walked in fully expecting one of the stalls to be occupied or someone washing and there was no one in the bathroom. Whomever went in there just before me just vanished. I looked under the stalls and opened the stall doors... Nothing!

2. Perhaps my mind was playing ticks. I don't know. I have however had another event I know was unexplainable as I had a witness. I was 12 yrs old and we had just moved into our new home my parents had just built. My brother was old enough to work but did not have a drivers license yet. My sister age 9 at the time who was at home with just me while my parents left to get my brother from work. We were getting ready for bed. Her room was right next to mine and our brothers room was right across the hall from my room. As I was preparing for bed I was brsuhing my hair in front of my dresser mirror and was looking deep into my own eyes (the pupils) I was trying to envision what I would like being an old lady someday by just focusing on my eye and letting the rest of my face come out of focus. Thats when I heard a womans sobbing coming from outside my door. I called out to my sister but there was no answer and the sobbing stopped. I opened my door there was no one there. I walked over and knocked on her door and I asked her why she was crying. She opened her door and told me she was not crying. Just before she closed her door we both heard squeeking coming from my brothers room. I turned on the hall light to see and we both stood there aghast at what we saw. The corner of my brothers bed was bouncing, box springs and all and with each depression you could hear the springs squeeking. It was fast and furious. We both ran into my room and huddled on the bed until my parent came home. We have no pets, we were the only ones home and there is no explaination for the chain of events that happened. I slept with my light on for a VERY long time.

3.We stayed at a haunted bed and breakfast at Gettyburg. We had the whole down stairs to ourselves. Everyone was alseep and I ventured about in the house trying to catch EVPs, I then focused on my eyes in the a mirror and tried to see if perhaps this could trigger an event since I belive that might have triggeredwhat happened in my childhood. It turned out to be non eventful and I gave up and crawled into bed next to hubby who was sound asleep. Before I was able to drift of to sleep, right next to hubbys head around the night stand area inches from his head I heard a clanging of a chain against some other object. Sounded like a small pull chain like ones on a lamp, and it sounded like it was claging against the lamp. My husband is a sound sleeper and even this woke him up. As soon as he asked "what is that" we heard the chain hit the floor. We turned on the light and saw the lamp had no chain on it and never did because it is a switch lamp. We looked all over for anything that would have caused this ( under the bed, behind and under the night stand, all over the room. we found Nothing. When I retuened hom I listened to the EVP's not expecting to hear anything and biy were we in for a suprise! We hard loud healed boot stomping as if pacing back and forth and constant repition of GET OUT. Get out... stomp stomp stomp.. GET OOOUUUT! sometimes it was closer to the recorder other times it would stomp off and sound distant. Just kept repeating "get out" with one so loud that I thought the speakers were going to burst, also occasional bangs and what sounded like furniture banging and sliding.

Please forgive my typos I really know how to spell better than this (except anethesiologist). It is very late here and my head is about to hit the keyboard. I just typed too fast and decided to go to bed without correcting.

Well I tried to go to sleep and I keep wanting to come back for more to read. I have the EVP on my PC and have uploaded it if you want to listen. I will warn you TURN YOUR SPEAKERS TO LOW it is VERY loud.

This recording is from my stay as mentioned in the post above at a haunted B&B. This is the one I said was VERY LOUD. It sounds to me like "GET OUT.. NOW" in a very angered male voice. I have other EVP's from this recording session that I will post a link to it if I can remember where I saved the others on myPC. This recording was at night and the house was quiet.

Link to EVP http://www.ebaumsworld.com/audio/play/80924324/

after reading so many of yours, i feel comfortable sharing a few "experiences" ive had, and had shared with me, without you all thinking im crazy :dzed: ...in chronological order, present to past...

  • i work at a SNF/rehab... i havent seen anything personally but one night one of my A&Ox3 guys was very upset/anxious. he told me a woman came into his room the previous night, he said that he thought she was a new CNA who didnt know he was independent for toileting, told her he didnt need @ which point she came closer- staring at him as her face became increasingly distraught. she then vanished. he described her to the housekeeper, the next person he saw. she said, "i know her, she used to work here." when he told me about this, i mentioned it to one of the CNAs on duty with me, who has worked there for about 10-15 years. she told me other people have seen this woman @ our facility, that the woman was restorative staff about 10 years ago & worked alot because her husband was abusive & she preferred overtime to going home to him. she murdered by her husband.
  • the above experience by that resident led a bunch of us to talking. one of the nurses told me she was working 11-7 one night and that there was a married couple on one of the units. the wife passed away and about a week later, 2 nurses & a couple CNAs saw a woman in white go into the room that the couple were in. they started to walk down the hall to investigate, the call bell went off. when they got to the room, there was no woman but the man (the husband) had CTB.
  • i live in a side by side duplex, across from a HUGE cemetary. since we moved in ive gotten "weird" feelings. one night i was trying to fall asleep in bed- my fiance was downstairs on the couch. one of my dogs was sleeping with me & he jumped out of bed & was staring in the hallway, which kind of roused me. then, i swear something pulled my hair. hard. it freaked me out, i tore down the stairs & promptly had an asthma attack because i was so freaked out. our neighbors (2 girls, 1 guy) moved in about 2yrs after we did. when they first moved in they asked if anything weird has happened, because the one girl had a really bad nightmare. she was walking to the guys room afterwards, he was already awake because he heard a scream... the 2nd girl was awake in her room, in between the 1st girl & the guys rooms- she heard nothing.
  • my best friends younger brother, who was also my fiances best friend was killed last march. the following things have happened since then, i dont know if its related to him or not. our ipod docking station has turned on twice by itself (once to a track on the ipod, once to the radio). another time, we were sitting on the couch, and heard "at the next turn make a left, then turn right..." our freaking GPS turned itself on. from in a basket on the bottom shelf of the coffee table. the only thing that i truly believe was related to our friend, was a shooting star i saw one night, when i was outside talking to him a couple of months ago. i texted his mom & she told me she had seen one about an hour prior.
  • i was an aide for individuals with MH/MR. one of my residents had a bowel obstruction, he perfed & was sent out but it was too late & he died. he was one of my favorites, he would hide my pen under the couch. he also had pica & would get on the ground if you werent looking to pick up lint. there was this one block that he always picked out of the bin, he didnt try to eat it but he would mouth it & roll it in his hand over and over. after he passed, i started nursing school & was working 11p-3p on the weekends. at about 1a i would start cleaning, there were a couple times where i would look @ the floor & note that it needed swept, go on to dust & when i got the sweeper, all the lint was gone. i found "his" block under the bed that he used to have on multiple occasions. and wouldnt you know, my i lost my pen & found it under the couch (that i never sat on) @ least once a weekend.
  • when i was a teenager, i spent many nights awake in my room. i would hear childrens voices- playing, singing- coming from the vent that led to the basement. im bipolar & i started to have symptoms in my teen years, so i never told my mom about the voices because i was afraid she would think it was psych related. (ive been diagnosed & stable on meds since i was about 18)... well when i was about 22, my aunts friend came for thanksgiving & he was talking about ghosts & stuff. he said he felt a "strong presence of children" and asked if he could take pictures in our basement. no lie, he was a weirdo & i do think he was full of it BUT if he didnt bring this stuff up, my mom wouldnt have ever told me that she used to sometimes hear children playing as she fell asleep. oh & by the way, we found an old headstone in the backyard- it probably was stolen from a cemetary but hey... :uhoh3:

an aside, its interesting to me... alot of my pts do talk about kids. one in particular has gotten herself in a tizzy a few times because of it- "what are we going to do with all these children?!"... i just figured that she thought the other oldies were children, but after reading all these stories about "the children," im not so sure.

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