What's the funniest most unusual baby name?

Nurses Humor Nursing Q/A

As many of you know by now, Kim Kardashian had her baby. As if you couldn't miss all the annoying coverage over every single detail. They named that poor kid North West. What are some of the funniest/weirdest/most unusual baby names you have seen? Could be a patient or someone you know in your personal life. And if you are someone with one of those odd names did you just learn to live with it or would you change it.

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma/Critical Care Nursing.
\ said:
I've been a peds nurse for 27 years so I've seen a few unusual names. Last names are withheld to protect their privacy. Sunshine Over Was...ton (last name was also the name of their city). Other unusuals include 2 Ikeas (from two families they were conceived in the store), a girl named Peter, 3 boys named Dominique, a baby named Aphrodesiac (to a teen mom), a girl named Shitina member (middle name pronounced Penne), Female (another teen mom who said the hospital named her baby for her-pronounced fe-ma-lay), Hyphen, Apostrofee, Natan-el (pronounced Nathaniel), and so many more.

They were CONCEIVED inside Ikea??? Whaatt?!?

Actually Female is not an urban legend, my mother worked peds in a hospital and took care of one.

I'm wondering if all the urban legend names might have made it out to the public and there might just be some jello twins. ;)

There is a Thor here . . my husband went to school with him.

My kids grew up with a kid named Shadon that was pronounced more like the cuss "S" word.

Lots of Nevaeh's here for some reason.

Steel and Sterling are brothers and live locally.

Had a pediatrician here whose name was Flamen Ball. No wonder he had a bad attitude, huh?

I had an uncle named Sterling. I always liked that name.

My husband talks about the "chi-theed" name. He calls the dog that as a nickname saying it that way also. He thinks it's funny.

My husband knew of a girl named Psychadelica.

A family member knew someone with the name "Mr. T Thunder Rolling Down the Mountain" No kidding!

I promise these two are true.... a man in my town his last name was "Pickle" and his first name was Heinz... Heinz Pickle. Also, had a sales rep that used to call on a company I worked for and his name was Richard Flicker but his nickname was Dick.

Lmao at dick flicker! That's just awful really

Sorry, but Shithead, Lemonjello, and Orangello are sadly real names for some children in Eastern N. C. I worked at the hospital where they were born. Lemonjello and Orangello are twins.

My husband worked with the school system. Had a family who named the oldest daughter Dormax Maxdor (after her grandmothers Dorothy and Maxine...couldn't slight either so had to put each name first). Her siblings...Redian, Sedian, Fedian.....

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