What's your favorite nursing book? (Non textbook)

Nurses General Nursing


I enjoy reading books written by nurses about the profession. The stories they tell give a glimpse of what it's really like to be on the front line.

Currently, I am just taking my pre-reqs so I have a little time during the day to pick up a good non-textbook. What was your favorite nursing book of stories?

awesome thread. i am addicted to reading medical/nursing books. tuesdays with morrie was wonderful. i also enjoyed chicken soup for the nurse's soul. i just finished a book called maneater and other true stories of a life in infectious diseases. the author is dr. pamela nagami. very interesting book! keep the good reads coming!!!

Suzzane Gordan? what has she written? (obviously i haven't managed to read every nurse book out there, lol)

I read Fluff my Pillow, Bend my Straw! Wow - what a cool book! She even has some pictures of herself, before and after! I recommend it.

I liked the Cherry Ames nursey books when I was a kid. Cherry Ames, Student Nurse, and then so on. I guess there is a series that went on a lot longer than I followed, but I liked the ones I read (I was a kid, did I mention that?) I remember Cherry Ames, Store nurse! LOL - can you imagine? There was alwas some little mystery involved and some charming boyfriend. Good reading for elementary school kids.



Dennie, not to get too OT here, but in my old life I worked in a large deparment store. I had a headache and wanted to go home early and my manager sent me to the STORE NURSE! Honest to goodness little old lady in a white dress doaling out asprin and bandaides from her office with a cot! I'm sure she's long gone.

Wow - what a great job that would be!! Can you imagine? I'd wear the white dress and even a cap if I could have that job! Oooh - JEWELRY store nurse - that's the one, *I* Want!!!!!



Hey Tapper- it's "tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom. Great book!!!!!

I've read all of Echo Heron's non-fiction books. :)

Specializes in psych/mental health.

The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman. It's the story of a little Hmong girl dx with epilepsy, and the impact cultural difference has on her care. It's a true story that reads like a novel.

Here's a link to an interview with Suzanne Gordon. http://www.prospect.org/webfeatures/2000/02/maggi-l-02-03.html

She has written several books and many articles very supportive of nursing. She's probably best known for her book Life Support, but also wrote From Silence to Voice: What Nurses Know and Must Communicate With the Public. It's about how important it is for nurses to get our message out, and gives good advice on how to do it. I believe she also co-edited Caregiving with Patricia Benner.


alright, you guys cost me over $55 in books (had to sign up for the reader's advantage)! i spent this afternoon in barnes and noble. bought the 3 echo heron books, nurses: the human touch, and the spirit catches you.... started heron's intensive care, am almost halfway thru and just wanted to say thanks for recommending a great read. :kiss

How funny ShannonRN! I did the same exact thing yesterday at Barnes and Noble. I bought "Five Patients" by Michael Crichton. I just can't seem to "get into it". Has anyone else read this one yet?

Guess I better stick with good ole Echo Heron. Maybe I should read one of her books...AGAIN!

and to an oldie and a goodie........

know it is fiction.......no.....wait maybe it was based on fact........

one flew over the cuckoo's nest........

Know not subject of what previously covered here.........

but based on fact......

this kind of stuff happened.......

i know for a fact.........

and it is a good read......

and if nothing else.........Jack Nicholson always good to watch act.......He is one of the greatest.........

get a VHS tape rental.......it is a good and sobering watch.........

of what life in mental institutions "used to" be like.........

Specializes in ER.

Try "A Piece of My Mind" compiled from true articles published in JAMA- made me cry.

And in high school I read two books by Peggy Anderson, one called "Nurse" I think but they were interesting, and shocking. Gave me a better idea of what I was getting into.

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