What Was The Most Difficult Patient You Ever Had?

Nurses General Nursing


I mean the ones that make you want to implement a tourniquet around the neck, pillow therapy, and a Kerlix roll to the mouth. The ones that make you want to rip your hair out, jump up and down and scream in the middle of the hall, and then follow it up with a nice tensile-strength test of the Sheetrock...with your head. 6 years of bedside nursing and now as a new grad NP (boards-here I come) have given me ample fodder, and I bet others on here have some doozies as well.

1) LOM in with CHF, on dialysis, won't eat, on tele, and the doc has just ordered no more Boost, which he was swilling up to a 12 pack a day (you can just IMAGINE what his fluid levels were). He was allowed 2 per day, and had had his quota before I ever darkened the floor. After about 50 rings on the light (I kid you not) demanding a Boost, we start getting cals from the tele room saying that he is off the monitor. The techs would fix him, and 10 minutes later, we'd get another call that he was off again. After report, I went to assess him, replaced his monitor and explained to him why he was not allowed any more Boost that day. I didn't even make it back down the hall before the tele room called again. Back to the room I went, and there was his monitor, pads stuck to each other, on the meal tray. I put new stickers on, replaced it and told him in no uncertain terms that it was to be left in place, to which he responded with a volley of unrepeatables, followed by "Bring me a Boost! Please, please, PLEASE!" Only the way he said please, he was not being polite. We wound up having to put him in restraints, not only d/t the tele monitor, but because he took to throwing things at nurses and techs who whould not bring him his Boost at demand.

2)Guy with a trach stoma that he wanted dressed at a certain time BID, with Xeroform gauze, 4X4s, Kerlix, and tape, to his exacting specifications. Doc went along with this cockamamie mess to pacify this man, why remains a mystery (why do they EVER go along with some of the things they do?). You can guess when he wanted his change done, shift change. Every time, called q3 minutes on the nose. Just like Old Faithful, you could set your watch by him. And he'd call until someone came in there. Well, one night, he got me, and I wasn't having it, we had a true emergency, and that trumped his 24-step program, which involved a gown and mask, for HIS comfort. After I informed him that we had an emergency and he would have to wait (this was after he had gone to refusing to tell the ward clerk what he wanted and demanded HIS NURSE), he sulled up. And when I went in there IMMEDIATELY after we got the emergency settled, he COVERED UP THE TRACH STOMA, and refused to let me do the change. Said he wasn't ready now, and I'd have to wait. Like a little kid. I looked him dead in the eye and told him he could have it done now, or he could have it done by next shift, because I wasn't putting up with any b.s., and that he could report me if he wanted to, I didn't care. I was so mad at that point. He let me do the change, and after that, I was the ONLY one he let do it. Even if I did not have him as a patient, he would refuse to let his nurse change him, and make them get me. He even tried making them call me on my days off. I don't know what I did or said that prompted the turnaround. Maybe I reminded him of his Mama, LOL!

What are some of y'alls?

Specializes in ICU.

I had a doozy yesterday. Had a pt that had been for a cath, was found to have multiple blockages along w/ bad valves. Came back to my unit on the balloon pump.

Well, this pt had serious PTSD/anxiety issues. Kept kvetching about the Foley we put in, and demanding to get OOB. Explained to him twenty times (at least) that there was no way in heck he was getting OOB. Told him he would bleed to death if he got up - well, he was ready to meet his Maker. You'd explain why, and less than a minute later, it started all over again with him wanting to get OOB. You couldn't put your hands on him to hold him in bed or remind him to stay there, as this would trigger his PTSD. Spent six hours going round and round with this guy. Gave him a fair amount of benzo's, but it wasn't enough. (Begged for an Ativan gtt at a very low rate, no dice.) At one point we had six RN's in there trying keep him in bed - finally ended up having to tube him and sedate him.(with his wife's blessing). He darn near slugged somebody when we were intubating - we had to paralyze him, which we don't often have to do.

I wasn't angry with him, I believe in my heart that he really couldn't help his behavior, but I was worn out after only half a shift with him. So frustrating.

Specializes in tele, oncology.

We had a pt's dtr not that long ago that made me so angry I hid in the med room and cried. And it takes A LOT to get me to that point. Here's an example of a portion of our conversation:

Her: So what's wrong with my father?

Me: We're waiting on test results and labs, and the physicians will be happy to discuss them with you in the morning.

Her: You stupid *****, quit lying to me, you know what's wrong and you won't tell me. Shut the hell up and quit looking at me.

Later on, after I figured out how unstable she was:

Me: Ma'am, since your father is unresponsive at the moment, I'll need to see a copy of Power of Attorney paperwork before discussing his care with you.

Her (screaming at the nurses station): You better not call me ma'am, you better call me miss. What the **** is wrong with you? I told you earlier to shut the hell up, you better listen, or I'll teach you!

Me: (sitting silently)

Her: Well, are you gonna say something?

Me: (sitting silently)

Her: I asked you what his labs said, are you going to answer me or not?

Me: (sitting silently)

Her: Who's your charge nurse, you *****?

Me: (sitting silently)

Her (pounding on the nurses station and starting to throw things): I asked you a question, you better answer me now!

Me: I'm sorry, ma'am, did you want me to answer your question or shut the hell up? You're confusing me.

And the rest of the night went on about the same. She was so freaking crazy that she refused to give us her name, insisted that she was a lawyer, and refused to let anyone take vitals on her dad, turn him, or give him meds. It was obvious that she was not a lawyer, or probably had even a junior high education, based on her grammar and lack of understanding of simple phrases (such as, "Your father has urinated on himself and needs to be cleaned up." Which was followed by "What do you mean, urinated?")

Turns out that the family had banned her from caring for dad, the nursing home had called the cops on her on multiple occasions, and dad had practically disowned her.

We thought that she might have had issues with me b/c of race, so the charge nurse (who was the same race as she was) took over. Ends up she was just as crazy to everyone else.

My most difficult might have been the patient going through DT's who chewed through the IV tubing and sucked the NS dry because he thought it was vodka.

Mama-D... I empathize with you, but I will tell you, the only way to deal with people like that is to call security.

The minute a pt starts swearing at me and pseudo threatening me, I'm out of there and security is called.

Young wife of a pt, (he was older than dirt), tell me the name of her law firm, ("Well, I retain Crook, Shyster, and Ambulancechaser, money is not an issue"). She had them on speed-dial on her cell. Seriously. We were in the pt's room, and after she told me the preceding, she said, "so I'll just give them a call and ask them about that, how's that?" Totally bullying, you know? So I just stood there, crossed my arms, and said "go right ahead, I'll wait right here.":D

She fired me as her husbands nurse. My feelings were really hurt..:icon_roll

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
my most difficult might have been the patient going through dt's who chewed through the iv tubing and sucked the ns dry because he thought it was vodka.

and then there was the chf patient on a fluid restriction who had been watching us empty the water traps on his roommate's ventilator tubing. my colleague walked into the room and found him emptying the water traps for us -- right down his gullet! (diana loved to tell that story to newbies. she'd wait until i was present, then ostentatiously give me the waste basket, telling the newbies that "this makes ruby hurl every time!" strangely, i can tell the story without hurling, but cannot listen to diana tell it!)

and the chf patient who asked to use the restroom while in the radiology department for films. after he'd been in there an awfully long time, they found him crouched on the floor, lapping water from the toilet just like a dog. (they'd already turned off the water to the sink in the patient bathroom for just that reason!)

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

Ruby - that should be posted under the most disgusting patient thread. :barf01:

and then there was the chf patient on a fluid restriction who had been watching us empty the water traps on his roommate's ventilator tubing. my colleague walked into the room and found him emptying the water traps for us -- right down his gullet! (diana loved to tell that story to newbies. she'd wait until i was present, then ostentatiously give me the waste basket, telling the newbies that "this makes ruby hurl every time!" strangely, i can tell the story without hurling, but cannot listen to diana tell it!)

and the chf patient who asked to use the restroom while in the radiology department for films. after he'd been in there an awfully long time, they found him crouched on the floor, lapping water from the toilet just like a dog. (they'd already turned off the water to the sink in the patient bathroom for just that reason!)

that's just wrong. :barf01:

Specializes in NICU Level III.

Since my patients are babies, I'll go with families...there was a family of Gypsies on the unit recently that created chaos whenever they were there. They got mgt to bend rules for them on visitation, were loud, obnoxious and very intrusive..

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