Published Jul 19, 2015
1 Article; 942 Posts
I'll be starting my first semester of nursing school end of August, will clinicals starting the end of the 2nd week. My question to you current /former students is what was your study schedule like? How did you organize your week? How did you divide studying for lecture, practicing lab, preparing for clinicals? How many hours a day did you spend studying and what was the most effective method(s) for you.
Im particularly interested in those who went to school while working and/or with younger children.
739 Posts
I am in second semester and I don't work, but I am a single mom. I devote at least 2 hours a day to studying (sometimes more of course). To practice for lab, I usually stay after lecture and practice for as long as it takes me to get it right.
When I study I read over the book, PP's, and notes. I also Youtube everything!
When you start you will figure out what works for you. Good Luck and enjoy yourself before classes start!
178 Posts
Studying schedules are specific to the individual. I studied well in advance of all tests so that the week of the test was simply a review. I recorded all lectures and re listened to them in the same day, no matter how long they were. In that time I would take down any notes I may have missed in class. As far as preparing for clinical, that was done the night before. Lab and skills were practiced during class hours for us. For me repetition is key so I read my notes and listened to lectures as much as possible. You will figure out what works best for you. I had a part-time job and played a collegiate sport while in school so I did not study very often on the weekends. Most of my work and class preparation was done during the week. On average I studied for about 5 hours a day.
Also there is a nurse on youtube named Michael Lanares who makes amazing videos on tons of topics!
553 Posts
I am in your boat. I am married with 2 toddlers. My kids will be in daycare so I will use that to my advantage! School gets out for my between 1 and 2, so I will keep them in daycare until 4-5 and spend the time studying in the library. I will leave my phone in the car so I'm not tempted to goof off on facebook. I don't have school on Wednesday either so I will spend the day studying while they're in daycare.
babeinboots, MSN, NP, CNM
260 Posts
To be completely honest I don't have one. My classes are only 8 weeks long and I work so I adjust my study time according the topic at hand and it varies week to week. If I have a strong foundational knowledge on the subject I don't need to study as much. If it's a new or unfamiliar topic or an ATI exam, I try to study for an hour or two a day. Nothing intense as my mind starts to wonder after a while.
As previous posters stared, you'll have to find a method and schedule that works for you. But you can't go wrong with practice questions and YouTube.
Good luck!
589 Posts
I color-code everything and follow a pretty strict time schedule of what and when I study and work on certain things.
A planner is your best friend!
This worked well for me for my pre-requisites.
113 Posts
I would review for about a hour after my lecture courses. On my days off from clinical, I would then study for lecture exams. I could never study after clinicals because I would be so mentally exhausted, so on those days I would complete clinical work such as care plans.