What is the silliest complaint someone has ever made aboutyou?

Nurses Relations


I don't know what made me remember this but I had a coworker once with whom I had developed(I thought) something of a rapport. Well one day we were in the nurses' station and I jokingly made a comment about her not working hard. I forget my exact words but it was something along the lines of are you hardly working or working hard. You know that lame joke, well not that lame but it was harmless like that. Well a few days later, guess what I got invited to a meeting with her and the charge nurse to discuss my attempt to slander her! She said that she felt like I had a low opinion of her as a nurse and my comments left it open for people to believe that she was not a hard worker. And I was attempting to destroy her reputation as a nurse. As broadsided as I was, I apologized profusely for my faux-pas but she wasn't in a forgiving mood. So *shrug* what could I do? Obviously we weren't as good of friends as I thought or she might have given me the benefit of the doubt. Also she must have had a massively low self-esteem or insecurities if she was that bothered by my little joke. I just moved on. I can remember being quite annoyed at first but it's funny now.

Specializes in Medsurg, Tele, ICU.
I was wondering the same.:o


Specializes in Medsurg, Tele, ICU.
I was a brand-new RN on a 50 bed surgical floor. My DON complained that I refused to take medication orders over the phone from an office nurse. I had taken all the other admitting orders, and when she started on the list of meds, I said, "um...I really need to get med orders from the doctor." The doc had complained to the DON who had a "chat" w/me. Apparently the doc wanted me to know that "orders from my nurse are just as good as orders from me"! Finally my DON admitted that they don't USUALLY give med orders via a nurse. Ya THINK?!

Bet ya 5 bucks that "nurse" was really a secretary, med tech or other too! We have a doctor who always tells us to call his office and talk to his nurse "Cindy" for orders.. well we found out that Cindy was his daughter and she wasn't a nurse.

Specializes in Medsurg, Tele, ICU.
When I worked in MICU, a nurse from the ED complained that I asked too many questions during her report to me, guess I did not need to know VS, IV access, heart rhythm, etc.

We had one of the ER nurses orienting in ICU on nights because she was going to start picking up some extra shifts. She told us that one of the newer nurses in the ER told her to tell us to stop asking them for vent settings on the transfers because they don't have to know all that stuff RT does it. She said she had a nice long talk with this nurse after that statement too.

I work in LTC, normally I am very friendly and like to hang out with my patients when I have time. I had a pt, very arrogant, nasty to the CNAs and

the other residents. I did everything by the books for him. Any conversation or contact was very professional.He went to the DNS and complained that I did "not wanted to be his friend."

Specializes in FNP, Peds, Epilepsy, Mgt., Occ. Ed.

I have a friend who worked for a DME company. One physician banned him from his office: "He's always smiling and happy when he comes in, there's something wrong with anybody who's always smiling."

Sure, he'll be a very effective sales person if he walks around scowling all the time!! :rolleyes:

Specializes in Med Surg.

a patient who weighed about 400 lbs complained that because his insulin shot stung when it went in, that i must have given it im instead of sq.

A pts husband complained to the charge nurse that he had asked for a private room all day (from me) and since I didn't give him one, he should get the suite for no charge.

(We were packed to the gills. The charge nurse didin't even bust out laughing.)

Specializes in Med-Surg, ER, Mental Health.

While I'm going to nursing school, I'm working as a CNA in a long-term care facility on the weekends.

One morning I went into a resident's room to assist with her a.m. care.

I have long bangs that are pinned to the side when I am working. She took one look at my hair, and said to me, "If you want to change my *diaper*, you need to be more sanitary than that...get a hairnet!"

:uhoh21: I felt like saying, "Lady, I'm going to wash your behind...not cook your lunch! I don't need a hairnet!" LOL

Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..
:uhoh21: I felt like saying, "Lady, I'm going to wash your behind...not cook your lunch! I don't need a hairnet!" LOL

HA HA HA!! that's cute!

Specializes in PCU/Hospice/Oncology.

Hey guys,

I just finished my EMT while waiting to get accepted to

the LPN program that I did. I have seen some amazing

things working in the ER. I had a patient complain to the nurse that I was too upbeat and smiled to much while I was assessing her. She

didn't feel that it was right that I was so upbeat and

smiley with her being in the ER in such a serious

condition (she had emphesima, good going on smoking for

30 years despite numberous warnings ON the cartons).

What did she expect me to do? I assume she'd have

preferred for me to have entered her room with a rain

cloud over my head dressed in all black and crying.

I had a PT complain to my supervisor that when he made

advances on me and I politely declined him, that I did

it in "a disrespectful" way that belittled him. Mind you, I am a male. My

sexuality had not come up at all and he had no reason

what so ever to assume I was remotely interested in

anything more then getting a PMHx and VS. I was just

beside myself. Apparently "Im sorry but I am in a

relationship and I am working at the moment so please

put out your arm so I can get a BP." was rude. The nerve

Oh and my supervisor (instructor) was trying so hard to

keep a straight face when he was talking to me about it

that he needed to go "take a moment" before he could

finish talking to me about the incident and not be red

in the face from holding down his laughter.

I also had a CHF PT complain to the Nurse after I had

gone to check in on another PT, that I refused to give

her water. (the nurses were right there too to witness

it). The woman could barely breath, and was drowning in

her own fluids, coughing up sefactin, ect and yet was

angry that I wasnt helping her to worsen her situation?

:shrug: I think that if you're going to eat junk food

and not exercise your entire life, there should be a

label written on anything you eat going on in detail of

what to expect in the future. and P.S. they started

calling me Damion because I denied a dying patient her

last wishes!

Ive also had a PT complain to the nurse that I was

"Posing as a docter, and trying to get her information."

The nurse came and asked me quite upset what that was

all about (she was female), and I simply told her that I

didnt know.. I just got her SAMPLE, OPQRST, and VS (mind you im wearing a unform that clearly states im an EMT student). The

nurse went back in and talked to the women and asked

what made her think i was posing as a docter, and the

lady explained simply, "Well he cant be a nurse because

thats for women, so he had to be a docter." :shrug:

First time I had heard ANYTHING like that before.

I had an ETOH guy that was about 250lb get extremely

violent with me because I would'nt hold his member while

he urinated. He stripped off all his clothes and got off

the bed, yelling and throwing fists. So here I am, first

day in the ER, 8am, and my first PT that im given is now

in the hall, butt naked yelling and screaming and trying

to punch me out because I wouldnt hold his member. Im a

skinny guy and getting knocked out wasnt on my list of

things to do that day. Luckily for me one of the big buff male

nurses subdued the guy.. Every single other nurse was

red in the face in laughter, even the doc! I was so


Thats about it for my odd complaints and embarassing

stories! One notable thing that was really cool. I was

on the Fire rescue truck my last shift. On route to a

rectal bleed call. Theres a guy in front of us on a

moped, with no helmet. He ran the red light, got

plastered by another car, needless to say we upped our

rectal bleed to a trauma alert. We get to the guy and

hes got tib fib Fx, Mid shaft femur fx, Ulnar/Radial fx,

and massive internal bleeding. (the liver area was

already showing red/hematoma and it had only been less

then 1 min since we had gotten there and cut his clothes

off.) Guy was GSC 15 all the way to the hostpial. He

kept saying "Im gonna die! Im gonna die!" I got an eerie

feeling. I have never heard someone say that before. As

SOON as we got him off our stretcher and onto the trauma

table, he coded, straight to GSC 3. They worked him,

chest tube, compressions, nada. Pumped 2 litters of

blood, nothing was getting to the heart. Popped his

chest and started doing manual compressions. (btw im IN

the trauma room watching all this cause one of the

nurses told me i need to stay and learn). The doc is now

manually massaging his heart through the side of his

chest. Nada. They called him 45 min after he entered the

room. After all was said and done the nurse who had told

me to stay waited for everyone else to leave, and kept

me behind. She told me to touch his heart, which was

still beating once or twice every 30 secs. She even

inflated his lungs so that I could look. It was an

amazing experience.. Im told not a single student has

gotten to do that before at that hospital. Anyways,

after the fact turns out guy was stoned, hence he ran

the light. And he died so quick from transfer on off our

stretcher to the table because his aorta ripped. (i

guess it was torn very little and exasperated when he

was moved)

Needless to say, the experience was very enlightening

and yet saddened me. Ive never lost a PT before. Wow Im

gonna stop typing because i KNOW no one read that huge

wall of text

- Ian

Specializes in Elderly Rehab.

Well I read it Dreamer.

I had several very slanderous and distressing complaints made against me by a male patients boyfriend. It was the opinion of all my colleagues that it was because I had (politely) declined to meet him for a drink after work. It was funny at the time, but when the complaints came in................As per my previous post, the complaint was not upheld and was buried, but it went down on my record.

Like I said before, when your wrong your wrong, and when your right your wrong.:smackingf

Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..
... Wow Im

gonna stop typing because i KNOW no one read that huge

wall of text

- Ian

Hi Ian, welcome! I thought your post was interesting esp the guy that coded and the nurse letting you see inside his chest wall - good luck with your studies!

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