What was your secret weapon for surviving nursing school??

Nurses General Nursing


:p Hi! I am a new nursing student(I have only been in school for about 3months). With all of the studying that we as nursing students must do to excell in this profession, it can be physically and mentally draining at times. Just wondering- what was the one thing that you needed to have to give you energy while in nursing school? Any suggestions would be extremly helpful. THANKS!!!

God Bless!

Nursing school was the WORST and best time of my life. Strategies for survival? If you want it bad enough, you will survive. Just dont take things TOO seriously. You will not be perfect, you have a lot to learn, and no matter what other nurses tell you or how they treat you during clinicals (nurses have a tendency to eat their young) remember above all else that every single nurse has been in your shoes. Oh yeah, STUDY GROUP STUDY GROUP STUDY GROUP!!! (and lots of drinking after big exams!)

Sex is a natural high

the 7 kids came because we were to poor for buying condoms :rotfl: :rotfl:

Oh, thank goodness times have changed, meaning, being able to have access to birth control that works! Planned Parenthood gives away condoms. I have the best sex life in the world and I am in my thirties...drum roll please...NO KIDS!!!! Know wonder I survived nursing school!:chuckle

I lived on Vivarin and Mountain Dew for about 2 years! I wouldn't recommend it, because I actually made myself sick a few times! The best thing I did to help with studying was to join a study group. There was 4 of us, and we stuck together all through nursing school. It really helped, because there were many things that we each brought to the group that helped us prepare for tests and boards. And, by the time we hit our very last semester of school, we actually all took turns attending lecture, and then we just shared the notes in our study sessions. This was very helpful for me, because I worked full time and had 2 small kids by then. And, when I did study on my own time, I also usually studied early in the morning. The house was quiet, and I could actually think and study without interruption. Good luck in school, and don't sweat the small stuff. Someone used to put a sign up at school on exam week that read "C=RN". That used to put it in perspective for me!


Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.

I haven't totally survived yet as I'm just beginning my junior year. 2 more years to go but I've survived so far...sometimes just barely (i.e. anatomy/physiology).

Coffee and more coffee

Study groups--have a group of 4 and we kinda feed off each other.

Time for yourself--must have to keep your sanity

After a big exam or finishing a semester--get together with study group friends for some fun times...going to a bar/restaurant....or usually my house cos it is the largest. :) Unwind, party, attitude change

Study study study.....read, read, read and don't fall behind.

Writing and rewriting your notes. I used to type up my notes..and still do sometimes but I'm a very fast typist having been a secretary for years and years prior to nursing school. Writing it out takes longer and seems to help me learn it better than typing quickly.

Be inquisitive. Learning new things I sometimes look them up on the internet where they may be explained differently or used in a real situation which would help me understand them better.


the secret to survival is being positive. Surround yourself with positive people. Hang out with other students who are really interested in nursing and find a mentor someonen in the next semester up from you or a profeesional nurse ho is positive and willing to give you hints on how to make it in the real world.

Specializes in Psych, Informatics, Biostatistics.

I relyed on good friends to pass nursing school. Last diploma my girl friend helped me out. I'm not a rocket scientist and actually never really wanted to become a nurse, just went into it for the money and security.

I'm happy I made it.

FRIENDSthank goodness for them! i'm lucky that this is the only peer pressure i've let myself be pressured about! finish school. besides i figure the faster i get it over with, the faster i can be out of school.;)

No strategy here, it was a job to be done and I did it.

I don't think we always need to make everything a "strategy".

Assigning a strategy to everything and then depending on something other than ones own determination can sometimes slow you down. It's not like that for everybody, but it is for me.

Chocolate chip granola bars and coca-cola...helps you not miss sleeping so much.

Humour......some of the things we do in nursing school before we know better really is funny.

BholliRNMS -- I agree HUMOR is a big part of succeeding anywhere!! I learned to laugh at myself, was dilligent -- but not obsessed. Friends were a huge source of encouragement !! And tons of late nights (MT.Dew), hard work and a boat load of determination (my parents tell me the correct word would be "stubbornness" -- but "determination sounds better):)

Positive music in my car to start the day with some good energy.

Trying to see the humor in my mistakes or in situations (my very first clinical day I was trapped in a nonworking elevator for 3 hours -- I made the operator call my clinical instructor BEFORE she called maintenance! I was teased for that for the next two years!)

Relaxing as much as possible; I agree wholeheartedly with not worrying over tests.

Taking it one day at a time. Looking too far ahead is overwhelming sometimes.

Trying to see the humor in my mistakes or in situations (my very first clinical day I was trapped in a nonworking elevator for 3 hours -- I made the operator call my clinical instructor BEFORE she called maintenance! I was teased for that for the next two years!)

:rotfl: I LOVE it! A true student nurse there! :rotfl:

Making it through? Ummm....I guess I just did it through LPN training. No special hours or groups or anything. Although I did study at the library once and I still have retained THAT info!

This time? I'm hoping to study more at the library and away from family. Hubby is more demanding than the kids....(but he's getting better!).

Thanks for all the great tips! Keep 'em coming!

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