What do you pack in your work bag?


I was wondering what I should pack in my work bag? I know I should bring a steth and a change of scrubs, but what else?

Specializes in PeriOperative.

In my pockets: ball point pen, skin marker, bandage scissors, 2 kochers, prep pads, 4x4's, and gown flaps. Maybe needles and syringes, depending on the day.

Locker: Shoes, socks, caps, cell phone.

Specializes in all things maternity.

I also carry alot of stuff.

For work I carry my clipboard, a notebook, numerous pens, highlighters, pencils, a labor wheel, a steth, a reflex hammer, my reference cards, and my childbirth education notebook so I can work on my classes during breaks and slow times.

Personally, I carry my water bottle, my hand lotion and my hand sanitizer, my blood glucose monitor, extra supplies for my insulin pump, my wallet, a hair brush, a book to help count my carbs, and my food journal. I am sure that there is more but that is all I can think of now. Of course, I usually take my lunch and several snacks as I need to count carbs before I eat.

We have lockers so anything I use at work I keep there. But basically, change of scrubs (include socks, I go through more socks than tops), steth, "feminine products", tylenol, big bottle of water, a little cash, penlight, scissors, hemastats, about 40 pens, my lunch and a snack. Generally when I clear out my pockets at the end of shift I have misc. supplies in there (alcohol swabs and NS flushes) and I just toss them in there too knowing I will use them next shift anyway.

Dispose of the NS flushes at the end of your shift; do not keep them in your bag or locker. Enough said........

Specializes in ICU/ER.

red tote bag hosp gave us. Stethoscope, locator badge (gotta love big brother) name tag, magazines, novel, none of which I ever read, pens, lotion, hot tamales (candy), iPhone and charger, and in locker, assorted snacks that keep, sugar free red bull, extra report sheets, spare scrubs, and shoes as well. Also a brush and toothbrush plus toothepaste stay in my locker. oh and tampons. Spare drawers and bra, sometimes getting splashed soaks through. also shower stuff in case I get blizzarded in. Although the road would have to be impassable. not snow like tornado upheaval.

Specializes in Med/Surg, DSU, Ortho, Onc, Psych.
red tote bag hosp gave us. Stethoscope, locator badge (gotta love big brother) name tag, magazines, novel, none of which I ever read, pens, lotion, hot tamales (candy), iPhone and charger, and in locker, assorted snacks that keep, sugar free red bull, extra report sheets, spare scrubs, and shoes as well. Also a brush and toothbrush plus toothepaste stay in my locker. oh and tampons. Spare drawers and bra, sometimes getting splashed soaks through. also shower stuff in case I get blizzarded in. Although the road would have to be impassable. not snow like tornado upheaval.

I thought I was the only one who kept spare underwear! Good to know others are doing the same.

Wow, you have thought of nearly every eventuality!

Specializes in Geriatrics.

What don't I keep??!! 2 stethoscopes, BP cuff, Thermometer, 2 scissors, Sharpies (4 colors), red pens, Black pens, pens to give out, PDQ book, Lab test result book, 4 highliters, Femme products, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, Hand cream, Whiteout (yes I know it's illegal but I never use it on offical documents), mints, mirror (for looking at hard to see wounds) fingernail clippers, file boards, tweezers, eyeglass repair kit, superglue, hand sanitizer, work glasses, extra pair of glasses, a snack, and a water bottle. An extra change of clothes is kept in my car for emergencies including under clothes, socks & sneakers. Last time I weighed it it was about 40 lbs.

Specializes in Med/Surg, DSU, Ortho, Onc, Psych.
What don't I keep??!! 2 stethoscopes, BP cuff, Thermometer, 2 scissors, Sharpies (4 colors), red pens, Black pens, pens to give out, PDQ book, Lab test result book, 4 highliters, Femme products, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, Hand cream, Whiteout (yes I know it's illegal but I never use it on offical documents), mints, mirror (for looking at hard to see wounds) fingernail clippers, file boards, tweezers, eyeglass repair kit, superglue, hand sanitizer, work glasses, extra pair of glasses, a snack, and a water bottle. An extra change of clothes is kept in my car for emergencies including under clothes, socks & sneakers. Last time I weighed it it was about 40 lbs.

Doesn't carrying all this give you a sore neck & back?

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Some days, yes!

I feel unprepared after reading all the stuff some bags have!!

I carry my steth, some candy, some pens/highlighter/sharpie, Tums, Tylenol, a few granola bars, some change, my lunch and my clipboard. Maybe I should find some more stuff to tote around! :)

Specializes in ICU, Telemetry, Med-Surg.

In my work bag: hemostats, bandage scissors, tons of pens, notebook, tylenol, ibuprofen, nail clippers, Leatherman tool, gum, EKG book and PDR, stethoscope. In my locker: more pens, more notebooks, a few dollars & change, extra set of scrubs (including socks, undies & shoes), extra stethoscope, and clipboard.

Specializes in Burn, CCU, CTICU, Trauma, SICU, MICU.

I carry a messenger bag.... I have a make up bag that also has deodorant, floss, toothbrush, toothpaste and mouth wash, feminine hygiene supplies, an extra shirt, my stethescope, a reading book, notebook, extra pens, highlighter, sharpie, charger for my cell phone, water bottle, baggie of snacks, wallet, hair clips, brush, hair bands and lotion. There have been too many times where I have been stuck at the hospital for a few days at a time due to weather and other emergencies - I make sure I have everything I need to contact people, entertain myself and make it through a few days without smelling too gross. :)

Excedrin, reusable water bottle, extra socks and scrubs, pens, loose "petty" money, a picture of my baby for comfort.

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