What makes a good nursing supervisor?

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in LTC & Rehab Supervision.

I've just accepted a position at a new skilled facility (to me) as a nursing supervisor. I've been the overnight supervisor at my current job, but it's been very lax. I've helped with scheduling, overlooked the nurses and CNAs, helped with any immediate problems and such. I know I'll be doing all this at my new job too. But other than that, I'm not really sure what to expect.

In your opinion, what makes a good nursing supervisor? I tend to be very nice and lax, but I know when to put my foot down when needed. Other than that I'm not really sure what else makes a supervisor good or great.

I just wanna be the best I can.

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

From reading your past submissions and such, Lynker, I sense you will be the best NS that you can. Congratulations on your new position.

Put principles before personalities.  Like facts and truisms, principles will remain constant, while personalities are continually in a state of flux. There is a chain of command, but there need be no popularity contest.

Priorities. As an NS, I kept a running list of responsibilities on things I had to do, or things that came up. I drew a little box beside each and checked them off as they were completed. We know residents' safety and well-being comes before upper management's whims, for example.

One of our responsibilities as managers is do delegate duties and not try to do everything for everybody.

Nearing the end of each day, I reviewed the list, and that which could wait until next time, did. There needs to be self-applied boundaries for what we can do and/or how much energy we will expend on what we're willing to do. We need a period of rest and recuperation every day.

Emerson said "Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in. Forget them as soon as you can. Forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin kt serenely and with too high a spirit ft be encumbered by your old nonsense". 

There's a lot more that could be said, and in lieu of that, read some of SilverBells' threads in order to learn what to avoid and some good advice given by allnurses' members.

Good luck and the best to you, Lynker!

Specializes in LTC & Rehab Supervision.

Thanks so much Davey! You hit the nail on the head. You also mentioned things I planned on doing, like lists and rounds of the floors. 

I have been checking out her threads, and they're very informative. 


Also thank you for that wonderful comment in the beginning. Knowing and trying to do well is half the battle! 

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

How many direct reports will you have? I've learned over the years that the absolute best way to foster good relationships, teamwork, and positive morale is through regular 1:1s with your direct reports. 

Specializes in LTC & Rehab Supervision.
klone said:

How many direct reports will you have? I've learned over the years that the absolute best way to foster good relationships, teamwork, and positive morale is through regular 1:1s with your direct reports. 

I think it'll be once a day for each unit. That's what I'm told, at least. But I'll be doing rounds multiple times a day just because that's how I am and I want to know what's going on at all times. 

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
Lynker said:

I think it'll be once a day for each unit. That's what I'm told, at least. But I'll be doing rounds multiple times a day just because that's how I am and I want to know what's going on at all times. 

Make sure people get their breaks even if you have to relieve others for a meal.  It will save a lot of headaches(literally) and you will be respected.

Specializes in LTC & Rehab Supervision.
subee said:

Make sure people get their breaks even if you have to relieve others for a meal.  It will save a lot of headaches(literally) and you will be respected.

Love this. I was actually thinking about this myself. I wanted to make rounds just to make sure everyone was getting their breaks/meals. I'm big on self care, especially going into a managerial role. If I get a break so do they.

I also wanted to make sure documentation was being done via CNAs and nurses fully. I think it'll help overall.

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
Lynker said:

Love this. I was actually thinking about this myself. I wanted to make rounds just to make sure everyone was getting their breaks/meals. I'm big on self care, especially going into a managerial role. If I get a break so do they.

I also wanted to make sure documentation was being done via CNAs and nurses fully. I think it'll help overall.

You sound like the dream supervisor and a team player.  I wish you the best in your new position.

Specializes in LTC & Rehab Supervision.

Just wanted to update you all,

The job's been going great so far! We've had some tough nights, some great. Regardless, I love the job so far. Haven't been on a med cart yet (luckily), but I'm still ready to do it when the time comes. I will be picking up shifts soon anyway.

My managers and DONs have shown me the respect I deserve, and I am included in important meetings as they have happened. I love the vibe of my current job, and the staff treat the residents and patients wonderfully. It feels like home, truly.

I have faced an issue so far, a long running one my job is trying to fix: CNA documentation. 

They've passed this onto me to somewhat try and mend. With PointClickCare, we can see which units do what percentage of their documentation. It seems to vary by night, shift and unit. I'm told to slowly start to get used to my CNAs and just nicely remind them to do and or finish their documentation.

Some nurses also expect me to do things for them, where my DON strong says that we HELP, not do (everything), say everything for an admission, fall etc.

Any tips on getting CNAs to document their ADLs and bowels, etc? We do everything electronically at my job--which I love. I'm starting to learn my CNAs but I'm starting to see the behaviors that are not ideal. It'll never be perfect, but I may as well try and start.

Lynker said:

Just wanted to update you all,

The job's been going great so far! We've had some tough nights, some great. Regardless, I love the job so far. Haven't been on a med cart yet (luckily), but I'm still ready to do it when the time comes. I will be picking up shifts soon anyway.

My managers and DONs have shown me the respect I deserve, and I am included in important meetings as they have happened. I love the vibe of my current job, and the staff treat the residents and patients wonderfully. It feels like home, truly.

I have faced an issue so far, a long running one my job is trying to fix: CNA documentation. 

They've passed this onto me to somewhat try and mend. With PointClickCare, we can see which units do what percentage of their documentation. It seems to vary by night, shift and unit. I'm told to slowly start to get used to my CNAs and just nicely remind them to do and or finish their documentation.

Some nurses also expect me to do things for them, where my DON strong says that we HELP, not do (everything), say everything for an admission, fall etc.

Any tips on getting CNAs to document their ADLs and bowels, etc? We do everything electronically at my job--which I love. I'm starting to learn my CNAs but I'm starting to see the behaviors that are not ideal. It'll never be perfect, but I may as well try and start.

Glad you are off to a good start!

Maybe if you focused on teaching them the importance of what they do, not just ticking boxes and thinking of it as a routine but The importance of their role in health and well-being of the residents. Sounds like they care, but maybe don't understand how that information is used. 

Specializes in Hospice.
Lynker said:

Just wanted to update you all,

The job's been going great so far! We've had some tough nights, some great. Regardless, I love the job so far. Haven't been on a med cart yet (luckily), but I'm still ready to do it when the time comes. I will be picking up shifts soon anyway.

My managers and DONs have shown me the respect I deserve, and I am included in important meetings as they have happened. I love the vibe of my current job, and the staff treat the residents and patients wonderfully. It feels like home, truly.

I have faced an issue so far, a long running one my job is trying to fix: CNA documentation. 

They've passed this onto me to somewhat try and mend. With PointClickCare, we can see which units do what percentage of their documentation. It seems to vary by night, shift and unit. I'm told to slowly start to get used to my CNAs and just nicely remind them to do and or finish their documentation.

Some nurses also expect me to do things for them, where my DON strong says that we HELP, not do (everything), say everything for an admission, fall etc.

Any tips on getting CNAs to document their ADLs and bowels, etc? We do everything electronically at my job--which I love. I'm starting to learn my CNAs but I'm starting to see the behaviors that are not ideal. It'll never be perfect, but I may as well try and start.

I think the first place to look is the design of the documentation itself. Then it would be helpful to know how documentation fits in with their current workload. Do they chart in the nurses' station? What do the CNAs have to say?

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