What are the most/least popular jobs?

Nurses General Nursing


Nursing jobs that is.

is this like an essay question for school or something--why are you asking just vague questions---once again totally different answere depending who on answeres it---I like admits. I would take them all but I hate doing teles..I would take an extra patient over calibrating teles anyday---

I want different answers. It is specific to the environment. Kind of like a survey, get it? I didn't ask what was more popular in your own head, but what was more popular as in easy to staff, more applicants, etc. Its called reading comprehension. You have to infer meaning. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

Specializes in psych. rehab nursing, float pool.

Yet, the answer then ends up being subjective rather than an objective point of view which would perhaps answered your question more fully.

I loved pysch. I love Rehab nursing. I do not like Ortho, yet I can not tell you exactly why I do not like it. It simply is not my cup of tea, yet you might love it.

As SDS RN says, it all depends on the individual. For me, it's working with burn patients. Will rather quit nursing than work with them.

Yet, the answer then ends up being subjective rather than an objective point of view which would perhaps answered your question more fully.

I loved pysch. I love Rehab nursing. I do not like Ortho, yet I can not tell you exactly why I do not like it. It simply is not my cup of tea, yet you might love it.

LPN, thanks, I'm not really concerned with what you like or don't like. Maybe you should reread the question?

Specializes in psych. rehab nursing, float pool.

Actually, the answer remains the same, ortho is the hardest to staff in my hospital. What you can not read the inference of my answer?

Specializes in ICU/ER.
LPN, thanks, I'm not really concerned with what you like or don't like. Maybe you should reread the question?

1st off didnt mean to Thank--meant to quote----the question is vague---extremely vague...what are the least/most popular jobs in nursing??

Totally depends on who you ask---yet you keep asking it..what type of answers exactly are you looking for???

Lets ask this---what is your favorite meal?--what does it matter??

Specializes in ICU/ER.
Its called reading comprehension. You have to infer meaning. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

clear as mud

clear as mud

LOL, I can't help you. You either A) didn't read the subsequent posts or B) have a learning disability. What part of, I don't care what your favorite unit is, don't you understand? If you go back, and read the posts, you will see that I am asking, how easy or difficult it is to staff various units at your place of employment. Let me put it in terms you can understand: If we all worked in ice cream shops, I am asking what the most popular flavor is where you work. Not what your favorite flavor is.

A few tips: "a lot" are two words. "Alot" is a verb. "Too" as in, "You are too dimwitted to be a nurse," has 2 o's in it, and answer only has one e.

You're welcome.

Specializes in psych. rehab nursing, float pool.

Harborview, I think your ultimate goal of being a CRRN will do you well. The patient's will be put asleep by you.

Thank you for your post, it was enlightning.

Harborview, I think your ultimate goal of being a CRRN will do you well. The patient's will be put asleep by you.

Thank you for your post, it was enlightning.

What is a CRRN? Clearly, I fascinate you if you have to go look up my old posts.

Specializes in ICU/ER.
LOL, I can't help you. You either A) didn't read the subsequent posts or B) have a learning disability. What part of, I don't care what your favorite unit is, don't you understand? If you go back, and read the posts, you will see that I am asking, how easy or difficult it is to staff various units at your place of employment. Let me put it in terms you can understand: If we all worked in ice cream shops, I am asking what the most popular flavor is where you work. Not what your favorite flavor is.

A few tips: "a lot" are two words. "Alot" is a verb. "Too" as in, "You are too dimwitted to be a nurse," has 2 o's in it, and answer only has one e.

You're welcome.

Wow--someone has issues.:no:---

Good luck on your pre-reqs...It will be interesting to see if you make it.

new thread---what is your favorite kind of ice cream?? my favorite ice cream is candy cane!!! lol

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Thread closed for moderator review.

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