What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

Here is my most gross, yucky, disgusting nursing story! Nurses Humor Article


I was working a night shift on a tele floor as a new Nurse.

We had this one poor old lady who was confused and was restrained as usual for her safety. She was our designated resident nightmare geri from hell, so she was placed near the Nurse's station.

So we are chilling out at the Nurse's station, chatting and trying to get through another night...

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see our lady in question standing in the dimly lit doorway of her room!

I instantly leap out and run to her. As I approach her, she appears to be falling towards me, so I meet her in a bear hug...my arms around her waste, and her arms around my shoulders.

As I catch the lady, I notice a very strong smell of feces, and I feel something warm on my hands, arms and shoulders...

My fellow heroes come in behind me, and as the lights are turned on, my worst fears are instantly realized.

Yes, I caught the poor old lady with a good old bear hung football catch, but I was also covered in the lady's feces.

As I look at her, she has feces smeared all over her arms and hands... (and even her face!)

And of course, now so did I! :D

hi there,

i'm a nursing( RN) student. do you have a choice when you start your job. i mean can i go or job in NICU or OB when i start.


you definitely can do a specialty without med surg experience as had been the rule in days past. i must admit it's difficult being new and doing specialty. and you do get a lot of "med surg" patients in labor and delivery. i've had several pts with blood transfusions, critical pts after a section, pre eclampsia is a critical area also. it's not just happy baby happy parents. the paper work kills you and you gotta be an octopus during and post delivery. it's a rough first yr but if it's what you really want i say go for it and don't get discouraged

Specializes in brain injury,.

during one night at the er we had an elderly lady come in from the nursing home. She had fallen and fractured her wrist. I assisted the doc by providing countertraction as he attempted to realign her wrist. He was pulling at her wrist and all of a sudden all the skin from her elbow down came down and over her hand. her skin had turned inside out. It was awful I can still hear her screaming

during one night at the er we had an elderly lady come in from the nursing home. She had fallen and fractured her wrist. I assisted the doc by providing countertraction as he attempted to realign her wrist. He was pulling at her wrist and all of a sudden all the skin from her elbow down came down and over her hand. her skin had turned inside out. It was awful I can still hear her screaming

i'm sorry but that is just way to nasty even for the most seasoned nurse.

I guess I would term myself as a nursing student, not an RN, but I have a neat "gross" story for ya'll.

Trying to make a long story short. We had this girl come in via the Expensive Taxi (i.e. EMSA, or ambulance). No one could drive her because they were all doin' drugs and she was about to have her baby. Yes, she was a participant in the drug party. She didn't want to wait for her bf to get off work so she called EMSA because she was having a few contractions (calling EMSA for reasons such as this really makes my blood boil but this is beside the case).

This gal comes in, stoned to the gills and doesn't appear to know that she's having a baby. It does sink in and the thought that she could get more free drugs hits her brain. Not that she's interested in an epidural, but she wants IV narcs. Even though she's got marijuana and cocaine on board, they give her some Stadol. Fortunately I'm ready with the emesis basin for the vomit bath that was sure to follow.

Anyhow, she progresses RAPIDLY (she was already an 8 when she came in, didn't wanna leave the cool party) and she's ready to deliver. As doula, I'm there to comfort her and hold her legs and keep everyone calm. Well, the nurse does an SVE and discovers that she ran into the baby's head as soon as the tip of her finger enters mom's lady parts.

The room is broken down and fortunately the doc is already with us. So, we have her RN, the scrub tech, a few residents, some medical students, the girl's mom and her bf. The BF is afraid to get too close but stands RIGHT behind me. Grandma wants full view of everything so I'm squished holding her left leg, with "dad" behind me (can't step backwards) and mom trying to edge me out to get a better view (can't step to my right). I was stuck.

Did I mentioned that she had an intact bulging BOW up to this point? Well, no longer as the baby's head emerged rather fast. I got absolutely soaked with blood and amniotic fluid. I mean, my legs and shoes were DRENCHED with the warm water. Strange feeling and possibly would have liked it if I didn't know where it was coming from. And at that point I didn't know what her HIV status was although she had a positive UDS. (her status turned out to be OK).

I excused myself as soon as I could to change into fresh scrubs. These were my personal scrubs and if I sent them through the hospital system, chances are great that I would have never seen them again. I decided to triple wrap them for the ride home (3 plastic bags) and ran them through the wash, on their own, 3 times to be sure that all of the birth glob was removed.

I know that this story is not as gross as the others, but this was my first baptism by amniotic fluid in L&D. Should have taken pics as a day to remember. :)

can't tell you how many times in 1 yr i have been baptized by amniotic fluid and a few times meconium. this is the main reason i dont wear my own scrubs. i usually tell them how i like them but don't need to know them that personally. they will usually laugh. one time though we had a med student and she got amnio fluid in her shoe and freaked and left the attending to finish the entire delivery and came back 1/2 hr later smelling like alcohol and and antibacterial gel. the attending who got the fluid in her eye despite the plastic shield never batted an eyelash and i had it all over my arms, neck and chin not to mention my scrubs. didn't phase us we just laughed at the med student and took bets on how long she wouldnt last. she never came back to l & d. and she was a surgical student. LOL :rotfl: :rotfl: :p :rotfl: :rotfl:


i have always thought this to be an urban legend it's just too horrible.

i had a young pt with a breech fetal demise 30 something weeks. the aunt terrified her by telling her about having a breech delivery and the head being decapitated and removed by c/s. needless to say the girl refused to deliver lady partslly. 15 yrs old c/s and all this to deliver a dead baby. talk about traumatized.

this one is really nasty. i got a full term fetal demise. diabetic mom non compliant go go dancer, who was given so much education on her one and only visit her chart looked like a book. she never went back for prenatal care. she came in cuz she didn't feel baby move in a while. she was 42 wks by dates. baby died in utero probably at 37 weeks. when doc ruptured her fetal hair and something round came out. it was an eye. cripes neither one of us could stand the stench of the amniotic fluid which was mud colored. we both prayed to not have to deliver her, to no avail. baby was out in about 3 hrs and when you touched it the skin just fell off on my gloves. it was like jello. nasty nasty the poor baby's face remains forever etched in my mind and the wretching feeling still comes when i think of it. worst of all is parents wanted to sue us cuz they felt we killed their baby. worst picture you could ever imagine.

when i was a student (but also an lpn) my partner (also an lpn) got this 85 yr old female from a nursing home. we had to give her bed bath. she had so much skin and dirt and scaly silver crud in her ears there was no more opening. and every time we touched her or moved the linens chunks of skin would just fall off all over. it was the worst. my partner did dialysis and er and was wretching for an hour after. when i got home i stood in the hallway and stripped down to undies put everything in a bag and washed 5x in hot water. and i live in a big building in nyc and couldn't have cared less. (imagine the neighbors horror) i still have no idea what the heck she had. i thought leprosy but knowing nursing homes we figured it could have been that she hadnt been bathed in yrs. :chair: yuck :barf02:

It's a wonder she didn't get toxic shock syndrome.

someone i know called me up and told me she had a tampon stuck up there and wanted my opinion of what to do (i work l&d) i stopped laughing after about 5 mins and asked her since when was it there and she told me 3 or 4 days. she kept trying to get it out cuz she was too embarassed to go to the er. i told her to get there quick. they removed it and she was mortified and on abx. but she will live lol. and forever use pads!!!

:D a co-worker of mine who is an rn also in ob said she got one with a plastic applicator stuck up there. luckily she got her husband to remove it. we all peed our pants when she showed us the position. she sure is flexible lol

I once saw an intern shove a cold speculum into a "sedated" little old lady in candy cane stirrups. She clamped down on his head with her knees and peed all over his face. Even the attending surgeon was cracking up.

Specializes in ortho/neuro/general surgery.

I work med-surg and last night I had a patient with an adynamic ileus that had a rectal tube for relief of gas. The tube became plugged with semi-solid stool and liquid stool was leaking all over the bed rapidly. After consulting a couple seasoned rn's, I gently irrigated it with sterile water. Then the cleaning process began, with myself, another rn and 2 patient care assistants. While he was turned away from me and the 2 PCA's were cleaning his backside, he blew an enormous amount of gas and sprayed them both with tan liquid stool on their scrub shirts. One of them even got it in the face. Luckily we can get hospital scrub shirts from OB, so they changed their shirts and washed them in the rehab unit washing machine. :chuckle :roll :lol2: :barf01:

(Yes, I know that if either of you 2 are on here and see this, I'm gonna get my seat kicked next time I work with you! :1luvu: :smiley_ab )

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..
during one night at the er we had an elderly lady come in from the nursing home. She had fallen and fractured her wrist. I assisted the doc by providing countertraction as he attempted to realign her wrist. He was pulling at her wrist and all of a sudden all the skin from her elbow down came down and over her hand. her skin had turned inside out. It was awful I can still hear her screaming
Poor lady. A fractured wrist was enough without that horrible experence!!!:o
Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..
i once saw an intern shove a cold speculum into a "sedated" little old lady in candy cane stirrups. she clamped down on his head with her knees and peed all over his face. even the attending surgeon was cracking up.
:specs: :yelclap: perfect!!!! the gal has my vote! i had one manhandle me so hard once he made me bleed, and he kept me there for 45 minutes. he cured me of ever going to a :no: gynechologist i was sooo traumatized. after several years though, i did go to a female gynechologist. i felt she would understand better how it felt. much better experience.