Recently I have a positon in which LPN's are on staff. In the 1970's, my Dean, Dr. Luther Christman, was instrumental in discouraging LPN programs. I realize that times have changed. I have changed my own old attitudes,which has been difficult. My generation and ANA were promoting the bill to define two levels of nursing practice. BSN, and ADN. This was in the early 1980's. Medical center's boasted a BSN staff. Primary nursing was the gold standard.So this is the bias of my earlier years in clinical practice.
But recently I have become aware of these private LPN programs. One such program has unusual entrance requirements. A high school diploma/GED, a clean criminal record, and $26,000-$30,000 guanantee a spot. I am aghast at the quality of care that I have witnessed. My colleagues, including seasoned LPN's from reputable programs, were flabbergasted to hear about such programs. This discovery was prompted by investigation of the educational preparation of 3 new LPN's. They have all since been terminated for patient negligence, life threatening medication errors, or substandard clinical practice.
Posting this thread will be met with outrage, and criticism I am certain. But why were the LPN's I have spoken about totally defensive concerning thier LPN program?
I am wary of a program that is not certified by NLN. I am wary of a program that does not include,or require an English class. I am wary of a program with such pathetic entrance requirements. I am adamant that these programs are not EDUCATION. I am not sure what they are.