I've been a nurse a long long time and have worked in a variety of roles, now a CNS for the past 10 years. My question is for all those nurses who have chosen administration/management roles. I ask: What happened to your integrity? your sense of what is right? Where is your backbone? Have you all forgotten why you went into nursing in the first place? Are you so desperate for your job that you are willing to give up on your values or do you even know what they are any more? Time and time again I have heard nursing administrators "talk the talk" of "quality" "optimal patient outcomes" and "accountability" . And repeatedly I see these very nurses backing down , failing to support their nursing staff and avoiding a confrontation with physicians . We all talk about things like "shared accountability" but in reality it is all about keeping physicians happy. Lousy physicians are allowed to practice poor medicine without repercussion. All the while we as nurses are put in positions of having to work along side them, risking our own licenses and compromising our integrity. I'm sick of this. No wonder nurses leave the work force in droves. Why should they even pretend they can make a difference when those who have the authority to speak up back down.