What grosses YOU out?

Nurses Humor


I don't know if this has been posted before, but what grosses you out as a nurse?

For me it's blood clots. Especially from a delivery with a large EBL. The blood sits in the placenta pan and congeals. Bleh. Shudder.

Specializes in LTC.

Ear wax esp big chunks. Shudder.

In reguards to the bariatric patient, I was taking care of a bari patient before his procedure, he was so large that he couldn't sit on a toilet and I had to have him stand up and I positioned a garbage can under him to drop a bowel movement into. Ughhh!!!

Mushrooms... between the toes. :eek:

Specializes in LTC.

Dirty, greasy hair. That gross scalp smell gags me more than anything.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Right up until my first semester of nursing school, needles made me weak kneed and gave me butterflies in the stomach.

With 25 years of policework in a major city behind me, I had seen all kinds of wounds, injuries,dismemberments, and bodies in various states of decomposition, none of which bothered me like NEEDLES!!

Thank God that passed!!

sputum. I work in theatres, and the sound of a big goober rattling around in a tube while we're extubating makes me so physically nauseous that I have to turn away. for those of you who don't know the sound, it's like the gurgle your bathtub makes after you pull the plug, but with a vague threat that mucous is about to come flying at you.

I'd rather clean up poo than deal with it.

I'd rather do a five hour pseudomonas-infected burns dressing in a plastic gown with the temperature cranked up than deal with it.

I'd rather attend to some hot vomit than deal with it.

I'd rather do peri care on a large and 'untamed' woman than deal with it.

you get the picture.

I also hate toes. About a year ago I took the stockinette off a man's leg after a total knee replacement and saw that his second toenail curled all the way over his toe and was starting to cut into the underside of his toe, and the horror stays with me to this day.

I can handle almost anything, but urostomy smell comes the close to getting to me.

Specializes in stepdown RN.

Suctioning grosses me out, also GI bleeds - The smell is something I will never get used to.

Vomit. Sympathetic vomiter here, and it's REALLY hard to hold back! I'll do poop any day over vomit :)

Suction!! I hate suctioning patients!

Specializes in Hospice, ONC, Tele, Med Surg, Endo/Output.

People who don't wash their feet--cheesy growth that you can peel off, thick, overgrown nails! Elderly people who are afraid of baths--they stink and look awful. Smegma on a member. Pull back the foreskin for heaven's sake. Stage 4 ulcers. Stasis ulcers. People who reach in their diapers and play with their poop. Elderly, demented patients. Pureed diet smells. Dead-looking, withered dialysis patients. Red, thick, irritated edema to lower legs. Any skin flaking. The fruity smell of diabetes--god, they stink! Clubbed fingers.

Specializes in Hospice, ONC, Tele, Med Surg, Endo/Output.

People with no teeth, gums flapping in the wind. Large, red gums--overgrown. Tiny heads with huge dentures that move around when the patient talks. People who have dentures of any age--why did so many people remove their teeth and have dentures put in? Brushing dentures--i just don't do it--i put them in mouthwash and let them sit there and hopefully, the pt won't ask for them back.

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