What grosses YOU out?

Nurses Humor


I don't know if this has been posted before, but what grosses you out as a nurse?

For me it's blood clots. Especially from a delivery with a large EBL. The blood sits in the placenta pan and congeals. Bleh. Shudder.

i quite enjoy suctioning.....i like the sound the the gunk makes as it goes up the tube...kinda find it quite satisfying for some reason. I like it when i suction and hit a real big patch of something...and i think to myself "yeah, gottcha!!!"

It's especially satisfying when the patient, who was cyanotic when you entered the room, pinks right back up after that big glob of crap is out of their throat. :D

Old men and half full sputum cups and the noises they make to get sputum up :o:o

I can handle just about any thing...vomit, urine, bm, blood. The one thing that really grosses me out is drool! I can't stand it when a pt drools on me. It totally makes me want to gag!

Specializes in med/surg, wound/ostomy.

Reading these posts while eating yogurt is not a great idea. As a wound specialist, not much bothers me. But there are times when horrible toe nails and gunk in the beard will do me in!!!


omg that is sooo digusting!!!!! how the heck did that happen!

Sputum, GI bleed smell!

Trach care with long stringy sputum. I almost lost it.

I also hate toenails that are so long they are curled and the smell of unwashed feet. I once had a dialysis pt that had extremely long nails and I called his care center to let them know that they needed to do something about his feet (he's a diabetic for cryin out loud.) The next week I check his feet again. There is this deep depression in the bottom of his foot. Upon further investigation a large curled toenail falls out of his sock. Looked like an old dried up piece of macaroni. He had been walking on it and didn't feel it due to neuropathy! How long he had been walking on it is anyone's guess. Why do old people have such gross feet?

GI Bleeds & Poop.... :grn: Everything else I can handle.... lol

Specializes in Covering ill calls house wide.

Skin flakes on the sheets is the WORST.

The smell of betadine mixed with a yeast infection.

Emptying the NG canister if its bloody/clotty.

The smell of bloody urine. I always feel like my shoes smell like bloody urine after having prostatectomy pts, even if I didnt even TOUCH the catheter. Odd, I know.

The way our soiled utility smells. Its an odd potpourri of bodily fluids, expired foods, TPN/lipids, mucomyst and other strongly scented drugs and bleach. Ick.

Pureed food and vomit...can't handle it!! Give me a pressure ulcer I can stick my fist in or thick mucous any day...

I can handle almost everything. Walking into a patient's room and seeing water cups full of grey/green phlegm and spit sends me over the edge. :barf01:

I can't believe the foods that our facility purees. ugggggg I can barely stomach it when I'm feeding my resident.

Pureed food and vomit...can't handle it!! Give me a pressure ulcer I can stick my fist in or thick mucous any day...
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