What Did You Get For Nurses Week?

Nurses General Nursing


I have been MIA from allnurses for a long time so I decided to start a topic...I just received my "nurses week" gift from my management team at the hospital were I work. Last year we got a pen and this year we got one of those tall aluminum bottles that keeps your drinks cold/hot, with the hospital logo on it!! Yay! *sacrasm over* At least we got a useable gift.

Curious on what other facilities have done or currently doing for their staff for nurses week. Please share.

Nothing... From any of my 3 jobs..

I feel loved.

Insert eye roll here.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
Specializes in Med/Surg Tele.

We got a plastic water bottle with the hospital logo. Very useful for me. The hospital sent food to the units, but I work nites so by the time I came in it was all picked over and leftovers, same as usual.

A personalized cupcake and an umbrella with company's logo

Specializes in School Nursing.

This topic has got to be one of the most depressing!! Either we weren't remembered, or we got leftover gifts from previous years....I think I hate to even remember what this week was, as it just shoves the fact that we are forgotten in our faces. But then I realized....when is administration day, school counselor day, etc, etc....Those of us who work in a hospital setting should have enough staff to celebrate, but nurses in other fields have co-workers who also are not remembered. NASN wants us to shout out for ourselves....I'm not that bold and would feel like I was self-serving. "HEY, LOOK AT ME!!!" No thanks!!

Specializes in Psych, Corrections, Med-Surg, Ambulatory.
This topic has got to be one of the most depressing!! Either we weren't remembered, or we got leftover gifts from previous years....I think I hate to even remember what this week was, as it just shoves the fact that we are forgotten in our faces. But then I realized....when is administration day, school counselor day, etc, etc....Those of us who work in a hospital setting should have enough staff to celebrate, but nurses in other fields have co-workers who also are not remembered. NASN wants us to shout out for ourselves....I'm not that bold and would feel like I was self-serving. "HEY, LOOK AT ME!!!" No thanks!!

What's wrong with being self-serving one day a year when you spend the rest of the year serving everyone else? I used to work in a place where nurses were a tiny minority. I started announcing how many shopping days till Nurses' Day. Voila! We started getting chocolates. Which beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

If the others are jealous because they don't get their special day then they aren't lobbying hard enough. Squeaky wheel, etc etc.

Me and my fellow nurse practitioners got nothing from our large physician's group though we were asked to participate in the nurses day celebration giving our nurses and MOA's massages in two day increments.

Most nurses at HURLEY in flint, MI boycotted the festivities. Our contract expired a year ago, management will not bargain in good faith. Nurses are interested in patients, management is all about making money at our expense.

Our manager did a nice lunch for us. The district manager gave us a zippered tote bag with company logo. Cost at least 1 dollar. Lol. That's all I ever expect. I am there for my patients anyway. They are my inspiration and seeing them succeed is my reward

My job didn't do anything for us. For myself, I took my NCLEX-RN and went from LPN to Regitstered! #forFlo lol

Specializes in LongTerm Care, ICU, PCU, ER.

Our facility celebrates "hospital week". Nurses got a six pack. Of nothing!

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