Published Mar 8, 2007
nursebrandie28, BSN, RN
205 Posts
hey my fellow trauma cats!!
i was asked to take a 5p-1a shift, instead of my 11a-11p shift and i was wondering do any of you guys work 'odd' hours and how to do you like it.....
i love the 11-11 shift, because i have no kids and when i get off, i can go out and not have to get up early in the am.....
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
0245 - 1515 . . . . .
Part-time, fortunately.
RunnerRN, BSN, RN
378 Posts
I work 3p-3a, weekends only. LOVE IT :) I also work 11-11, and don't like it as much. With 3-3, I can have most of my Saturday, sleep in, and go back to work the next day. Monday mornings stink, but I just force myself out of bed by 11, and get going.
5-1 sounds awesome. Will you be doing 5 of these? We don't have any nurse shifts that are 5-1, but several secretaries do it, and seem to be happy with it. I think it sounds like the best of both worlds myself.
bill4745, RN
874 Posts
I love my 11a-11p.
37 Posts
I've done 3p-3a, 7a-7p and 11a-7p...not too fond of anything earlier than 11
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
I used to do a 7p-3a shift. I loved it until I got married. Doesn't work very well with a family. I have worked 11a-11p and I don't like that one. Seems like my whole day is shot; the only good thing is not having to get up before dawn for that one.
Jennifer, RN
226 Posts
I work 3p-3a during the week, 7a-7p or 11a-11p on weekends. This allows my husband and I to be able to raise our kids without daycare. I am exhausted all the time, and never get out on time, but it works.
Larry77, RN
1,158 Posts
Love my schedule:
1400-0200, 3 days on, 1 day off, 3 days on, 7 off
b eyes
70 Posts
I am working 3 am to 3:30 pm. However, we are fazing them out now. Going back to 8 hour shifts. I have three children and was not getting enough sleep. could go to bed after they did, didn't leave much time for sleeping. Beleive it or not I developed some arrythmias, pvc's and short burst of v-tach, {after much testing} and the cardiologist feels it is because I am stressing my body too much! Has this ever happened to anyone else? I said I don't feel stressed, I can still run, I eat healthy, etc...He said that you are stressing your body and this is how it is warning you to make a change.
HMMM.. guess the old saying stress kills is true!!
19 Posts
four of us at my job have been doing 2-16's and 1-8 no weekends work Mon off Tues 8on Wed off Thurs work Fri next week off Mon work Tues 8on Wed work Thurs off Fri we have been doing it a couple of months and we LOVE it lotta time at home
NativeSundance, LPN
50 Posts
My official shift is 7p-7a, although I have been known to work 3p-3a, 3a-3p, 11a-11p. Sometimes when the ER is slamming, I work 7p to 11a or 3p to 7a. I don't live far from the hospital and they all know I stay up at night even on my nights off (in order not to muck up my sleep) so feel free to call me at any hour and beg when they're desperate. I usually succumb and go in.
57 Posts
I always enjoyed 3p to 3a on med surg, now in ED they don't have that option. I get switched between 11a -11p and either 7p or 11p to 7a. I don't care much for overnight, the lull in activity takes a lot out of me, but not nearly as much as switching from staying up all night, one day off, then 11-11. My circadian rhythm is shot.