What caught your attention in the world today?


I came across this is little story today, it's not breaking news.  I suspect that a member of the housekeeping staff knows something about the bomb threat that required the sweep for weapons.



According to police in Secaucus, the bomb threat — which later was determined to be bogus — was called in to Hudson Regional Hospital on July 18. During a search, bomb detection dogs led investigators to an unlocked office closet containing dozens of firearms.

Among the weapons were 11 handguns and 27 rifles or shotguns, according to police. The closet also contained a .45 caliber semi-automatic rifle with a high-capacity magazine that was determined to be an assault rifle, and a 14-round high-capacity handgun magazine.

The arrested the guy the next day. 

What the heck do you think this guy was doing? It sounds very ominous that he was keeping those weapons there. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Crusades said:


He was found liable in a civil court case of sexual battery not rape 2 decades later. There goes the distortion of facts. Again....  Sexual battery isn't the same as rape. Go ask a rape victim if being groped is as bad as being raped. The burden of proof is much less than in a criminal case. 

MLK was an adulter womanizer. So what? Still a great leader in his time. 

As it stands, he not been found guilty of any crime yet. However because he's Trump he isn't bestowed innocent until proven guilty right? Because democrats only apply the constitution to some not all? At least in theory. 

Biden is a confused "well meaning" old forgetful man. With his own skeletons.  That he can't even remember. 

There is 2 choices. I chose Trump because US politics have gone to s*it. I have to vote for the evil orange Trump over a feeble forgetful old man with an affinity for sniffing small children. So yes. Trump is terrible awfull....... but still better than Biden. 😌 



Sure. The judge in that case said that it was the same as rape. That's what I would call forcibly inserting inserting your fingers into another person's bodily orifice without their permission, and that's what the judge called it.  No facts were distorted.  It sounds like you think that's not such a big deal.  

Sure. MLK was a great leader.  Funny that you would compare Trump's infidelity to MLK. The problem is that Trump isn't a great leader.  He's the guy that completely mismanaged a once in a lifetime pandemic and national emergency.  Trump is the unfaithful guy who lies about our elections and tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power.  Trump is the cheater who accuses everyone else of cheating and insufficient loyalty and is guilty of business fraud, and of misusing a charity, and running a scam "university". Can you see the difference? 

That's correct, there's no criminal verdict yet.  It sure seems to me that the foundation of that legal proceeding in NYC sees the defendant as innocent until proven guilty.  Don't be alarmed that people have opinions.  After all, you have opinions of Biden.  

I can do that too. Trump is a confused and badly intentioned old man.  Some of Trump's skeletons were taken out of his closet today in court.  He tried to forget this unsavory dishonesty.  

You haven't provided any evidence that Biden has done any despicable things, like Trump has. You throw around empty and lazy adjectives to justify your choice to vote for a despicable man.  

Trump is absolutely a your guy.  

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Crusades said:

I never said his criminal behavior is better than Biden. 

It's like taking a flight with a pilot who swears in the cockpit or a pilot that forgets how to use the ailerons. 

I prefer a POTUS that makes and does his duty as chief. Not an old feeble puppet that gets bullied by the women in the squad and told what to do.  

Of course you said that.  Nearly every comment includes the sentiment that no matter what despicable thing he's done, Trump is still better than Biden.  

Using your analogy, Trump as a pilot was confronted with a serious in-flight emergency and then lied repeatedly to the passengers.  His son in law member of the official crew told the passengers that the parachutes belonged to the crew.  When the crew was trying to tell the passengers what to do to help themselves Trump interrupted and told the passengers that they didn't have to follow those directions because he wasn't going to.  

It's so inconvenient for you that the fellow you call feeble has accomplished so much in 4 years while your guy has dinner with antisemites and dictators.  You know about that kind of social circle, right?  Oh wait, I forgot, you're cool with despicable behavior.  

Specializes in Assisted living/hospice.
toomuchbaloney said:


Sure. The judge in that case said that it was the same as rape. That's what I would call forcibly inserting inserting your fingers into another person's bodily orifice without their permission, and that's what the judge called it.  No facts were distorted.  It sounds like you think that's not such a big deal.  

Sure. MLK was a great leader.  Funny that you would compare Trump's infidelity to MLK. The problem is that Trump isn't a great leader.  He's the guy that completely mismanaged a once in a lifetime pandemic and national emergency.  Trump is the unfaithful guy who lies about our elections and tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power.  Trump is the cheater who accuses everyone else of cheating and insufficient loyalty and is guilty of business fraud, and of misusing a charity, and running a scam "university". Can you see the difference? 

That's correct, there's no criminal verdict yet.  It sure seems to me that the foundation of that legal proceeding in NYC sees the defendant as innocent until proven guilty.  Don't be alarmed that people have opinions.  After all, you have opinions of Biden.  

I can do that too. Trump is a confused and badly intentioned old man.  Some of Trump's skeletons were taken out of his closet today in court.  He tried to forget this unsavory dishonesty.  

You haven't provided any evidence that Biden has done any despicable things, like Trump has. You throw around empty and lazy adjectives to justify your choice to vote for a despicable man.  

Trump is absolutely a your guy.  

You're welcome for giving you a chance to rant with repition about Trump...  

Never said Biden did despicable things nor do I care to debate that. just that he's not fit to be president. All the despicable things about Trump...still better than Biden for POTUS 

toomuchbaloney said:

Of course you said that.  Nearly every comment includes the sentiment that no matter what despicable thing he's done, Trump is still better than Biden.  

Using your analogy, Trump as a pilot was confronted with a serious in-flight emergency and then lied repeatedly to the passengers.  His son in law member of the official crew told the passengers that the parachutes belonged to the crew.  When the crew was trying to tell the passengers what to do to help themselves Trump interrupted and told the passengers that they didn't have to follow those directions because he wasn't going to.  

It's so inconvenient for you that the fellow you call feeble has accomplished so much in 4 years while your guy has dinner with antisemites and dictators.  You know about that kind of social circle, right?  Oh wait, I forgot, you're cool with despicable behavior.  

Trump is better than Biden for POTUS

Specializes in Assisted living/hospice.
toomuchbaloney said:

Of course you said that.  Nearly every comment includes the sentiment that no matter what despicable thing he's done, Trump is still better than Biden.  

Using your analogy, Trump as a pilot was confronted with a serious in-flight emergency and then lied repeatedly to the passengers.  His son in law member of the official crew told the passengers that the parachutes belonged to the crew.  When the crew was trying to tell the passengers what to do to help themselves Trump interrupted and told the passengers that they didn't have to follow those directions because he wasn't going to.  

It's so inconvenient for you that the fellow you call feeble has accomplished so much in 4 years while your guy has dinner with antisemites and dictators.  You know about that kind of social circle, right?  Oh wait, I forgot, you're cool with despicable behavior.  

At least Trump would land the plane..Biden woukd get lost on the tarmac . LOL

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Crusades said:

You're welcome for giving you a chance to rant with repition about Trump...  

Never said Biden did despicable things nor do I care to debate that. just that he's not fit to be president. All the despicable things about Trump...still better than Biden for POTUS 

Trump is better than Biden for POTUS

Trump is your guy.  He represents your values and ethics.  

You didn't say that Biden does despicable things because Biden doesn't do despicable things... your guy does... despicable is fine in your world. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Crusades said:

At least Trump would land the plane..Biden woukd get lost on the tarmac . LOL


Trump sure didn't even know how to fly the plane when he was the pilot. You have to ignore that part. Trump love requires that. 


Specializes in Assisted living/hospice.
toomuchbaloney said:

Trump is your guy.  He represents your values and ethics.  

You didn't say that Biden does despicable things because Biden doesn't do despicable things... your guy does... despicable is fine in your world. 

My values are more in line with Republicans. Considering I was kicked out the Democrat club for daring to have independent thought. (Figurative not literally, just in case.....)

Despicable or not, Biden  not fit for POTUS.  He was also accused of force fingering penetrative assult on a woman.

Trump is the candidate for the republican party. The vote isn't based solely on the person running for president.  There's a party behind the person. A vote for Trump is a vote for Republicans.  Ya know how that democratic republic thing? 

toomuchbaloney said:


Trump sure didn't even know how to fly the plane when he was the pilot. You have to ignore that part. Trump love requires that. 


Yeah well Biden doesn't even know what a plane is anymore. Probably thinks it a giant dinosaur bird he help capture with his great grandfather. Before he was eaten by cannibals.  

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Crusades said:

My values are more in line with Republicans. Considering I was kicked out the Democrat club for daring to have independent thought. (Figurative not literally, just in case.....)

Despicable or not, Biden  not fit for POTUS.  He was also accused of force fingering penetrative assult on a woman.

Trump is the candidate for the republican party. The vote isn't based solely on the person running for president.  There's a party behind the person. A vote for Trump is a vote for Republicans.  Ya know how that democratic republic thing? 

Yeah well Biden doesn't even know what a plane is anymore. Probably thinks it a giant dinosaur bird he help capture with his great grandfather. Before he was eaten by cannibals.  

Correct.  Your values are in line with the support of a despicable liar who is intent upon terminating the parts of your constitution that are inconvenient for him.  Lies and misrepresentations are your style of politics as evidenced by your own words.  

Yes the party of Trump includes a number of politicians who repeat the Trump lies about election integrity.  It includes political celebrities like MTG and a Boebert who flaunt their Christianity while publicly groping men and engaging in extramarital affairs.  That party is currently involved in promoting the notion that Biden is corrupt and getting impeached.  They have spent lots of money and wasted lots of time having hearings making a wealth of claims of Biden crimes that have no factual support. That party has been restricting women's health care autonomy and trying to legalize the tools for them to cheat in this next election.  That party represents your values.  


Specializes in School Nursing.
Crusades said:

My values are more in line with Republicans. Considering I was kicked out the Democrat club for daring to have independent thought. (Figurative not literally, just in case.....)

Independent thought? All I have read is far right wing news talking points. 

Specializes in Assisted living/hospice.


lifelearningrn said:

Independent thought? All I have read is far right wing news talking points. 

Interesting.  I didn't say any "far right talking points" calling a feeble forgetful old man a feeble forgetful old man is an observation not a talking point. 🙄 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
Crusades said:


Interesting.  I didn't say any "far right talking points" calling a feeble forgetful old man a feeble forgetful old man is an observation not a talking point. 🙄 


No, it's a talking point.  I expect you to misrepresent Biden's capacity while ignoring Trump's incoherent and dangerous craziness. You share that tendency to speak nonsense about Biden with your guy Trump. 

Isn't it interesting that so many of Trump's cabinet won't endorse him and say he shouldn't be reelected? Maybe you don't find that interesting.  

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.
Crusades said:

Interesting.  I didn't say any "far right talking points" calling a feeble forgetful old man a feeble forgetful old man is an observation not a talking point. 🙄 

And your source for this comment?


feeble definition

  • physically weak, as from age or sickness; frail.
  • weak intellectually or morally: a feeble mind.
  • lacking in volume, loudness
  • lacking in force, strength, or effectiveness

2/23023:  Biden makes surprise visit to Ukraine for first time since full-scale war began

3/12/2024: I'm a Neuroscientist. We're Thinking About Biden's Memory and Age in the Wrong Way.


Public perception of a person's cognitive state is often determined by superficial factors, such as physical presence, confidence and verbal fluency, but these aren't necessarily relevant to one's capacity to make consequential decisions about the fate of this country. Memory is surely relevant, but other characteristics, such as knowledge of the relevant facts and emotion regulation — both of which are relatively preserved and might even improve with age — are likely to be of equal or greater importance.

3/8/2024: The Strategic Shouting of Biden's State of the Union


Loud and proud, Biden dispelled the 'lack of energy' issue while promoting an economics to which the GOP has no real rejoinder.

Biden signs Ukraine aid, Israel funding and TikTok crackdown into law


President Joe Biden scored a massive foreign policy win with the passage of a foreign aid bill last week that included $60 billion for Ukraine.

Having watched his activities / politics for the past 50 years and meeting him in person in his March 2024 visit to my county, no doesn't meet feeble definition.


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