Published Aug 26, 2010
5 Posts
Can a instuctor tell you not to talk to you school counsolor or even talk about your program at all to anyone or she will kick you out? And can they humliiate you in front of the class?
April, RN, BSN, RN
1,008 Posts
The obvious answer is no, she shouldn't be treating you this way, but more details might get you more insight on the situation.
NamasteNurse, BSN, RN
680 Posts
Instructors can and will do and say all sorts of unfathomable things to students. In my experience they can get away with pretty much everything. Seems like the instructors and their 'higher-ups" watch each others backs and students come out on the bad end of things. It stinks, but unless you want out of the program, sometimes you have to take it. Sometimes, I think they are trying to weed out the 'weak'
im sorry i cant talk about this or anything else!
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
Making public derogatory statements about a program is not a good idea (and this is a public forum).
What you tell a school counselor should be confidential, and not come back to her. Can't promise that though. You can however talk to your dean or department head, she cannot forbid you to go over her head. Just be willing to accept the consequences.
I think it best to leave this alone. Im sorry for wasting anyones time!
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
You are not bothering anyone......but it seem like you are being bothered. Keep your head up.........I will send good thoughts your way. Don't be a door mat!
ChristineN, BSN, RN
3,465 Posts
You could also see a counselor outside of school, they would have to keep whatever you told them confidential.
Good luck
38,333 Posts
I attempted to post a response that was similar to NamasteNurse's, but the system would not accept it. I would also caution you against getting into any kind of disagreement with your instructors as they can see that you are not successful in nursing school. Best wishes.
Good luck. You're always welcome to come in and talk here.
7,099 Posts
Hope you can find your way through this and reach your goals, carmelkisses!
diane227, LPN, RN
1,941 Posts
They say all kinds of stuff and it never surprised me what they would say to intimidate students. You have freedom of speech but I think you are wise to keep comments off a public forum like this site and Facebook etc. You can email any one of us a private email and we will get back to you if you need specifics. We are all glad to help.