Published Jan 12, 2007
Antikigirl, ASN, RN
2,595 Posts
After reading/posting on the post on caring for Nurses or MD's...I thought of another question that may be amusing...
If you were a patient, say you had back surgery or something where you were in bed for a time...what would you bring with you to the hospital (or have brought) knowing that it can be a wait for some things?
Me, I would bring a female urinal (just in case no one could help me to the BR), a large pitcher of water, my own button down nightgown, and my nice fluffy fuzzy bodypillow!
muffie, RN
1,411 Posts
does your nice fluffy fuzzy body pillow drive an ambulance ?
but seriously...
my owm pillow
flannel jammies
real kleenex
bottled h2o
freshening wipes
comfy bankie
fresh fruit
pix of my kittens
books , magazines
to name a few
358 Posts
1) a ceramic cup-- I don't like coffee out of a plastic cup.
2) some nice thick books
3) ear plugs
4) good music, cd player
5) funny dvds or videos
6) 'yes' to the pillows and nightgown
7) my drug book and the Merck Manual
OH these are great! Earplugs!!!!!! OH yeah!!!!!!!
LOL Muffie...naaaaaaa I would leave the ambulance driving pillow at home to take care of the kids for once! LOL!!!!!!!! Plus my fluffy pillow doesn't snore!
12 Posts
robe-- my cheeks are not going to be flashing the halls
my own soft blanket
ear plugs
my own BCOC, AOC;)
TP, toothbrush, lip balm,shampoo
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
Back surgery? Definitely a sippie cup (yes the kind that toddlers use). Those are a great for people that can't sit up to get a drink.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
"A female urinal" . . . . I'm trying to imagine what that could be.
Definitely my own pillow, pj's, UNDERWEAR!!!, socks.
does your nice fluffy fuzzy body pillow drive an ambulance ?hahaha
burn out
809 Posts
Ear plugs are a must-just to tune out the iv pumps that beep all night long.
relaxation tapes for when they say today we are going to test to see if you have cancer and tomorrow they test to see if you have aids and finally for when they say we can't fnd out what is wrong with you so we are just going to treat the was itp.
I would ask that my phone be taken out so that my family could not call me and tell me howthe house was falling apart without me there..some times you just need a break.
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
Female urinal....didn't think of that.........
sippy cup...Marie is right......First Years Take 'n Toss cups are the best
pics of my kids
Female urinal....didn't think of that.........jammiespillowbookssippy cup...Marie is right......First Years Take 'n Toss cups are the bestpics of my kids
I'm at a loss still . . . can someone post a photo of a "female urinal". Is it a bedpan?