Nursing Students School Programs Nursing Q/A

I'm planning to enroll in (). Can anyone provide pros and cons to the program? Interesting in hearing from current students, but welcome others to chime in for learning purposes.

20 hours ago, lalarn2018 said:

hello, did they mention that it has to be in a hospital? I am planning to work in a skilled nursing and wondering if it's ok to work there to get my bsn. thanks.

No. They could care less where you work.

Hello guys,

I’m looking to start in a month! I’ve read this entire thread. I would like to know if there are any papers to be written or only exams? Also, how many exams are there for each class? Is it like a normal semester where there are 3 exams. I work full time on a Med Surg unit 3 days a week, 12 hr shifts.
I would be grateful for some feedback ?

Hello can someone explain how exactly the classes work?

So I am wanting to become a CRNA. Hoping to apply to mayo after my bachelors and have been thinking of looking into . Does anyone know if pass fail classes/schools can hurt you if trying to go further?

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