Weird Requests

Specialties School


i guess we should be flattered because we are considered the "problem solvers" in our buildings......however, sometimes i am just amazed at what students and staff members ask of me!


1. please add an extra hole to this student's belt

2. fix these student's eyeglasses (glasses in 4 pieces)

3. needs school supplies

4. i came to get a puff of my sister's inhaler.

5. this child is in trouble and needs to sit in your office for the rest of the day.

6. student spilled 2 drops of water on shirt. please wash!

7. i need sugar for my coffee (note sent by student from teacher) :uhoh3:

what weird requests have you had???

I had a student sent to me today for a mouth they really think I have them next to the Epipens?

Gee, and I thought I was the only one that had the dog poo experience (requested from the Assistant Principal, no less!) Umm, one of mine was when a student was sent to me "because his butthole hurt". And, OK, I am supposed to do what? And I love the ones where the teacher finds a tick, tapes it on a paper, and sends it to me with the student. (And I do what with the tick?) I, too, have had broken sandels to fix, buttons to mend, braids too tight along with "student has loose tooth". I wonder, did they want me to pull it out? And then I get the older kids who come up because they need a new shirt (what, you don't have a size 8? Or, I don't like this, do you have it in blue?? Jeesh!

Gotta love it :D:D


Specializes in school nursing.

Thanks for keeping them coming. I am now eating my lunch at 2:00, better late than never I suppose! Today I have been asked to

1. Ignore the medication policy (requested by parent).

2. Get out of the way so a staff member could use my restroom. How dare I do first aid on a student and block HER path.

I've been asked to count the lunch money, call all the students absent for the day to see why they were absent, babysit a group of kids that couldn't finish their work in class so they sent them to the office and the principal put them in my office and I ended up helping them with their work because they had trouble and I figured the sooner they got out of there the sooner I could have my office back , let a kid come and "cool off" regularly whenever he felt like a temper tantrum was coming on, along with all the clean off dog poop, safety pin clothes, etc. except never had the sugar request or suppository one yet!

I have been asked to zip a 5th graders pants!!! The teacher sent them to me TWICE in the same day. Really???!!!

Specializes in Coronary Care, School Nurse.

For zipper issues on a 5th grader, I would have the student call home and request mom to bring in another pair of pants.

Specializes in school nursing.
I have been asked to zip a 5th graders pants!!! The teacher sent them to me TWICE in the same day. Really???!!!

For me, these requests usually come when I am helping a student with a bad asthma attack or holding pressure on a bleeding wound!!! I will have student sit there 30-45 minutes until I am done with my urgent kiddos. Then teacher shows up wanting to know what is taking her student so long. I just point to my bloody gloves and say "I don't know, why don't you tell me."

I had a student sent to me because her pen exploded and her hands were covered in ink. She washed her hands in the class and it didn't come out so the teacher told her to go to the nurse!

I swear - I think the teachers send some of these kids down because they need a breather and can't take it anymore!!!



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