Published Jun 22, 2010
280 Posts
Hi! Who is applying to Weatherford for the spring 2011 semester?
I took the TEAS yesterday and didn't do as well as I was hoping. I am going to retake it and hopefully then I will have 18 or 19 points. It seems that the point system has changed and is only 23 possible points now, rather than 26.
I really don't know if 18 or 19 will be enough, but I haven't completed Micro so that is going to hurt me. I figure it is worth a try though! You can't win if you don't play! lol.
So who else is applying? How many points does everyone have?
10 Posts
Hi there!
I have applied for the Spring 2011 semester. I've taken the TEAS test; however, I had to retake it. The first time I took it, I scored an 84.1% and the second time I scored a 94.1%! I recently found out about the new change with the point system as well, and if I did it correctly, I should have 20 points. I e-mailed someone to see if she could send me an attachment of the new point system just to be sure.
Anyway, when are you planning to retake the test? Good luck to you when you do!!! =)
The Dreamer
390 Posts
I will be applying to WC for Spring 2011 entrance as well. I was unaware that there was a new point system (the changes must have taken place recently, because when she emailed me all the info regarding the nursing program in the beginning of May, it detailed the old point system).
Mandy, what study aids did you use when studying for the TEAS? I have completed all prerequisites and all corequisites, I only lack taking my entrance exam.
I would be interested in seeing the new point system if either of you have access to it.
I found the new requirements/point system from their website by looking through their 2010-2011 catalog. Here is the link:
The ADN nursing information starts on page 121-126.
As for the test, I bought ATI's TEAS study guide and also their online practice tests. The study guide does a good job at preparing you for the Reading, Math, and English, I thought. Make sure you know how to do the math problems (if you have the study guide) efficiently and quickly. The first time I took it, I ran out of time on the math section. The science is pretty broad so it'll help to look around online on the basics of physics, chem, life science, etc. Oh, and I found this thread to be a little helpful too...
Hope that helps!
Ah okay, she just emailed me back with the updated flyer.
Admission requirements considered include the following:
¨ Submit Weatherford College application and official transcripts to the Office of Student Affairs
¨ Submit Allied Health application with official transcripts from all colleges attended and TEAS scores to the Allied Health Office
¨ Completion of all prerequisite courses
¨ GPA of 2.5 or above on prerequisite courses
¨ Completion of the TEAS entrance exam with a minimum score of 70% each on the reading comprehension and math sections.
¨ Submit proof of first Hepatitis B immunization or positive titer or Dept. Health Services waiver with application to the nursing office
Selection into the program is based on the following scoring methods (23 points maximum)
Prerequisite courses receive the following points: A=4 points, B=3 points, C=2 points (total points divided by 4 = GPA points)
The cumulative GPA of the prerequisite courses (BIOL 2401, BIOL 2402, BIOL 2421, and college level math or Chemistry) must be a 2.5 GPA or above.
3.5-4.0 GPA=6 points
3.0-3.4 GPA=4 points
2.5-2.9 GPA=2 points
Scores on the TEAS entrance exam receive the following points. TEAS scores must be within two years of application date.
Reading Math Science English & Language Usage
90-100 = 3 points; 90-100 = 3points; 90-100 = 3 points; 90-100 = 3 points
80-89 = 2 points; 80-89 = 2 points; 80-89 = 2 points; 80-89 = 2 points
70-79 = 1 point; 70-79 = 1 point; 70-79 = 1 point; 70-79 = 1 point
Points for corequisite courses with a “C” or better (ENGL 1301, PSYC 2314, PSYC 2301 or SOCI 1301, PHED, Humanities or Fine Arts elective) = completion of all 5 courses = 5 points, completion of 4 courses = 4 points, completion of 3 courses = 3 points, completion of 2 courses = 2 points, and completion of 1 course = 1 point.
tnbutterfly - Mary, BSN
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the best to all of you! thank you for your cooperation.
I'm going to retake the TEAS in a week I think. I have the ATI study guide, but didn't prepare enough. I made an 85.3, so hopefully I can bring that up quite a bit.
@Mandy1213, 20 points sounds like a good score to me. I would be very happy with that. I really don't know if i will get accepted with only 18 or 19 (and that is if I can bring my TEAS score up quite a bit). I really want to apply anyway though, just in case. If not, I will have to reapply next semester when I have Micro completed.
I thought the ATI study guide was a lot like the actual test so I would recommend purchasing it.
Dreamer,I found the new requirements/point system from their website by looking through their 2010-2011 catalog. Here is the link: ADN nursing information starts on page 121-126. As for the test, I bought ATI's TEAS study guide and also their online practice tests. The study guide does a good job at preparing you for the Reading, Math, and English, I thought. Make sure you know how to do the math problems (if you have the study guide) efficiently and quickly. The first time I took it, I ran out of time on the math section. The science is pretty broad so it'll help to look around online on the basics of physics, chem, life science, etc. Oh, and I found this thread to be a little helpful too... that helps!
Thanks Mandy! I have looked over several study guides that I checked out from my local library, but it appears my best bet is to buy ATI's guide. Hope to see you guys in January!!
Also, I'm pretty sure I already verified this with the nursing department at both TCC and WC, but they are testing using the 3.0/4.0 version, correct?
I'm not sure about TCC, but I'm pretty sure Weatherford gives out the 3.0/4.0 version since I took the 4.0 version the first time, and the 3.0 for the second. And yes, I hope to see you guys in January too!
Does Math0350(intermdeiate algebra) count for "college level math" when applying at WC?
And also, if you have Chemistry and college level math completed, will they take the higher of the 2 grades. Example, if I have a C in chemistry but an A in college level math, will they take the college level math over chem?
I hope someone can answer this!!!
Did everyone get their apps in?