Weatherford College Fall 2012 start

U.S.A. Texas


Well, I am not sure if someone has started this topic already but I wanted to find others who will be applying for Weatherford's ADN program this application period. I am scheduling my TEAS for next week. I am excited to apply and see how things go. Would love to hear from others who are applying this round as well. Thanks and Happy New Year!!!!

PS I have been taking my pre reqs at TCC.

I have one more chance to take the test. I ended up with 14 pts. overall this go at it. What is listed to go back and study is so simple in the manual...much simpler than the test questions. I guess it's just my thought process that is getting in my own way. HELP!

Oh Idslees, sorry about what your going through. I went through the exact same thing a week ago. Just take a look at my posts. I was really bummed.

Don't give up. Look at the subjects you need to work on and really beef up the subjects you are most confident in. I don't know how others feel but the TEAS V is not an easy test so give yourself a break. If you have not already, do the online practice test A and B and then repeat them again. I found the manual to be helpful at first but after the first attempt at the real test I realized that I needed to work on my testing abilities. Look at this first attempt as practice.

When you get to nursing school there will be ups and downs too. Just spoke with my friend who graduated from Weatherford and she said nursing school was really challenging. This test is just preparing us for that.

Take as long as you need to study before the deadline and I am positive that you will improve your score big time! I am rooting for you.

Just a side note. I purchased this little Biology book. "The Quick Study for Biology". It covers basics of all things biology and it really helped me with genetics, cytology, evolution, energy and more. If you have an AP text go back and look over all the major organ systems. Noticed a lot of % questions on the Math section too. You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!



Thanks so much! Trust me, I have gone back read your posts. I have kept your situation in mind all day.

I wasn't prepared to do so badly on the reading and english. You mentioned that you just tried not to "overthink" the questions on your second attempt. That obviously helped. Can you maybe explain a little?

Hey Idslees

I am a pretty analytical person and sometimes I miss the obvious answer. I wasted alot of time on certain questions on the first attempt. I didn't trust my instincts. I also jumped ahead and missed key words in questions when I was feeling rushed.

The way the questions are worded can throw me off. I sometimes find multiple choice difficult because there may be two answers that are possibilities but you need to choose the "best" answer. I hear the NCLEX is like this so it's something I need to work on. See...there I go again! Haha!

My second attempt I felt I knew what to expect with the testing format and style. I say it's a hard test but it was a whole lot easier when I practiced. You will see.


Oh, Idslees, I forgot to mention. I got a %73 to %77 on all 4 sections the first time. That gave me 13 points.

You have an 86.8% in Math on the first try, which is awesome! I would bet money that if you study the areas you need to in Math you can ace that section. I brought my scores by 10% in a week so I am sure you will do awesome!


I am going to give myself two weeks...non-stop studying...then go get this done!! Thank you so much! My husband has tried all day to make me feel better...but people heading down this path, know the pain!! I'll keep you posted!


Good for you Michelle!

Hey guys! I wanted to drop you some hope and some advice. I am now onto my third day of nursing school at Weatherford. I was accepted to start this Spring in the night/weekend class. I will tell you what I know and what I would suggest and what worked for us. Let me start by saying don't give up! You will get there! And yes, the whole thing is stressful but you will get there!


I ended up with 18 points. The first time I took the TEAS I wasn't quite through with Micro or A&P 1. I thought, I got this! I cried on the way home. I felt sooo stupid. I believe I called my husband and told him I needed to figure something else to do with my life. So I got the manual, finished A&P1 and Micro, studied, studied, studied, finished A&P2 during summer one and took the test again with only a few days left in the application period. I was able to bring them all up. I did the practice tests over and over and over. I hit it hard. I also had all the pre-reqs done. This helped me get the maximum points possible. I would recommend doing that if you can. Even do the PE credit. Every single point matters.

Spring classes only take 20 people so the points have to be higher. We had 16's on the alt. list and three or four (maybe a couple more) ended up being called. For fall, since they take so many more, I am sure the 16s won't have any problems. Try to get at least two a's and two b's for the science points. They really add up. And if you don't get it in the fall apply for the spring. Just don't give up.

Our application period ended at the end of July and by the end of August we knew if we were selected. Again, the spring semester has half the amount of spots and the other programs aren't applying then so it may go faster. I hope this helps.

Just study the ATI stuff over and over. Then take the test and you will be ok. I would wait as close as I could to the end of the app period to take it the second time so you have more time to learn stuff in the classes you are currently taking. Good luck and I wait until you join me here!

Thanks so much jennrog!

I have a 3.0 ,technically. I am in Micro and APII right now and I am going to push for As or atleast Bs since it is a lot. Everything else is done! I am hopeful that the in the next application period I will have a atleast a 3.5 GPA which will give me 19 points. Do you think that would be okay or should I try to take the TEAS again in 6 months and improve my score? (I took it twice this app period and got 8 points from it.)

Congradulations, by the way! you are on your way to an awesome career. Please keep us hopefuls posted.

Corrina aka Kalt

I thank you too jennrog!

Yesterday after testing, I felt horrible...but today is a fresh new day of studying! I have finished all pre-reqs, and have my full 11 pts, but I seriously underestimated the enlgish and reading sections...big mistake. Going to give myself a few weeks to study before attempting it again, but won't give up! Enthusiasm is what got us here right...gotta keep it up!


How many times can you take the online practice exams after purchasing one?

I took each test twice. When you purchase "A" to have to attempts at that test. The same when you purchase "B". Just keep the code they give you each time you purchase a test and you will be asked to re-enter that code when you want to take it a second time. If you can afford the $74 it cost for both I would do it.

Hope this helps.


PS. Surprised more people have not posted here yet. Maybe when it gets closer to deadline.

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