Wayne State University


Anyone know anything about Wayne States nursing program. I know that they don't have a wait list they are GPA to be admitted. I was just wondering if anyone had gone there or if anyone was going there. Thanks for any input in advanced.


Specializes in Med-Surg/Trauma.

Congrats MaleNurse! It must feel nice to have options-- what a dilemma to have. I put all my eggs in one basket and am thrilled that I was accepted to my first choice school (and the only one I applied to).

I haven't heard too much about CD2-- I only know people who have been through the traditional program so I'm afraid I'm not much help. But really any nursing program is going to have people drop out-- have you talked to anyone in OUs second degree program to find out how many are left that began?

Hopefully someone in either program can help you out and let you know about their experiences

Hi malenurse,

i too got into OU but it's going to be untill the fall of 09, a year away!!!!!!!! hey have you taken the NUT, Patho and Pharm classes and who did you have? planning on taking Phil and patho in the fall, and nut and pharm in the winter. may travel overseas in Dec so i am working real hard to save for that. can i buy your textbooks if you don't need them anymore?

Well, wayne state and malenurse I also got in CD2 program for the fall 2008 and happy to be joining you guys. I also called in and they told me that the letters were sent out yesterday. Anyways it will fun to get to know each other and especially during the orientation day.

Congrats, Waynestatekatie, malenurse734, & israfeel!!

You will now have a love/hate relationship with the CON. ;) So happy you got in/so consumed with tough classes.

malenurse- I wouldn't sweat it re: the attrition rate for CD2. Some of those numbers have transitioned into the traditional program. They're still in nursing, just not the CD2 program. Keep in mind, the only thing you can control is your own college career. You are the one who can study hard, manage your time well, and seek help if you are not doing well. Some people realized that the fast pace wasn't what they liked, and that's fine. That doesn't make them failures.

I don't know anything about Oakland's program, but if you have any Q's about the CD2, I could probably answer those. Welcome to the program!!


Thanks SCaregivr and i have questions regarding the program since i know you are in the CD2 rite now. Well the first question is i have already done Patho and Pharm at Oakland Uni and considering the rest of three courses like NUR 2010, 2050 and 2995 how much time i would need to put in to make it to the top? I really did not have very good GPA in first undergrad but i did really good in the past few years taking sciene classes. Also how many days you have to be in school for classes?


Hey Israfeel-

If you've already got those classes under our belt, the first semester should be smooth sailing for you. 2050 is the only course with a clinical, so you should have lots of time for preparing care plans. As far as how much time you'd need to put in- that I can't answer for you. You know how you learn best- in groups, on your own, reading the text vs not, whether you pick things up the first time around or need repetition. I know that's not a very satisfying answer, but it really has a lot to do with you and your learning style. One thing you can be sure of- you'll have a lot more time on your hands than your classmates. Use it wisely, otherwise your second semester will come as quite a shock to you.

In general, lectures are on Weds., and clinicals on M/T or Th/F. I had all 5 classes first semester, and I was on campus every day. It all depends on how they schedule you- you really don't have much say in which class you take when.



Thanks SCaregivr and i have questions regarding the program since i know you are in the CD2 rite now. Well the first question is i have already done Patho and Pharm at Oakland Uni and considering the rest of three courses like NUR 2010, 2050 and 2995 how much time i would need to put in to make it to the top? I really did not have very good GPA in first undergrad but i did really good in the past few years taking sciene classes. Also how many days you have to be in school for classes?


Thanks SCaregivr, it definitely helps. I am hoping to get the letter in mail by tomorrow and see what are the other requirements that have to be met before the start of the classes.

thanks agian.

Specializes in Oncology.

I'm so happy for everyone who got into the program. Now the hard work begins...

SCaregivr is totally right. From this point on, it's gonna be a love-hate relationship with the school.

Email me if anyone has any questions or wants details [email protected].

Specializes in Med-Surg/Trauma.

Congrats Israfeel on getting into CD2! Looks like we have a good little group that has gotten in so far for fall 2008. I can't wait until orientation to meet everyone and find out which sections I will be placed in for fall.

I To anyone who is already in the program-- scaregiver and pynkladie or anyone else-- do you have any advice you wish you would have known before starting to offer us?

I do have a question for scaregiver and/or pynklady..... I'm curious if both of you live close to campus? I live in Ann Arbor and am definatly not commuting from here every day but my parents live in Canton so I was thinking of moving back in there for the 16 months, but even that is 30 miles away from WSU... Do you think it would be worth the extra loan I would need to live on campus or is it doable to live in Canton? Any advice is so greatly appreciated! I'm having a heck of a time deciding between OU and WSU....

Specializes in Med-Surg/Trauma.
I do have a question for scaregiver and/or pynklady..... I'm curious if both of you live close to campus? I live in Ann Arbor and am definatly not commuting from here every day but my parents live in Canton so I was thinking of moving back in there for the 16 months, but even that is 30 miles away from WSU... Do you think it would be worth the extra loan I would need to live on campus or is it doable to live in Canton? Any advice is so greatly appreciated! I'm having a heck of a time deciding between OU and WSU....

Even though you didn't ask me I'll throw in my two cents. You're not going to want to live on campus. Believe me. I lived down in Detroit near the campus for a few years. The apartments all have roaches and there are no grocery stores with produce in the area and cars get broken into/ stolen all the freaking time. Also your clinical sites aren't all near campus. A lot are in the DMC and Henry Ford which are near campus but you may be at a clinical site downriver in Wyandotte or at one in Mt Clemens or even Beaumont. You might have a haul of a drive to a clinical site. I live about a 15 minute commute from campus in the northern suburbs and couldn't be happier. No way would I ever take out an extra loan to live in Detroit when you could live for free in Canton. After the first semester you're going to be spending a majority of your time at clinical sites anyway and not on campus.

If you can live for free with your parents and commute I'd totally do that-- and living with the parents means there is always food in the fridge and fresh clean towels. If after the first semester you decide it's too hard to commute you could look into finding a place closer to campus and clinical sites but it is really not necessary to live on campus.

Even though you didn't ask me I'll throw in my two cents. You're not going to want to live on campus. Believe me. I lived down in Detroit near the campus for a few years. The apartments all have roaches and there are no grocery stores with produce in the area and cars get broken into/ stolen all the freaking time. Also your clinical sites aren't all near campus. A lot are in the DMC and Henry Ford which are near campus but you may be at a clinical site downriver in Wyandotte or at one in Mt Clemens or even Beaumont. You might have a haul of a drive to a clinical site. I live about a 15 minute commute from campus in the northern suburbs and couldn't be happier. No way would I ever take out an extra loan to live in Detroit when you could live for free in Canton. After the first semester you're going to be spending a majority of your time at clinical sites anyway and not on campus.

If you can live for free with your parents and commute I'd totally do that-- and living with the parents means there is always food in the fridge and fresh clean towels. If after the first semester you decide it's too hard to commute you could look into finding a place closer to campus and clinical sites but it is really not necessary to live on campus.

Thanks Katie! That does sound like a good plan... I really would hate to have another 7K or so loan just for an apartment, especially if it means not being safe and not having produce!!!! :) I'm thinking that since my mom is a nurse it may be that much more promising to live with them for a while so she can help me get through some stressful times... I just really never thought I would be living with my parents again, its really kind of weird.... :)

I was also thinking that there may be other people in the same shoes who would want to all rent a house together somewhere in the nicer suburbs that would make it cheaper for everyone... Hmmmm So much to think about! My name is Charles by the way.

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