Has this ever happened to anyone? A med error caused my gram to be hospitalized and we are lucky!
Well today I ran to get my gram's Norvasc filled. They fill it with generic- No big deal Right? Well I get to her house (she is on 4 meds total- not too hard to keep track of).... I get back and am organizing her pill box and notice that she has it all screwed up..... Trying to sort through her meds I realize the Norvasc I just filled has the SAME exact pills as the Monopril I filled on 3/14/07. ***? I am thinking that the pharmacy made a mistake TODAY since it has a M on it and matches the other bottle, etc. i then realize the meds in the monopril bottle from last month are actually generic Norvasc and that the script from today is correct. She had been taking double norvasc and NO monopril for a month! It was not caught sooner as she had been taking the name brands which are not even shaped or colored the same.
The pharm error was made on 3/14/07. she was hospitalized 3/15/07 for bradcardia and afib, irreg heartbeat. hmmmmm any connection ya think?!?!
Now gram is 86 but me as an average functioning nursing student it was sooo confusing to me I can't imagine that she would have ever figured it out. The hospital did not even catch it, as I had brought every pill bottle in.
I finally just filled her weekly pill box and took home the rest of the bottles- I will fill them weekly for her, although sad to say I trust her more than I trust the pharmacy right about now.
I guess the moral of the story is to be very very careful when working with seniors on meds and try to be consistent with the brands, manufacturer, etc. to prevent errors from happening.