As Nurses we are pulled in multiple directions simultaneously. We have so much to do and little time to get it done. I don't mind hard work, but when my time is wasted it makes me mad.
I resent having to spend 20 minutes looking for an IV pole so I can start an infusion. I resent when a Doctor order 1 mg of Dilaudid every hr, when the vials hold 2 mgs. The patient is asking for the medication hourly, I don't mind giving it, but every hr I have to spend 10 minutes looking for someone to waste with me and wasting the drug.
I see things like this a tremendous waste of our valuable time. Time that could be better utilized in patient care. I miss breaks and meals because I get behind, primarily because so much of my time is wasted looking for equipment, trying to decipher Doctors handwriting, being ask by Doctors to find charts, the list of thing that waste my time is endless.
Question, What do you do at your job that you feel is a waste of your time ?