Hi all, I am a long time reader but a first time poster but I have a question and would love some advice. I just graduated in May and have been working in a childrens hospital for 4 months now on a heme/onc and med-surg overflow floor. A few nights ago I was taking care of 6 mo old s/p BMT with an Upper Respitory Infection. When I came on the baby was breathing b/w 60-84 bpm, lungs sounded crackly and diminished, he was retracting, nasal flaring and occasionally grunting, HR 145-160, on 1L O2, all other vitals were fine at the moment. Within 30 mins of that first assessment his sats dropped to 85% and he desperatly needed suctioning, after suctioning he would bounce back up to sat at 92%-97%. I called respiritory and the doc and let him know and increased his O2 to 2L. He continued to drop his sats(82-87% at any given moment) about every 30min-1hr and needed suctioning that frequetly also. I again called the doc and let my charge nurse know about the situation and that I needed help with my other 3 pt's b/c this little guy was taking up a huge amount of time. The doc FINALLY came up to assess the pt and ordered a VBG, I can not remember the results but the doc relayed them to me as "crappy" and stated "If he were in charge this baby would be in the ICU but his senior thinks he is fine". After a two more O2 sat dips I called the doc again and he called his senior to come check on the baby. Another VBG was drawn and it came back worse. (by this time I am 3 hours into my shift and very frustrated) I called our STAT/rapid response team to take a look at the kid. He told me that he would keep an eye on him and to let me know if he gets worse but his hands were tied b/c the docs were comfortable with the current situation. They finally ran bicarb on this boy and his VBG improved but he was still breathing 80's and working very hard. I continued to update everyone(doc's, respiritory, stat team, charge nurse) on this situation and nothing was really happening, but I was scared to leave this little guy alone b/c he was doing so horrible, PLUS he was on reverse isolation so everytime you entered the room you had to glove, mask, gown before you could get to him while he was satting 80's. (He ended up in the unit the next afternoon after he almost needed to be intubated on the floor)My questions are...Am I wrong in thinking this was an ICU pt who needed much closer attention and monitoring right at that moment? What would you have done as the nurse who had used up all thier resources? Was it the right decision to leave this little guy on the floor to burn himself out breathing 80's and dropping his sats or should SOMEONE have intervened sooner? OR am I just overreacting??I am so new so all of this is a bit confusing for me. I feel like I could not help this little guy no matter what I did....Advice?Thanks in advance, Kerri