Wake Tech Spring 2017 Start

U.S.A. North Carolina


Anyone submitting an application to the nursing program at WTCC this upcoming July for spring 2017? Wanted to connect with others who may be in my shoes. I'm still working on some prerequisites (TEAS and CNA) but hope to finish them up by May. I will be transferring most of my prerequisites in from another school.

Specializes in CVICU.

Not sure of the exact date they're being sent. I'm thinking Thursday and Friday probably. Laila34, did someone tell you they were specifically being sent Friday?

Ok. No one told me a date specifically. However; based on their past 3 years, they sent them on Fridays. Most received their letters by Thursday and Friday that following week and some on Saturday.

I called yesterday and they said letters should be sent out by the end of the week. I think Laila34 is right... By Thursday or Friday next week, we should know! I'm a tad discouraged about the number of applicants but hey, what are ya gonna do!? lol

Hi gakpele!! Those applicant numbers are nerve wrecking..ughhh. :unsure: We have a few applicants more than Fall '16 but I think Spring points will still be lower.

Oh yea..Welcome back and how's the wedding coming along? :)

Specializes in CVICU.

Can't wait for at least one of us on this forum to get a letter! I know some would prefer not to find out the points range from this thread, but I don't mind. Hopefully I've calculated my points correctly. That would be a bummer if I thought I got in, and my letter says differently. So that means about 10 days!! Woohoo!

gakpele, I am a little nervous about all the applicants as well. I didn't realize it would be that many. Still crossing my fingers things will work out for all of us!

CN_2BRN919 or anyone, have you used the "program evaluation" tool in webadvisor? It outlines and matches up the courses we've taken/and or need to take required for nursing or any program offered at Wake Tech. It basically gives us a "virtual advising" option without going to campus and getting advised face to face. I've been using this since being accepted to the college, so that I can hopefully see and accurately calculate my points. I'm just hoping and praying health science advising uses it also and that my points match their calculations. :writing:

Specializes in CVICU.

Laila34, I have never used the "program evaluation" tool but I thank you for introducing me to it! It is very helpful! :) I wonder if that's how the program ranks students, or if they actually sift through everyone's transcript. I noticed under the "program evaluation" tool, it had a philosophy class with a B listed for me for my humanities elective. I talked to health science advising over the summer, and they mentioned I had another class from a previous school that could count for my humanities credit since I made an A in that class. I just emailed to make sure my class with the A was used for ranking and not the one with a B. If they decide to use my class with a B, that will drop me back 3 points in ranking.

Specializes in CVICU.

Laila34, I just used the "program evaluation" tool for the radiography program to see how accurate the information listed was when it came to ranking (I know how many ranking points I had for RAD, and the amount of points for spring 2017 minimum acceptance). For RAD I had completed all prerequisite courses, but under the "program evaluation" tool it says that I had not completed an anatomy class, a humanities, or a math. So I guess it's good to still follow up with an advisor. It may be different for me because most of my classes are from a different school. I've only taken 2 classes at WTCC, which may be the reason why the WebAdvisor tool is giving me a hard time.

Wonderful! I haven't taken any courses at Waketech. All of my courses are from different schools so it kind of helps me calculate my points. I calculated another course for my HUM as well, but the "program evaluation" is using another one. The good thing is that for me, I have A's for all my HUM courses so they can use either one and I will get the same points.

Hey Laila34!! Thanks... I've been avoiding this place like the plague but I got news that next week will probably be the week so I decided to see how everyone else has been doing and also to see if anyone else has chewed their fingernails off like I have lol. Wedding planning is going well! getting closer and closer. We're going to take engagement pictures this weekend in Charlotte so that will get my mind of school for a bit. How've you been holding up?

I see I haven't been the only one avoiding this place like the plague Gakpele! Long time no hear! Sometimes, well all the time I have to just consult with the Lord and cast the burdens of worrying and being anxious to the side. It'll jack you up for sure! So sorry you're loosing weight Lalia34. We'll pack it on together as we study and eat junk food in the middle of the upcoming nights we'll have. So far I've ordered (on the whim) that drug dosage calculation book. I'd really prefer to prepare myself with getting ready and come to find out, it's still stressful studying this math that I'm not so good at. I'd gotten a hold of the Gateway from one on my patients earlier this year (March-April). However, I had a amazon gift card and decided to order that book, surgical scissors and other jazz to try and move forward. It seems as though once reading the gateway I was reminded that getting in is not the hard part, its staying in. Two chances for CNA skills and Math test and bam you could be out!

I had a friend tell me that a lot of the people who she started with got cut in the middle of the semester and they apply back every semester. Staying in must also be a challenge! Glad we're getting our letters, in the mean time, sitting here working on Kg, g, mg and mcg and thanking God in advance.

Specializes in CVICU.

Laila34, just followed up with health science advising about my points just to make sure what I calculated was what they calculated. Luckily it was. My calculation was off by 2 points. I had counted 2 points less, but it should have been 2 points more. 8ish days!!

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