Wake Tech Spring 2017 Start

U.S.A. North Carolina


Anyone submitting an application to the nursing program at WTCC this upcoming July for spring 2017? Wanted to connect with others who may be in my shoes. I'm still working on some prerequisites (TEAS and CNA) but hope to finish them up by May. I will be transferring most of my prerequisites in from another school.

I think they are trying to give potential students access to it sooner. But it should have some math practice on there which I would recommend looking at! I just took my medication calculations exam today!

Thanks EmilyNicole91!! I definitely looked at the practice math worksheets and did some practice on the website provided. I love it!! I actually felt like a real RN student as I navigated gateway! I saw the tentative schedule, nc clex practice questions and answers, etc. I know you did well on your exam today! GO Emily! :cat:

Specializes in CVICU.

Laila34, is this on the blackboard site that we used to access the information session or was this on your personal blackboard page? Trying to figure out how to check out all the information! I am on the blackboard page where I did the information session online. Can you walk me through how to see the information on Gateway?

Hey CN_2BRN919, I used the blackboard used for the information session. Login with your credentials (as you normally would). Once logged in, search "nursing". You will see QUITE a bit. So much, that I can't even begin to name. Scroll down until you see the gateway link and there you have it.

Specializes in CVICU.

Laila34, we log in with the "nursingstudent" login that all students use for the information session correct? I do not see where I can search anything. Where would I find that? Should I have clicked the nursing information session link under courses? Or should I be on the blackboard home page?

No, you login as you would for a course on blackboard. Don't use the "nursingstudent" bc that's for prospective students without login credentials yet. You are a student so just login like its a course. Once you are there, click on COURSES (left that out last time..sorry), then COURSE SEARCH "nursing". Hope this helps!!

Specializes in CVICU.

Fabulous! I was able to find it! There is A LOT of useful information in the page! I thought you mentioned there was information on uniform costs? I saw info on textbook costs, but not uniforms? I just saw uniform requirements. Where did you see other detailed uniform info?

Nice!! I didn't see information about uniform costs, only books. However, I saw some of the other information under the "nursing course search", such as the NUR111 link. Any tab that was highlighted blue, I clicked and navigated. There's also a NUR125 link with VERY useful information. Navigate and have fun..LOL!! :sarcastic:

Wow, thanks Laila34! This got me excited! I feel like I am actually in the program as I am reading infos on gateway, Nur 111 and NCLEX RN! I do feel the anxiety when you guys mentioned the number of applicants for spring:arghh:.

Specializes in CVICU.

Where was the NUR 111 link? What were some the materials that were under NUR 111? I'm not sure if I missed that link or not. Looking over Gateway now is great because if we are (...we will be I'm sure ;) ) admitted into the program we will already be familiar with the site, navigating around it, and the information posted. I'll be a lot less stressed. I'm thinking most people who might have already seen the site as well, will feel the same way.

WSMom, I keep trying to tell myself 203 people applied for the fall and intitial acceptance started at 162. Just because there are a ton of applicants, doesn't mean the points will be extremely high. It could be a ton of applicants with lower points. IF points increase from the fall (hopefully they won't--- worst case scenario they stay the same 162-210) I don't think they'd go up no more than 6-8 points. I heard a rumor that in the spring it can be harder to get off the waitlist because WTCC is one of the only community colleges who has an ADN spring start. So most people who apply to WTCC in the spring, know they want to go to WTCC. As opposed to the fall applicants who may have applied to other NUR programs and will decide between them. But I've had friends who were on the spring waitlist and got a seat in the program, so it's possible!! God's in charge!

praying we all get initially accepted and do not have to stress over the waitlist

Hey everyone. I was an alternate last semester and didn't get in.

I asked how many applicants there are for this spring and it's 210.

Lol I think that's the most spring has ever had. Hopefully we will get into the program this time.

The points will probably be the same or a bit higher.

CN_2bRN919 The NUR 111 course info is under the gateway link. Yeah, maybe a lot of students apply even not having enough points because of the deadline changes for CNA hours, etc.
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