So, I work in a facility where it's not uncommon to have patients who are confused and aggressive - out of psych issues or other diagnoses where aggression is an expected stage of their disease process. Sometimes, they're cranky or aggressive because they're seekers and you're not getting them their much needed "pain" med.
However, this latest patient is a whole new ballgame for many of us on the unit. Quadriplegic - so completely dependent for all activities of daily care. BUT, he is verbally abusive ... you F'n nurse, hurry your F'n ass in here when I call, F you! (racial slur here and there), and he goes on for 45 minutes that he eats up of your time "fixing" his position because he dictates every minute detail. I'm at a loss as to how to deal with this .. if it's coming from a confused patient, that's one thing but this is draining when it is coming from someone who is completely oriented and knows exactly what he is doing! 45 minutes each time repositioning is required is also a problem because it takes me away from my other patients who can go downhill very quickly but I wouldn't know it.
The charges, nurse manager, supervisors, head nursing office, all know about this patient because he calls them incessantly when things don't go his way. BUT he is allowed to continue this behavior. I'm dreading the next time I go in and find that I'm assigned to him!