VEEB LPN Program (info request)

U.S.A. New York


Hi All,

I'll be starting at VEEB in the Fall and was wondering if there are any current or past VEEB students that can give some info on this program.

What are the Teachers like?

What are the required books?

Is the program as intense as they say?

Do they have articulation agreements with other nursing (RN) programs? If so, with who?

Are there any disadvantages in taking the LPN course outside of a Community College setting?

Do they provide job Placement at the end???

Any information that ANYONE can provide will be GREATLY appreciated! I really want to have a full understanding of what I'm in for. I have 2 year old Twins and I am a little worried about whether or not I'll be able to juggle school/studying and Family!

sellin modules from all semsters if u guys r intrested hit me bac and we do buisness or if have any other questions


If God's willing i will started LVN program at Veeb for the Fall 08. Do you have some advice about the school from your experiences. Especially the way the professors teach, give their exams. Also, the textbooks do you have any insights how i should study for the program. Finally, what i must do, and what i should not do during the program.:confused::zzzzz:cool:;):saint:

Well we are not allowed to post teachers names on the site. However, I must tell you I was VERY scared before entering VEEB. I am brand new to health care and wasn't sure if I would like it or if it was the right move to leave my job and do this. It has been 10 months and I strongly believe I've made one of the best decisions of my life. My mother has been a nurse forever and her mother was a nurse and I felt it was their dream, not mine. I love clinicals and I love the instructors at VEEB. They really want you to pass. In fact I think Veeb makes everything easy for you by giving you the work but you just have to apply yourself. We started with 206 and we are down to 181.

To stay in the program, you must:

1. Not go over your hours. Your classroom and clinical hours are EXTREMELY important to NY state.

2. You have to study the modules and do the readings. The instructors give you everything but you have to STUDY STUDY STUDY.

3. Do your clinical assignments on time and come to clinicals dressed neatly in uniform PLEASE.

4. Do not worry about how someone else is doing. It has no effect on you as an individual. What grade they have doesn't benefit you, so who cares.

5. Try to join a study group if you are having difficulty. I tried but sometimes if you have too many people it just becomes a social event. 2-3 people is the best way to go.

6. The intructors are fair with their exams but the Human Growth and Development quizzes are a little tricky sometimes. When you guys start the program, we can discuss more in a PM. You won't fully understand until you ACTUALLY start.

7. Stay for tutoring everyday. The sheets REALLY help and most of the time are the test questions.

8. Don't argue with the instructors PLEASE.

Will you guys be working? Many people do and are doing pretty well. I just couldn't with my job and decided to sacrifice the year. I feel VEEB is a full time job already. I leave home at 6:55 and if I stay for tutoring, I get home at 2:40. I couldn't sacrifice my family time to do VEEB, study AND work. Many people take days off when we have midterms or quizzes.

Just go in and do your best. All you need is a 70. Aim for higher. 1st semester is a BREEZE! After that, huh!!! Put on your seatbelt. Just keep your quiz average over a 76 because the final exam is only worth 1/6 of your grade.

Specializes in LTC.

I plan on keeping my part time job, since i work only on saturday and sunday. do u think studying for at least 2 hours a day monday through friday is enough? I am little worried because i wont have any time at all to study on the weekends since i work 10 hours each day for both days. Not to mention i wont have any real time to spend with my daughter. I been going to school for my pre req's to become an RN, and have been able to keep my grades up, that's because I go only 3 days a week not to mention all of those semster breaks we get. how many times a week do u have to be at the clinicals? and the hours? that is good that there are still 180 students left. i have heard most of the time 50% of the class drops out of the nursing programs before it ends. I m glad u are happy with what you chose to do, I hope i can say the same for myself since it is my first time entering the healthcare field. I chose nursing due to my obession with learning about the human body and taking care of my grandmother for six months.

Well we are not allowed to post teachers names on the site. However, I must tell you I was VERY scared before entering VEEB. I am brand new to health care and wasn't sure if I would like it or if it was the right move to leave my job and do this. It has been 10 months and I strongly believe I've made one of the best decisions of my life. My mother has been a nurse forever and her mother was a nurse and I felt it was their dream, not mine. I love clinicals and I love the instructors at VEEB. They really want you to pass. In fact I think Veeb makes everything easy for you by giving you the work but you just have to apply yourself. We started with 206 and we are down to 181.

To stay in the program, you must:

1. Not go over your hours. Your classroom and clinical hours are EXTREMELY important to NY state.

2. You have to study the modules and do the readings. The instructors give you everything but you have to STUDY STUDY STUDY.

3. Do your clinical assignments on time and come to clinicals dressed neatly in uniform PLEASE.

4. Do not worry about how someone else is doing. It has no effect on you as an individual. What grade they have doesn't benefit you, so who cares.

5. Try to join a study group if you are having difficulty. I tried but sometimes if you have too many people it just becomes a social event. 2-3 people is the best way to go.

6. The intructors are fair with their exams but the Human Growth and Development quizzes are a little tricky sometimes. When you guys start the program, we can discuss more in a PM. You won't fully understand until you ACTUALLY start.

7. Stay for tutoring everyday. The sheets REALLY help and most of the time are the test questions.

8. Don't argue with the instructors PLEASE.

Will you guys be working? Many people do and are doing pretty well. I just couldn't with my job and decided to sacrifice the year. I feel VEEB is a full time job already. I leave home at 6:55 and if I stay for tutoring, I get home at 2:40. I couldn't sacrifice my family time to do VEEB, study AND work. Many people take days off when we have midterms or quizzes.

Just go in and do your best. All you need is a 70. Aim for higher. 1st semester is a BREEZE! After that, huh!!! Put on your seatbelt. Just keep your quiz average over a 76 because the final exam is only worth 1/6 of your grade.

Class is M-F 8-1 and then the next week is clinicals at the same time EVERY OTHER WEEK. I honestly think that if you have to work, then weekends would be your best bet. At least this way, you can study during the week.

Hello to all,

I also got accepted in the VEEB program (which wasn't hard at all) and i was wondering how the commute out there is. I drive and i live in Springfield Gardens, Queens (not far from Green Acres Mall). I live one block away from the Belt Pkwy. Is the traffic bad in the morning?

Also i work at a bank... i plan on working 2-6:30 once i start the program, which will leave no time for me to go to the tutoring. How important is that tutoring??

Camvin1, if you get on the Belt by 7:30 the latest, you should get to school on time. I get on the Belt from Brooklyn around 7:10 and still get there early. Traffic is usually very good going to LI.

Tutoring is not mandatory so it's really up to you to go. Some people NEVER go and others do. It honestly depends on how you learn. I always go because like I said before, the tutoring sheets are good ways to study for the quizzes.

Okay thanx... i can't wait to start.. my mom is a nurse and i used to go to her job everyday after school and help her out so i know the routine like the back of my hand.. i just hope i do well in school now lol

You will do fine if you just listen and learn. Do your best. The instructors love to see when you try. AIM HIGH!!!!!

Good luck on orientation tomorrow, everyone!

how long is orientation??? and what info will we be getting? and when do we apply for student loans?

Specializes in LTC.

hello to all

I went to the orientation today and everything went well except for the camera not working, so we werent able to get our id's. I forgot to ask if the uniforms are mailed to you, and do the school provide you with the option of buying the nursing shoes from them or elsewhere. As for the books i am going to shop online for them to see how much cheaper i can get them for.

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