VEEB LPN Program (info request)

U.S.A. New York


Hi All,

I'll be starting at VEEB in the Fall and was wondering if there are any current or past VEEB students that can give some info on this program.

What are the Teachers like?

What are the required books?

Is the program as intense as they say?

Do they have articulation agreements with other nursing (RN) programs? If so, with who?

Are there any disadvantages in taking the LPN course outside of a Community College setting?

Do they provide job Placement at the end???

Any information that ANYONE can provide will be GREATLY appreciated! I really want to have a full understanding of what I'm in for. I have 2 year old Twins and I am a little worried about whether or not I'll be able to juggle school/studying and Family!

I want to get into Veeb for the September 2009 LPN program

since it might be to late to register and i have too many finacial issues to clear up before entering into veeb i can't register for 2008

Is it to early to start getting everything in order now???

if im working now (as a CNA)by the time i can think about applying to veeb in summer2009 i already have enough saved up just in case FASFA dosen't come a years working experience under my belt as a CNA.

since im 18 (practiclly 19) now and based on everyone's opinion on the entrance exam its seems easy.I'm a good test taker so i don't think i'll have much problems in that department

now im still thinking about getting more credits at NCC

will they take my previous college education into consideration?

for September at NCC do you think i should take more Nursing related courses to show my accomplishments and Knowledge.

im not going into NCC's Nursing program b/c they require pre resquites

and is highly competitive.

I feel like at least with veeb its 1 year lpn,study my butt off, take my NCLEX ,Pass (not easy i know),and then im done. but NCC takes time and with such a competitive nursing program i don't know when i'll finish when there are how many hundereds of other people trying to take advantge of how cheap NCC is by squishing there way into the nursing program like a pack of sardines.

any advice???

Veeb is a vocational school so your credits from college will not benefit you at VEEB. Many of us at VEEB have bachelors degrees or have the prereqs. The good thing about VEEB is that many doors up when you are a LPN. There are so many bridge programs. That honestly is the ONLY benefit, besides being able to work as a LPN and take your time. The good thing though is that you are young so you have time. If you take prereqs at NCC, take A&P I,II, Human Growth and Development, and Sociology since most RN schools want these courses. You will have to check out in January 2009 if you want to start next Sept.

Good luck in your decisions!!

Setfreegirl you sound just like me.... only thing is i was a Premed major and i decided to get my LPN so i have a decent paying job to get me through the years instead of working crappy jobs until i become a doctor.. so i took one year off from my premed studies to do nursing.. i wanted to ask you something.. so if you can private message me cuz i dont know how to message you lol

Akinini... i can't respond to your messages because i think i've reached my limit of 5 (that sucks) so you have to IM me on Aim.. my screenname is Camvin1....and setfreegirl if you could IM me also that would be great... thanx

ok my screenname is Suikvnc

i was gonna say before

That's exactly what i'm doing

i never really wanted to do nursing from the beginning

but my mom told me LPN school was only like a year

and id be making 30 to 45K a year so that's why i decided to go to nursing school.Im mainly doing this to pay for a really good University

and to fund med school,(because grants,FASFAand Scholarships in whole are just not enough)

this is also good experience since the medical field is all related.

i really want to do child/adolscence psychology.

i think its much better if i go this route

i figure at least my university/med school bills will be small if not completely paid off if i do LPN.and i still would have spending/saving money.

plus some hospitals will pay your way thru school if your

going for your RN

Ok. But in the meantime go in and erase your private messages. I have to go do drug cards now so I will be away. Cam, you will be in this boat soon and will think of this post and laugh. DRUG CARDS! UGH!

lol.. i pray i make it all the way to july and i erased the messages but i still cant even get into the message center anymore.. it keeps telling me to upgrade my package or whatever this is

yo good luck for everyone tat is comin in sept.... u have 11 hard months.... lol.... i got 6 more weekz left.... barely makin it but makin it..... take my advice and take WISELY!!!!!.... STUDY FOR PHARM... and HUMAN DEVELOPMENT!!!!... no jokin on dat.... read the books until u cant read nomore... and go 2 tutorin.... itz hard... but if u have the heart to do it u can do it... oh! and get as much sleep as u can now cuz u are not gonna get it when u in there...

Specializes in LTC.

Hello to all

ok since orientation I already purchased all of my books and is nearly half way finish with the assignments they gave to us. Does anyone know if these assignments will cover material for the whole of the first semester or does it cover a part of it?

How old is everyone here??? When i was in orientation he asked if anyone was born in 1986 or after and nobody raised their hands.. i thought there were people in there my age.. but apparently not... im not even born in 86' so i know im way younger.. lol.. i was hoping to see more people my age

Specializes in LTC.

I am 25

How old is everyone here??? When i was in orientation he asked if anyone was born in 1986 or after and nobody raised their hands.. i thought there were people in there my age.. but apparently not... im not even born in 86' so i know im way younger.. lol.. i was hoping to see more people my age

yo mel p dont even bother doin those assignments dat they gave u... cuz really they r gonna start from scracth the only u have to do is the interview from the green module cuz she collects them... but besides dat dont even sweat it

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