Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Winter 2018

Nurses Job Hunt



I am graduating in December and I have the summer off so I've begun looking at potential places that I'd like to work.

I'm thinking I'd like to do a nurse residency because I want to work in a pediatric Critical Care setting (PICU or Peds ER) and I feel like having that whole year with someone helping me and that I can ask questions without feeling like an annoying dummy.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone here was looking at Vanderbilt's Nurse Residency for February 2018? I'm not from Nashville, but I'm also not too far away as I'm from North Alabama. I'd appreciate any tips about the residency or about Nashville!


I interviewed for an adult ICU unit and was told I would hear back Friday or beginning of October (next week)

I haven't heard anything either and it seems not many people applied there but just wondering. Do they offer you positions on another unit if you don't get your first choice?

I haven't heard anything either and it seems not many people applied there but just wondering. Do they offer you positions on another unit if you don't get your first choice?

I hope so. I'd be grateful for a position anywhere. It was hard to choose to begin with.

I haven't heard anything either and it seems not many people applied there but just wondering. Do they offer you positions on another unit if you don't get your first choice?

I feel like they'll offer to interview you for a different unit, but that unit either chooses to hire you or says no to you. I personally had a hard time deciding to accept it because I'd have to move or make a really long commute (which I could NOT do) and it wasn't the exact unit I wanted but it is Critical Care and requires ACLS. I want something exciting and constantly changing where I have to go with the flow, but has a little normalcy to it as well. Plus I currently work on a Stepdown” unit that isn't called that because our hospital doesn't use that term. And it's also respiratory not cardiac. But oh well now I'm rambling. Sorry í ½í¸Š

I don't see how they can just send emails and be like sorry we rejected you. Good luck with your future endeavors.” I feel like they wait until someone says sorry I got something better.” Then they move on to the next person and say CONGRATS WE LOVE YOU COME STAY WITH US!” lol good luck in waiting. I know it drove me nuts.

Where in New England are you? I'm in Ma!

So am I!

Did your offer letter say "Adult Acute Surgery Track Float Pool?" or is Float pool something different? Like is any "track" considered float pool within that track?

Surgical as well! I believe the initial orientation is 10-12 weeks and that includes the unit orientation and we'll find out which unit we're assigned to closer to starting.

Did you offer say Surgical Track Float Pool? Really concerned about the term float pool. I am afraid that isn't good for a new grad and I do not what to think about the offer.

Surgical as well! I believe the initial orientation is 10-12 weeks and that includes the unit orientation and we'll find out which unit we're assigned to closer to starting.

Did you offer say Surgical Track Float Pool? Really concerned about the term float pool. I am afraid that isn't good for a new grad and I do not what to think about the offer.

I don't believe the float pool was an options for the NRP. The "Tracks" they offer are basically just a group of units that are similar to each other. During orientation, we do rotate to the different to get a better idea of which unit we fit in with best and are then placed on a specific unit. I don't believe we rotate the entire time in the residency program though. I also don't think the float pool is an option for new grads in the residency program.

Gotcha. My offer said Acute Adult Medicine Track- Float pool, and then listed the four units within the adult medicine track. I guess I am just concerned about floating and having to know all the four units or does it just mean we get to experience them all and like you said, get an idea of where we fit?

Gotcha. My offer said Acute Adult Medicine Track- Float pool, and then listed the four units within the adult medicine track. I guess I am just concerned about floating and having to know all the four units or does it just mean we get to experience them all and like you said, get an idea of where we fit?

Congrats on your offer! When did you interview/get an offer? I'm waiting on a call back for medicine as well!

I accepted a position in the adult acute medicine track today! So excited!!

Where will you be coming from mamccullough1?

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