Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Winter 2018

Nurses Job Hunt



I am graduating in December and I have the summer off so I've begun looking at potential places that I'd like to work.

I'm thinking I'd like to do a nurse residency because I want to work in a pediatric Critical Care setting (PICU or Peds ER) and I feel like having that whole year with someone helping me and that I can ask questions without feeling like an annoying dummy.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone here was looking at Vanderbilt's Nurse Residency for February 2018? I'm not from Nashville, but I'm also not too far away as I'm from North Alabama. I'd appreciate any tips about the residency or about Nashville!


Patiently waiting for Friday to come around...

Has anyone gotten an offer from the adult ED?

Those who already got offers, did they call or email you?

Patiently waiting for Friday to come around...

Do they only do offers on Friday?

Those who already got offers, did they call or email you?

I was called the day after I interviewed and was offered the position for the Adult Acute Surgery Track. They emailed me the full offer either later that day or the next day and gave me a week to decide if I wanted the job.

Where in New England are you? I'm in Ma!

For PCICU, offers are made Friday í ½í¸¬

dnurse123 I haven't! I've been wondering if anyone has gotten an offer too. It is driving me crazy

Has anyone received an offer in adult acute medicine? Wondering if they haven't extended offers yet. It's only been a week since my interview but your post about hearing the next day makes me nervous.

Has anyone gotten an offer from the adult ED?

No! I haven't gotten an offer or heard anything. It's driving me crazy to wait

I wouldn't worry! I got my offer a week after I interviewed :)

Has anyone who interviewed for any of the adult ICU units been made an offer? It seems like most offers are made on Fridays but I could be wrong.

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