Vaccines and nursing school


Did everyone get all the vaccines required? How did you handle not having your records from childhood? Which vaccines did you have to get as an adult? I know hep B is something I don't think I've had. Did anyone opt out of the vaccines and did they question why you don't have your vaccines?

The only vaccine we had the option of opting out of was Hep B, and we would have to sign a waiver. Everything else was required. I had some of my vaccination records but not all, I has both the mumps and chicken pox as a kid so that took care of that one for me :)

Why would you want to opt out of them anyway?

My high school was able to give me a copy of my records. What they gave me either was incomplete, or my mom didn't completely vaccinate me, but whatever happened I took my records to the county clinic and gave them a copy of what I needed, and they shot me up. I may be super-immunized, but I'm immunized.

I didn't have to do it, but they can draw titers for Chicken Pox...can they do it for the other vaccines also?

I think they can draw them for chicken pox and MMR

Yeah, you can have your titers drawn for some things. :)

I was going to suggest your parents - my step mom gave me a copy of my shot records when I was getting ready to go away to school.

Additionally, I know that at least now they keep track of shots in a database. I know b/c I wasn't given the info on my kids and when we switched Dr's, despite sending over records, they still had to look up some additional information and they found the information on the database.

I'll check with my high school. I bet they are going to love that request.

I am not big on having vaccines. I would say I am just cautious from things I've read about them. I know being a nurse, I should get them and I probably will. I just don't want to repeat vaccines I already had as a child.


I am not sure how old you are (my pediatrician is probably dead...LOL) but maybe your parents know what doc did your shots.

I'm 46 and my mom doesn't have them. She was not one to keep track of anything.

Just wondering why this thread was moved. I think it would get more response in the gjeneral forum.

I feel the same way about vaccines....sort of cautious. However, titers can take a while and be costly. Also, keep in mind that you probably don't still have immunity to or from half the things you were vaccinated against as a child. So you pay for titers then turn around and pay for shots.....

imo vaccines are more dangerous then the risk of actually getting a disease. every state offers some sort of exemption and the school and clinical site should honor them....if not, they're breaking the law. with my kids, i research the disease to see what the threat is, the severity of the disease and whatnot and then i look into the vaccine. a lot of the vaccines have chemicals that i don't want in my kids bodies. anyway, i think this way is the best way to decide whether or not to vaccinate yourself. here's a link on the different exemptions if you're looking into refusing. state vaccine requirements – national vaccine information center good luck with your decision. :)

Not sure why it was sooner was it moved a new vaccination thread popped up. Well I am out of ideas, the vaccinations were required in my school, and many are required to work in a hospital also. I worked in a hospital for 15 yrs, non patient care, and was still required to have the same vaccinations and tb testing that people in direct pt care had to do. You may just have to bite the bullet on this one.

Oh and as an after thought, we also have to have a flu shot or we have to wear a mask ALL day at clinicals.

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

I had all of my vaccines when I joined the Navy... however, it's going to take more time than I have to request the paperwork from them. I'm going to be "Super-Immunized" as someone already mentioned. I received those shots about 7 years ago anyways so I'm not worried about receiving them again this year.

I figure that not only am I protecting myself from the little nasties but I'm also protecting my family.

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