UTHSCSA Spring 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


I'm considering going to nursing school through the Baptist Health System in San Antonio or UTHSCSA. Most people I get advice from tell me hands down to go for UTHSCSA. I would like to hear from more of you who are currently enrolled or have gone through the nursing school program at either one of these locations in San Antonio. What did you like about the teachers, faculty, the content you were learning, etc. What were your hours like at school and if you had kids, how did you manage your time.

I am still a pre-nursing student and have one more semester in Spring of 2014 to complete before I can apply. I am very excited and just want to know more information. Also, a close family friend is attending nursing school at Wayland Baptist and informed me that their nursing program is shutting down. Is there any truth to this?

Has anyone had any luck with transcript verification? I'm still waiting, at this point I wonder if it will ever be done.

Mine verified. I got an email Friday.

Has anyone had any luck with transcript verification? I'm still waiting, at this point I wonder if it will ever be done.

Mine still have not been verified.

Has anyone had any luck with transcript verification? I'm still waiting, at this point I wonder if it will ever be done.

Nothing. Mine is still sitting in limbo. It says transcripts received but nothing about being verified. This. is. annoying.

Mine took almost two months to verify. They had my transcripts June 10 so hang in there! They also calculated my gpa, which is the gpa Uthscsa will use to rank us.

I'm literally just sitting around like twiddling my thumbs waiting for transcript verification.

Waiting sucks…

On the positive side, I got to watch one of the nurses at work access a Mediport last night, or I guess early this morning; I've never seen one accessed before, but I've seen one taken out and that was pretty cool. But watching one be started was seriously wicked awesome.

hi everybody! I'm applying to UTHSCSA for Fall 2016, I was just wondering if anybody had any helpful tips for me? Thanks and good luck to you all :)

hi everybody! I'm applying to UTHSCSA for Fall 2016, I was just wondering if anybody had any helpful tips for me? Thanks and good luck to you all :)

My tip is to study hard for the TEAS

hi everybody! I'm applying to UTHSCSA for Fall 2016, I was just wondering if anybody had any helpful tips for me? Thanks and good luck to you all :)

Agreed, definitely study for the TEAS, it seems the scores they are accepting each semester are steadily rising.

Also make sure to submit everything early, like waaaaaay early. I submitted everything in May, had to resend transcripts end of June, and I'm still waiting for transcript verification (nearly 3 weeks after the application deadline)

I am definitely studying for the test as much as I can.

I won't finish all my sciences till December though and then I will be submitting transcripts, will it be in time for the Feb 1 deadline?

I agree about the teas. Study and practice good test taking skills. Also get your transcripts sent out asap! Yours will be going out during the holiday season and it snows in Massachusetts.

Weeeellll i received my rejection letter from admissions today. Womp Womp. I hope everyone else gets in! :nurse:

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