UTHSC-Houston Fall 2012 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


Hello everyone! This thread is for everyone applying to the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. I believe they will be accepting applications from January 15-April 1, so the sooner the better! Their admission requirements are pretty standard:

Minimum Pre-Req Gpa: 2.75

Minimum Science Gpa: 3.0

Minimum HESI A2 score: 75% or higher on all required sections - math, reading comprehension, vocabulary/general knowledge, grammar, anatomy and physiology, critical thinking.

My info is really not that competitive, but I'm going to give it a shot anyways -

Pre-Req Gpa: 3.30

Science Gpa: 3.0 (Barely cutting it! :crying2: )

Overall Gpa: 3.28

Hesi score: 93.3% overall, with my lowest score being a 90.

My gpa is not the best, but I still have 3 more classes to finish this semester, and I'm aiming for all A's! I think the best thing I have going for me is my HESI scores.

Anyone else planning on applying? What are your stats? Any questions? Lets hear them, and good luck to all who are applying!

Ktdidit - any word yet? I saw that your turning down your UTMB spot for another school... Was it for UTHSC?

Has anybody started a Facebook group yet?


I have not heard back from UT just yet! I did get accepted to TWU though so I turned UTMB down because it was just too far for me! I'm still hoping to hear from UT so that I can make the final decision! Congratulations to you!


i have been following this forum for awhile now and i just found out i was accepted! so i thought i would come on to ask a question to see if anyone knew anything else. I was wondering if anyone was aware of how long it takes for the registrar to approve the in state residency form we all have to fill out?? I have lived in texas awhile but just recently moved to Arkansas with my family. So i was wondering to see if anyone could tell me if they know how long it takes for them to determine residency?? and if anyone has started a facebook group please post the link so i can join!

I too feel so deflated. I had "holds" and my last name starts with L. Still no changes here...just that yellow triangle. Last year when I applied, I never had any holds. I was so excited last week when I saw the holds.

I'm not sure what they are looking for... I am a little older (45) but I am looking for my second career. I have been consistent with employment over the last 20 years in medical sales. I have a BS in psychology and had all the classes needed to apply except for nutrition. I actually took A&P over again to refresh myself for the HESI. I made an A in A&P and a 90 on the HESI. I then took nutrition and made an A as well.

I guess I figured after applying twice to show that I really wanted it and that I took A&P over while I was working (on line course at that), it would look like I really had it together and would get in.

Overall 3.162

Nursing 3.278

Science 3.5


Hey guys! I have been following this thread for awhile now! I know how some of you feel. I believe that their decision letters go out may not be by last name but how early you sent in your application. Just a thought!

Also, are the things on our to-do list really due on May 16? Thats a month from now!!!

Just got an acceptance email. Have until april 27 to send intent form (to accept my acceptance) and lists 8 things to do before orientation (august 15) and first day of class (august 27).

3:45pm and no status change. All hope is gone. Guess I'll look for my flush letter to arrive in the mail. I just don't understand what they wanted. I thought my stats were competitive, but it appears that they have fallen short. I read a post on here that UTHSC doesn't disclose the reason(s) for not accepting you. That makes it very difficult to know what you need to do to make yourself a better candidate. Bottom line....UTHSC doesn't want me. Thank you guys for your kind words, optimism, and support. Best of luck to all of you in your current and future endeavors.

You might receive a letter before anything changes so I think it's still too early to give up.

vintagepneony, i know how you feel. i have no holds and not changes currently. here are my stats.

prereq gpa: 3.945

science gpa: 4.00

Hesi: 88

Critical thinking: 800

I have received the green check this morning and already accepted the invitation to attend the school. Are we suppose to get another email with all the you mentioned, warning-sign?

Also vintagepeony, dont be discouraged! i attend a&M as well! i am sure they just have not gotten to you!

Well, I did. I got an email from someone telling me I got accepted it came with two attachments. One with the 8 things you need to do before orientation (august 15) like background check, immunization, ect. and the other is a form that you have to send to the school. I don't know if you have to send the form even if you accepted the acceptance online.

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